Where to put the dll file. How to install DLL files: some simple methods. "Broken game" - the cause of the error

The absence of the msvcp100.dll file is a fairly common problem that occurs mainly after installing various modern games. This error occurs when the user tries to launch the installed game, but the system displays the above and very unpleasant alert.

Before we begin to examine the methods by which this problem can be eliminated, let’s consider the causes of its occurrence. The described file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ package, which is necessary to run a number of programs and applications. Its immediate absence is the result of damage to this file by crookedly installed third-party programs or malware. An alert informing you that msvcp100.dll is missing may look like this. To fix the above error, you can use two methods. One of them is downloading the msvcp100.dll file from third-party sites. It should be noted right away that although this method seems to be the most effective, it is very risky: you never know whether it is an original file or whether it contains malicious code. In addition, even the presence of msvcp100.dll does not guarantee the launch of the necessary games and programs that request this file. So, if you decide to fix this problem by downloading msvcp100.dll separately, you need to know where to dump it. First, copy the file using the right mouse button or using the key combination “Ctrl + C”. But before that, you need to check the file for viruses using the installed antivirus. This will help to protect yourself, at least to some extent, from possible malware that may be written in the file. Determine on your computer. Afterwards, through the “Start” menu, on the right side, open the “My Computer” tab. You must select the local drive where your system is installed. In most cases, this is the “C” drive. Depending on the bit depth of your system, the directories where you need to copy the file will differ: “C:\Windows\system32” (if the system is 32 (or 86) bit) and “C: \Windows\SysWOW64" (if the system is 64-bit). In this example, the file needs to be copied to a 64-bit system. When you try to copy a file to this directory, the system may display a warning that you need to confirm the action on behalf of the administrator. We agree by clicking on the “Continue” button. We try to launch the application we need. If an error message also appears, then we continue the process: we register the file we copied in the system. To do this, open the “Start” menu and through “All Programs” find the “Standard” folder. In this folder, click on the “Run” tab. In the window that opens, enter the command “regsvr32 msvcp100.dll” (without quotes). After the system executes the command, reboot it. The second method is the most effective and reliable. The fact is that copying the msvcp100.dll file may not help solve this problem - after copying it, the following notification may appear, but about the absence of another library file. In this connection, it is much more advisable to reinstall the entire Microsoft Visual C++ package. You must download the package from the official Microsoft website. In this case, you also need to remember about the bit depth of your system and download the package either for the 32-bit version or for the 64-bit version. After clicking the “Download” button, a request to download the file will appear. We confirm the download, after which all that remains is to install this package.

You can often encounter a situation where a program or game requires the installation of various additional DLL files. This problem can be solved quite easily; it does not require special knowledge or skills.

You can install the library on the system in various ways. There are special programs to perform this operation, or you can also do it manually. Simply put, this article will answer the question - “Where to throw dll files?” after downloading them. Let's consider each option separately.

Method 1: DLL Suite

DLL Suite is a program that can itself find the file you need on the Internet and install it on the system.

To do this you will need to do the following:

That's it, if the download is successful, the program will indicate the downloaded file with a green mark.

Method 2: DLL-Files.com Client

DLL-Files.com Client is in many ways similar to the program discussed above, but has some differences.

To install the library here you need to do the following:

That's it, your DLL library has been copied to the system.

The program has an additional advanced view - this is a mode in which you can select different versions of DLL to install. If a game or program requires a specific version of a file, you can find it by enabling this type in the DLL-Files.com Client.

If you need to copy a file to a location other than the default one, you click on the button "Select version" and you will be taken to the installation options window for advanced users. Here you do the following:

  1. Specify the path where the installation will be performed.
  2. Click on the button "Install Now".

The program will copy the file to the specified folder.

Method 3: System Tools

You can install the library manually. To do this, you will need to download the DLL file itself and subsequently simply copy or move it to the folder at:


In conclusion, it must be said that in most cases, DLL files are installed along the path:


But if you are dealing with Windows 95/98/Me operating systems, then the installation path will be like this:


For Windows NT/2000:


64-bit systems may require a different installation path.

Greetings to all gamers who love to play but don't have money (or desires) to buy licensed copies of the game... I'm 100% sure that you are exactly like that, because the owners of the license have the question 3dmgame.dll where to throw it? - in principle, it cannot arise, and if you are really wondering why, after downloading and throwing the file where you need it, nothing will happen and the toy will still not work - then feel free to read on. I will not talk about whether piracy is good or bad, I will try to explain to you the nature of things, where this file comes from and why googling this problem is a real failure.

I think this file is deservedly lost for the most part for Grand Theft Auto 5, because this game is one of our most popular, but not everyone can pay two thousand rubles for a toy in the midst of a crisis - nothing can be done about it. In this case, our gamer will of course go to the well-known torrent tracker and download it there... then spend several hours on installation (and some repacks actually take forever to install) he will suddenly discover that the game does not start and requires the 3dmgame.dll file

Pay attention! - on my blog there is an overview, interesting note... no need to look where - in fact, everything is solved quite simply, but you need to figure out what the reason is - it’s all there, don’t miss it...

Where should I put 3dmgame.dll and why is it needed?

What to do next? - in the review article I wrote where the problems of this file come from, then you may have a completely logical question - what for is this note in general, if everything is written there? ... the answer is simple and very clear - many people advise you to download and upload this file with the game folder, but in fact you will install 2-3 extra browsers and much more interesting things. This note is just an attempt to warn you and guide you to the correct and only correct solution to the problem.

In a licensed copy of the game, as I wrote earlier, this file is not and cannot be - therefore, these are the problems of a pirated, hacked game... and it’s all your anti-virus system’s fault (no matter how good it is and false positives for such files are generally normal). Above you can see an error in GTA5, even if it doesn’t say that there is no 3dmgame file, but the problem is precisely in it, namely in its absence.

What should we do? — ask your antivirus for the answer. Here I have NOD32 (by the way, the other day I was given a key to test AVG 2016 - wait for a note with a review)... here everything is simple for me, we find the “Quarantine” tab and look at our 3dmgame file there. There is no need to download, and it will be restored where it should be - if your antivirus puts files in quarantine, it may well be that it simply deleted it without the possibility of recovery.

In this case, you will need to reinstall the game completely (not forgetting about the antivirus, it doesn’t sleep and everything will happen again) or by finding a separate crack for the game, so as not to download everything together (by the way, the distribution kit may well have to be downloaded again, you don’t know at what stage your antivirus killed this file)

P.S. Well, we’ve figured out that you don’t need to throw 3dmgame.dll anywhere, everything can be solved much easier. I hope my note helped you.

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From time to time, some people have problems launching games. These can be a variety of applications from different developers. The only thing they have in common is the year of manufacture. Namely - 2013. And the error that occurs in these situations is associated with the lack of new libraries on the computer. Specifically, Msvcr120.dll. Where to throw and where to get this file - you can read below.

First way

Msvcr120.dll is a library included with Visual Studio 2013. It is responsible for the functionality of many products and is a necessary part of the software of modern computers. If, when starting a program, you receive an error message with the following content: “The program cannot be started. Msvcr120.dll is missing,” then do not rush to despair, you can easily get it on your computer.

The best solution to this problem is to download the distribution of Visual Studio 2013 components from the official Microsoft website and install all the elements. Depending on your internet speed, this may take up to 1.5 hours of your time, but it's worth it. After all, you will have at your disposal a number of useful libraries and drivers that will be useful to you in the future. And think about the question: "Msvcr120.dll - where to throw it?" - you won't have to.

Second method

It is not much different from the previous one. You still need to visit a well-known site. There you can find and download only the file you need. Searching and downloading will take you literally a couple of minutes. You will need a version specifically for your operating system. You can find out by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon and selecting the “Properties” tab. So, you have downloaded msvcr120.dll. Where to throw? you need to place it in one of the following locations.

  1. For 32-bit systems - to the folder "C:/Windows/system32".
  2. For 64-bit - "C:/Windows/sysWOW64".
  3. In rare cases, after placing the file in the specified folders, you see that the program still does not find msvcr120.dll. What to do? Try putting it in the game folder.

Once you have placed the file in the correct folder, be sure to restart your computer. There are cases in which you need to independently register the path to it in the registry. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Launch the command line by entering the command “CMD” into the search.
  2. Place the downloaded library file on your desktop.
  3. Enter the command "cd desktop".
  4. We write “regsvr32 msvcr120.dll” and press “enter”.

After this, reboot the personal computer.


There is an even faster way to get the file you are looking for. It's called mindfulness. Many games ask you which components you want to install before installation. And it is among them that you often find distributions of Visual Studio 2013. Therefore, if during installation you simply refused to install this package of libraries on your computer on your own, then try either completely reinstalling the game, specifying the drivers, or manually find the necessary file on the disk - installer

If the problems continue after this, then use the search on your computer and try to manually find msvcr120.dll. Where should I put the found file? Yes to all folders specified in the article. Try moving the library around to check its functionality. At the same time, do not forget to restart the computer every time, while it will automatically check the integrity of the OS and find fresh files.


When downloading and installing programs from unknown places, make sure they are safe. Be sure to scan them for viruses and malware. After all, if they get into system partitions, they can not only deprive you of the opportunity to play the toy you are interested in, but also send your personal computer to the landfill. If you decide to install the file you are looking for from a disk, make sure that it is licensed, otherwise no one can vouch for the quality.

It often happens that some program does not want to run, because... You are missing a certain DLL file on your computer. What to do in this case? You need to download and install this file. There are usually no problems downloading a DLL file from the Internet, but how to install it?

The first way to install a DLL file:
The easiest way is to simply place the dll file you downloaded in the folder with the program you are trying to run. This method is very simple, but does not always work.

The second way to install a DLL file:
The second method is to place the downloaded dll file in the system folders of your operating system. First, you need to find out what operating system you have. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and go to “Properties”. The type of your operating system will be indicated there:

If you have a 32-bit operating system, then:
  • Open My Computer.
  • Go to the "Windows" folder.
  • Find the "System32" folder there and place the downloaded DLL file in it.
If you have a 64-bit operating system, then:
  • Open My Computer.
  • Open your system drive (usually drive "C").
  • Go to the "Windows" folder.
  • Find the "SysWOW64" folder there and place the downloaded DLL file in it.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
The third way to install a DLL file:
The third method is used if you installed the dll file using the second method, but you still get an error. You need to manually indicate to the system that you installed the dll file. For this:
  • Go to the Start menu.
  • Enter "cmd" in the search bar. And open the found program.
  • In the window that opens, enter " regsvr32 dll_file_name.dll". (for example, like this: "regsvr32 test.dll")
  • Restart your computer.