How to record a telephone conversation on Android? How to record a phone conversation on Android? How to record a conversation on an Asus phone

With each new generation, modern smartphones more and more convincingly prove to their owners that they are not just “dialers”, but real portable computers. Now even mid-priced models have such a high level of performance that those functions, the use of which quite recently led to slowdowns, are processed in real time, almost completely “transparent” to the user. For example, the speed of processors has become sufficient for processing pictures taken in HDR mode, and recording a conversation on Android does not affect the quality of communication at all, since there are enough resources for all tasks.

Essential Function

The main function of any smartphone is to make voice calls. Despite the fact that there are several types of mobile networks (GSM, CDMA), differing in the way the transmitted signal is encoded and the operating frequency, the final output is an audio stream. If you have the necessary software, the user can record any communication session to a file and listen to it later.

Unobvious advantage

Until recently, it seemed that recording a conversation on Android was an unhelpful feature that would be in demand only by a limited number of smartphone owners. However, everything is changing, and now almost everyone wants this feature in their mobile assistant. A recording of a telephone conversation is, in essence, a document. So, having agreed, for example, on the supply of any goods, you can be sure to a certain extent that everything will be fulfilled, since attempts to renege on your words will not work in this case. Or there are situations when the dialogue provides some numbers, passwords or other information that is difficult to remember. In this case, it is very convenient to record a telephone conversation on Android, and then, in a calm environment, listen to it. In particular, this allows you not to worry about not having a pen or piece of paper at hand when you call.

System "MIUI"

Many owners of smartphones running the Android operating system version 4.4.x - the so-called "Kit-Kat" - install an alternative solution from Chinese developers - the MiUI operating system - on their gadgets. It, unlike the standard one, uses a significantly redesigned interface. Its main philosophy is convenience, which was fully realized. It is not surprising that the number of gadgets with MIUI is growing almost daily. Especially considering that there are many. The owner of a mobile device with MiUI does not need to look for advice on how to activate conversation recording on Android, because in this system everything is incredibly simple and obvious. Saving is possible for both incoming and outgoing calls. The use of the provided software mechanism in these cases is completely identical.

During a call, a standard screen is displayed (here we assume that the user did not change the “dialer”), at the bottom of which 6 icons are displayed. If you press the bottom right, you will start recording a telephone conversation on Android. Confirmation that the mechanism has been activated is when the red timer starts counting down. When the session is completed (saving is turned off or the call is interrupted), a window will appear at the top of the screen prompting you to listen and save the recording. If no changes have been made, the files are placed in the Sound_recorder/call_rec folder on the SD memory card.

Setting up recording in MIUI

The basic function of saving a conversation to a file can be adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the device owner. In particular, if you want to record all calls, then to do this you should go to the “dialer” (green handset icon), call up the menu and in the “General” section select “Call recording”. A list of items will be displayed, by controlling the state of which you can activate automatic saving. Additionally, you can specify whether all sessions will be processed or whether only some of them should be given priority. Of course, the settings are not limited to this. If you select the “System Applications” section in the general menu, you will find the “Voice Recorder” item there. It has the ability to specify the quality of the saved audio stream and, as a result, the final file size.

Popular CyanogenMod

Of course, not only MIUI has the ability to record a conversation on Android, so to speak, “out of the box”. Recently, this function has also been implemented in CyanogenMod firmware. In order to use this software mechanism, you should click on the three menu dots during a voice communication session, which will display a list of actions, including blacklisting and the item responsible for starting to record a conversation. If the Voice Recorder application is initially missing or uninstalled, the function will not be available.

Just "Android"

The basic version of the Google operating system, which is preinstalled by manufacturers in their gadgets, does not always allow you to record a conversation on Android without using various third-party software solutions. It all depends on whether the mobile device manufacturer updates the firmware or not. The record button is placed in the dialer window when making/receiving a call.

Automatic Call Recorder Pro

For obvious reasons, the best program for recording conversations on Android cannot be named. Each of them has its own features that make one or another solution more preferable for some and completely inconvenient for other users. However, there is a program that compares favorably with the rest in that it actually works, both on older versions of the operating system and on the newest ones. This is Automatic Call Recorder Pro, and it even has a Russian-language interface, which makes its use clear even for beginners.

To get started with this program, after installation, you need to launch it using the appropriate shortcut, select a theme and specify whether to increase the volume during calls, improving audibility when recording. Next, in the settings, the user has the opportunity to specify from which source to record the stream (line, microphones), and check the desired format (WAV, 3GP or AMR). That's all. Whenever there is a call, the program automatically starts recording to a file, as evidenced by the mark on the curtain. When the call is completed, you can open it, see how many entries have been made, and save or delete the data. With it, you don’t have to think about how to enable conversation recording on Android, because everything is done automatically.

Digital recording

Also worth noting is the Digital Pro app. Although reviews about it are contradictory, when used correctly, everything works just fine, even on CyanogenMod 13 builds. Problems are only possible if the source from which the audio stream is taken is incorrectly selected, which the developer honestly warns about. The last update was in December 2015. Once launched, in the settings you can choose whether to display notifications after the end of the communication session; make a choice whether to save files or display a dialog box; indicate the required format (there are MP3 and even MP4). The choice of sources is limited to 4 points: telephone line (high quality), microphones and voices (your own or your interlocutor’s). Vibration at the beginning of a call means that the recording is not taking place due to a failure, and you need to change the source or file type (the most compatible is 3GP). If everything is fine, then at the end of the call a window is displayed asking whether to save the file. Everything is incredibly simple. Since this application works automatically, recording all calls, the question may arise about how to disable call recording on Android. This function is also provided. When you start the program, in the first window there is a switch that allows you to deactivate saving.

The beauty of Android is that even if your smartphone does not have some of the capabilities you need, the list of its functions can be easily expanded using the store. What can you find there! How about recording your conversations? During a conversation, important information may slip through that you were unable to remember or even hear, and it may be convenient to be able to listen to the recording.

As you might have guessed, this is possible with Android. Please note that in many countries, recording telephone conversations is illegal unless the other person is aware that the conversation will be recorded. Now that you are informed, you can follow this link to Google Play for the Automatic Call Recorder app.

This app doesn't just record calls. It has a sufficient range of functions to make it convenient for you. For example, you can automatically save recordings not only locally on your device, but also in Dropbox or Google Drive. This is convenient if you want to access recordings from other devices. Three audio recording formats are supported: 3GP, AMR and WAV.

Time to talk about how the application works. Once you complete the setup, it will automatically launch and start recording as soon as you make or receive a call. To let you know that recording is in progress, a red indicator will light up in the notification area. As soon as you finish speaking, you will receive a notification that the recording is ready. By clicking on the notification, you can add a note to the recording, save it, listen to it, or delete it.

That's all, actually. Automatic Call Recorder does exactly one thing, but the way it is implemented in the application makes it one of the most elegant and convenient methods of recording conversations.

Based on materials from PhoneArena

From the article you will learn

In many countries, recording a telephone conversation without the other party's knowledge may be punishable by law. This fact is recognized as an unauthorized invasion of privacy, that is, a direct violation of human rights, and for this you can get a real prison sentence. But in Russia there are no such strict rules, and if you have a modern Android device, then it is quite possible to make the necessary entry.

Through the device itself

As soon as you receive a call, you need to immediately start a conversation. At the top you can find the “More” settings, open the list of possible functions, and if you find the “Voice Recorder” item, then your device supports recording. Click it and the process will begin. No need to worry, you will hear your interlocutor well, just as he will hear you.

Now we need to find the file we created. From the phone book, go to the list of recent connections, and on the line where the recording was made, you will see a special icon, you just need to click on it and playback will begin. If this icon is not there, then you can go the other way - open the file manager and go to the “Call Recording” directory. The system itself can create a sound file either in the device memory or on removable media. You can immediately set the storage path, or you can then manually move it to microSD.

This is the easiest way to record a telephone conversation. But its only drawback is that not all companies implement similar functionality in their mobile devices running Android.

Using special software

Not all devices have the ability to record using hardware. What to do if you are the owner of an Android device that lacks this functionality? There are many utilities loaded on the Play Market, with the help of which you can perform the intended action.

Note! To download content from Google Play, you must log into the store using your account; if you still don’t have one, then register in a separate window.

This program for recording telephone conversations is considered one of the most popular. She is available.


  • Absolutely free content for recording conversations.
  • Affordable and convenient search for recorded audio files.
  • Possibility of grouping by creation date.
  • In the PRO version you can send entries by email.
  • Old files can be deleted automatically (set the mode in the settings).
  • Marked files (important) will remain in memory forever unless the user deletes them.
  • Convenient service for all kinds of settings.
  • Supports all modern audio file formats.
  • Possibility of integration with cloud storages.
  • Automatic or manual recording mode.

After installing this application on your Android smartphone, you need to make its initial settings:

  1. Open and go to the settings menu.
  2. Go to the "Media Content" tab.
  3. Replace the standard AMR audio recording format with modern WAV.
  4. Now you need to go to the sound source settings - there you need to set the value Mic (microphone).
  5. That's it, all settings are completed. Now, after each connection, the utility can automatically start recording, but you can also set it to manual mode (optional).

You can set records to be created against certain numbers, or exclude them from the list altogether. You can conveniently transfer audio files to the device’s memory card so that they do not clog it.

I would also like to talk about another functional application, which is called Smart Auto Call Recorder and is available. It provides users with the ability to record conversations automatically. The application has already received many good reviews on its Google Play page.

After installing the software, before starting work, it is recommended to go to its settings and set the recording format to MP4 instead of 3gpp. Yes, of course, the file size will be much larger, but the recording quality will be at a very high level.

There are many other similar utilities that allow you to record telephone conversations on Android. Some of them have a Russian-language version, which is undoubtedly more convenient, while others do not, but they all work on the same principle.

The programs listed below can automatically record calls, without an Internet connection. You only need to download, configure and periodically clean one of these applications from old audio recordings. But if you want, you can manually record only selected conversations.

1.Cube Call Recorder ACR

In addition to regular cellular calls, this application can record voice conversations in almost any such as Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Viber. But not all smartphones support this function - install the program to test it on yours.

By default, Cube Call Recorder ACR records all conversations, but you can add selected numbers to the exception list so that the program ignores them.

2. “Call recording”

With this program, you can automatically record conversations only with selected contacts, or with unknown numbers, or absolutely everything - depending on the filter settings.

The application supports locking the recording storage via a PIN code, synchronization with and allows you to customize the sound quality. The paid version has no ads and can automatically upload audio files to Google Drive or Dropbox.

How to Record a Conversation on iPhone

Due to iOS limitations, recording phone conversations on iPhone is more difficult, but there are still working methods.

1. Via mobile application

In the App Store you can find programs that record calls in a roundabout way - using a conference call. This is how it works: you connect a bot to a conversation with the right person, the latter silently records the conversation and sends you the recording via the Internet.

Among such applications is TapeACall Lite. The program contains detailed video instructions in Russian, so it will not be difficult to understand it.

TapeACall Lite provides a free 7-day period, after which it debits the amount specified in the application from the user's card every month. If you sign up for a trial but later decide to cancel the program, don't forget.

2. Using a special device

There are also special accessories for iPhone designed to record conversations. For example, which is suitable for recording both conversations on cellular networks and online calls via Skype, Viber and other instant messengers. This accessory will cost you approximately $115.

There is also a more affordable solution - Koolertron headphones with call recording function for $32. 512 MB of built-in memory will be enough to record up to 16 hours of conversation.

How to record a conversation on any phone

The most obvious way, but let's add it for completeness: you can record calls with a voice recorder. As a rule, programs for recording audio through a microphone are disabled as soon as you start talking on the phone. But you can always take another smartphone with such a program on board or a regular voice recorder and bring it to your phone. For better quality, you can turn on speakerphone.

All iPhones come with a pre-installed audio recording app. If your Android smartphone does not have such a program, you can install any voice recorder from Lifehacker.

About 10 years ago, most Android smartphones had a built-in function for recording telephone conversations. Now it is much less common because software and mobile device developers have paid attention to issues of privacy and legality.

In developed countries, recording conversations without notifying all parties is prohibited and is punishable by administrative or criminal measures. In order not to participate in legal proceedings, the developers of new versions of Android and modern proprietary firmware either completely removed the call recording function or significantly limited it. We are talking not only about prohibiting work for pre-installed firmware tools, but also for third-party applications.

The minimum liability for transferring recordings of a conversation to a third party without the consent of the interlocutor in the Russian Federation is a fine of 500 to 5000 rubles under Article 13.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount increases if you have caused reputational or commercial damage by such a transfer. In this case, the victim will demand compensation for moral and real commercial damage, and these are amounts of a completely different order.

Table of devices that have problems recording conversations

Most branded modern smartphones are already protected from recording conversations, and sometimes even system sounds in general.

Table 1 is a list of smartphone lines that will have problems recording calls:

In fact, the list is more extensive, because the requirement that prevents the recording of conversations is fully implemented in Android 9, accordingly, most new smartphones with this version of the OS will have problems, regardless of the device manufacturer. Exceptional companies that, contrary to Google's policy, allow their subscribers to use the recording at their discretion, include Xiaomi.

In addition to prohibitions on recording calls inside smartphones, Google has also introduced additional requirements for applications on the Play Market.

Programs that previously saved your conversations without problems now work in a limited mode, and their developers publish full versions on third-party resources. Among the classic possible problems, there are 3:

  • I can’t hear the interlocutor;
  • the interlocutor’s number is not determined;
  • I can't hear anything.

How to record a conversation on your phone using built-in tools

The easiest way to save conversations is to use the button on the screen during a conversation. For example, on Xiaomi Redmi S2 with Android ver. 9 has a “Record” button (right side of photo 1), but there is no such button on the Samsung Galaxy A30 with the same software version (left side of photo 1).

The specified button may be called “Record”, “Dictaphone”, “Record conversation”. It may not be in the main conversation menu; in this case, click on the button with the plus sign icon and look there.

How to turn on the voice recorder during a call

To turn on the voice recorder during a call, use the button described at the end of the previous chapter. It turns recording on and off at any time during a conversation. If it is not there, you will have to launch a special application or connect a third-party voice recorder. Using them, you can also automatically or manually turn on or off the voice recorder.

We will describe in more detail how to work with programs and individual voice recorders below.

Applications for recording phone conversations

If your smartphone does not have the standard ability to record a conversation, try installing a special application. Some of them will have to be downloaded from third-party resources to get full functionality. For others, you will have to configure the system correctly. Still others will do everything without extra effort.

Some applications notify the interlocutor about their work using a periodic sound signal. This feature can be turned off.

Google has banned access to call logs for applications listed on the Play Market. Therefore, developers have to publish a limited version of the software on the Play Market, and a full version on other resources. Therefore, if changing the settings does not solve the problem, try downloading the application from another site.

All applications described below have a free version.

Automatic Call Recorder

When you launch it for the first time, it will require you to agree to a number of conditions, including:

  • I confirm that call recording is legal in my country;
  • I know that having more than one call recording app can create problems.

To configure the application before use, two steps are enough:

  1. Launch Automatic Call Recorder.
  2. Click "Write Permission" in the top half of the screen and click "Allow" as many times as the system prompts.

After this, the application will launch automatically every time you make a call. To verify this, go to the tray and find the inscription under the heading “Call Recorder”, as in the screenshot below.

After the conversation, the program will automatically open to generate the file.

After the first conversation with the application turned on, it will prompt you to activate identification permissions to determine the numbers of callers. For this:

This algorithm may differ on different smartphone models.

After you allow the application to use the phone numbers of your interlocutors, it will also offer to correlate them with your contact book. In order for this function to work, in the pop-up window, click “Allow caller identification” and respond positively to the pop-up system message.

Listen to audio files from the Call Recorder main window. They are filtered by tabs, which can be switched at the top of the window. There are 3 of them – “All”, “Incoming” and “Outgoing”.

By default, the application records all incoming and outgoing calls. To change this:

To clear your phone memory of unnecessary call recorder audio files, use the “Delete short recordings” function in the “Settings” section.

Antiviruses, recording applications, and system programs can interfere with the operation of applications. How hard you have to try to make the application work correctly depends on the brand and year of manufacture of the smartphone. For example, one of the application users claims that the Samsung A20 cannot hear the interlocutor, but the older Samsung J3 model does not have this problem.

Polis callrecorder

This application can be downloaded from Play Market,

but the developers in the comments indicate a third-party link to the version that will work completely. There are various complaints about software from the Play Market - it does not identify contacts, does not record the interlocutor, nothing is heard.

When you first launch the application, you need to give 4 permissions:

  • to record from a microphone;
  • to access files for saving;
  • to manage calls;
  • to access contacts.

This is more convenient than the previous application, where some of these permissions had to be granted separately. When prompted by the system, click “Okay” and “Allow” 4 times.

After that, just call or accept a call. If during a conversation the message “Call is being recorded” appears in the tray, then everything works. The program will not open after the call ends, do it yourself.

On the main screen of the application, the list of recorded calls is not filtered, but you can view the duration, creation date and interlocutor. Click on the desired line to play the resulting audio file.

The application records conversations in m4a format by default, but in the “Recording Settings” section you can also choose mp3, wav or amr. To do this, open the side menu with the button in the form of three parallel lines, and enter the “Settings” item.

In the same section you can edit the recording source. There are 5 options possible:

  • telephone line – records internal system audio;
  • microphone;
  • your voice to record only yourself;
  • the voice of the interlocutor, so as not to record your words;
  • communication.

If you have problems with the program, make sure that your device is supported by the developer on the official website.

If you don't need to record all calls in a row:

  1. Enter the “Settings” section of the side menu.
  2. Select "Record Filtering".
  3. Enable the "Filter" and "Change filtering" functions.
  4. Add the desired contacts using the add button from the contact list (1) and the manual input button (2).


In order not to confuse the desired application with the call program of the same name in the Play Market, use the link.

Working with the application also begins with confirmation of legality. Answer all questions in the affirmative. Don't forget to tick all the items on the proposed lists.

To give permissions to an app, click "Grant Permissions" in the center of the CallU screen and click "Allow" until the pop-ups stop.

The program also starts automatically and signals its operation with a special inscription in the device tray.

Filtering recorded calls on the main page of the application divides them into:

  • "All".
  • “Favorites”—contacts that have been manually added to this list;
  • "Filter". This item has 3 sub-items – “All”, “Contact” and “Unknown”.

Click on any item in the list to listen to the audio file. In addition to playback control, the window contains information about the duration, creation date, weight and contact name/interlocutor number.

To open the application side menu, click the button in the form of three parallel lines in the upper left corner of the screen.

To turn off or configure automatic recording, click on the button of the same name in the side menu.

To edit the file saving type, go to “Automatic recording”. The default is mp3, can be changed to wav. The recording source, sound quality and recording volume are also adjusted here.

As with the previous two software products, all recordings are stored in one folder. It has the same name as the application. In the “Configure memory” side menu item, you can change the directory to another, and also limit the amount of memory that records can occupy in total.

To make conversation recordings available via the Internet, you can connect them to Google Drive or Dropbox through the buttons of the same name in the menu.

Auto Call Recorder (CallX)

To download the application from the Play Market, use the link.

When you first start, give all the necessary consents and permissions. The algorithm for obtaining them is the same as we described for CallU, as well as the other settings. Externally, you will see differences only in the subtleties of design. You can also disable and edit automatic recording settings, connect cloud storage to save files, change the recording format and quality. Both programs were developed by the same company - SMSROBOT LTD. She has another similar application - CallsBOX.

The list of tested devices for all three is similar - the entire line of Samsung Galaxy A, Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Note, as well as smartphones from HTC, Huawei, LG, ...

Do not use call recording programs with applications that are responsible for checking the system, for example, Clean Master. They block the operation of recording programs.

Call Recorder

Accept the terms of use and privacy policy upon first use. Next, grant permissions using the appropriate button. Follow the system instructions to complete the initial setup. Finally, click "Done".

The fact that the application is recording a call is also displayed in the tray in a clear and visible inscription with the logo of the software product.

The entrance to the application settings is located in the upper right corner - a button in the form of three vertical dots. Click on it and select "Settings". The following sections may be useful:

  • storage – here you specify how many records to store and in which folder to collect them;
  • recording – here you select the sources, format, quality, volume and delay of recordings. Also here you can enable the option for talking via a Bluetooth headset;
  • cloud – here you can set up synchronization with Google Drive and DropBox cloud storages;
  • recording mode – here you specify whose calls to record, including, you can specify contacts that the application will ignore.

The application will immediately notify you that it will not be able to record the contacts of callers due to Google policy. If necessary, specify them manually.

Total Call Recorder

To download the application from Play Market, use the link.

When you first enter the application, immediately click “Got it!” and allow everything that the system asks, including the “Always on top” permission, which will have to be set in a separate window.

Unlike previous options, Total Call Recorder does not hide the recording information in the tray; it is displayed on top of the conversation window. You can not only make sure that the recording is running, but pause or end it using the two control buttons on the left.

Screenshot 13 – Total Call Recorder working during a call

All recordings are saved in amr format and reproduced in a general list on the main page of the application. For each file, the system indicates the creation time, duration, size and format of the file. When you select any item from the list, you can rename it, add a note, delete an entry, or call the person with whom you had a conversation using the “Dial” button.

The system opens a window for viewing the result every time after finishing a recording or conversation.

The list of records is filtered using 4 tabs – “All”, “In” (Incoming), “From” (Outgoing) and “Mkrf.” (Microphone).

To enter the program settings, click on the button in the form of a red gear in the upper right corner of the screen. There are not many sections, but they are voluminous:

  • “Recording in progress”, everything related to recordings is configured here - from the strategy for selecting subscribers, delays and conversations through headsets to the rules for deleting outdated files;
  • “Audio”, here you can change the format, quality, volume and recording storage. Available formats include AMR, MP3, WAV and AAC;
  • “Auto-send”, here you can configure synchronization and auto-send of records. Possible synchronization services include Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, SoundCloud and Box.

Call Recorder by skvalex

To download the application from Play Market, use the link.

But first check the developer's website, where he posts not only the user manual, but also newer, enhanced versions of his applications.

The first launch of the application is similar to the previous ones - click “Accept”, “OK” and “Allow” four times. Next, click “OK” and turn on the toggle switch next to the word “Permissions” so that it can appear on top of other windows.

During a call, three application elements appear on the screen:

  • star button for adding to favorites;
  • button with a square to stop recording;
  • An animated element in the form of a video camera reel that indicates the operation of the application.

If after a conversation the application cannot determine the contact number, it will prompt you to enter it yourself or select it from the contact list.

The menu opens with a button in the form of three parallel lines on the left. To go to the application settings, select the corresponding block at the bottom of the side menu. Next you will see the following sections:

  • recording, configure recording methods and strategy. Unlike the settings of previous options, here you can regulate the launch of the application not only depending on the phone number, but also on the type of call - for incoming or outgoing. In the “Standard APIs” subsection you can configure the recording format, quality and volume;
  • folders and files, indicate the saving path, the template for creating the file name, restrictions on the number, size of records and storage time;
  • cloud, synchronize recordings with Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Box, Yandex Drive or WebDAV.

In the “Folders and Files” section, you can not only change the name for new files, but also batch rename all previously created ones using a single template.

How to change the recording source

In most mobile applications, you can set the recording source in the settings. To do this, select the menu item that includes the word “Record”. The number of possible options varies from 5 to 7. Among them:

  • write system sounds so that all interlocutors can be heard;
  • record a conversation from a microphone;
  • write only your voice;
  • write everything except your voice;
  • write through special sources.

Using applications, you can record not only regular conversations, but also communications through instant messengers or programs for calling over the Internet.

If some audio sources do not allow you to record your voice or the voice of your interlocutor, try others. For example, in the Call Recroder application there are 4 options, not counting those that record only one of the interlocutors.

How to record a conversation on your phone using the Cell Phone Recorder device

If the applications did not help solve the problem, and you cannot refuse it, try connecting a third-party device that will do everything for you without additional settings. The smartphone perceives voice recorders for cell phones (Cell Phone Recorder) as a headset with a microphone and headphones, and therefore gives it access without additional approvals and permissions. Let's take a closer look at several models.

PR200 Bluetooth Cell Phone Call Recording Device

The device works via Bluetooth and pretends to be a wireless headset. PR200 will cost the buyer 10-12 thousand rubles. In total, you can record up to 144 hours of conversations in mp3 form on 4 gigabytes of built-in flash memory. Without a break to recharge, the device will work for up to 12 hours. According to the manufacturers, PR200 supports not only Android smartphones and iPhones, but even push-button cell phones with their own firmware.

To download data from the PR200, you don’t need any cords; it plugs into a USB connector like a regular flash drive.

RadRecorder Digital Voice Recorders and Landline Call Recorder

In 550 hours of conversation you will completely fill the 8 gigabytes of memory of the RadRecorder Digital Voice Recorders and Landline Call Recorder. At the same time, no more than 20 hours are allocated for each conversation without recharging. If recording quality is important to you, then change the bitrate to a higher one. At the same time, the maximum number of recorded hours will decrease:

  • 550 hours for a bitrate of 192 KB per second;
  • 136 – for 256 KB per second;
  • 46 – for 384 KB per second.

RecorderGear TR500 Landline Phone Call Recorder

A wired voice recorder that can be built into a telephone line or connected to a smartphone via a headphone jack. It records audio to a 16-32GB SD card.

To make it work with a wired telephone, it has 2 telephone jacks. It is inserted into the network between the telephone socket and the handset.

To configure the device, use the black and white LCD screen and 8 control buttons. After the initial configuration, the TR500 will turn on automatically when there is a signal on the network or when you start a call on your smartphone.

Audio is saved in WAV format. At 32kbps quality, 66 hours of recording fit on 1GB. An external speaker is used to listen to the result.

Fivoice Call Recording Earphone For iPhone Recording

Ordinary vacuum headphones with a built-in conversation recording unit. They have a built-in 512MB of memory, which is enough for 16 hours of talk time. In addition, a lithium battery with a capacity of 200MA is located under the body. On one charge you can work up to 5 hours.

To download information from the device you will need a USB cable that comes with the device.

The main advantage of Fivoice is its dimensions; it is no larger than ordinary vacuum headphones with a cable length of 1.2 meters and a weight of 50 grams. It can be used to listen to music and communicate.

Use the dedicated button on the control unit with a microphone icon to turn recording on or off during a call.

Cell Phone Voice RECORDER with Bluetooth

The device differs from the previous ones in that it has a dedicated microphone. Along the body there are buttons that allow you to connect to your smartphone via a wired headphone jack or using Bluetooth technology.

The device comes with:

  • Jack 3.5 M-M cable for connecting to a smartphone;
  • remote microphone for better audibility;
  • USB cable for charging and downloading data to a computer;
  • headphones;
  • power adapter.

Saving files on a computer is also possible via an SD card; to do this, before recording, you need to insert it into the SD connector of the device and configure saving audio files to it. Cell Phone internal memory – 4GB.

The recorder writes in mp3 format. When choosing quality, there are 4 options:

  • LP – long play, minimum file size, maximum recording time;
  • SP – standard play, average file size, average recording time;
  • HQ – high quality, high recording quality;
  • SHQ – super high quality, ultra high recording quality.

Forus Cell Phone Call Recording Device

The device weighs 90 grams and allows you to record 122 hours of calls on 4GB of internal memory. By default, the recording format is mp3.

How to listen to a recording of a telephone conversation

Recordings of telephone conversations are typically recorded into small audio files with low quality in order to fit as many as possible. To play them:

  • use any player application, for example, AIMP;
  • listen to audio files inside the recording application;
  • connect your smartphone to your computer, download sound files and listen to them there;
  • connect the intermediate voice recorder to your computer, download sound files and listen to them there;
  • listen to the audio files on your recording device.

Despite attempts by smartphone developers and software manufacturers to limit the recording of conversations, there are still many ways to do this. For the query “Call recording”, the Play Market returns several dozen results. Use this, but remember the administrative responsibility for distributing such records.