Mortal Kombat 3 Android techniques

The gaming hit “Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum” (“Sega”) was first released in Russian back in the 90s on arcade machines and portable consoles. During this time, he became one of the best among Sega. From the point of view of a third of Sega Mega fans, it is the 3rd part that is the most striking. Even today, there are still people who buy game consoles, and sometimes even entire slot machines from the old days!

Anyone who respects martial arts is guaranteed to survive for weeks playing the game. However, in order to master the skills of warriors, you need to know special codes for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega). Here you will get acquainted with a lot of secrets and techniques that the creators so lovingly incorporated into their imperishable and constantly relevant masterpiece.

Trick menu

All movements of this game are designed for a joystick with six buttons. If the controller is equipped with only three buttons, then instead of X, activate the combination A, B. Instead of button Z, type B, C. Instead of Y, press Start. To open the “trick menu”, as well as other closed settings, you must use a secret code.

At the very beginning of the screen saver (Start, Options), activate a certain combination twice: C→A←AC→A←A. The bottom line is that when you type it, three additional functions appear in the main game menu: Killers Codes, Cheats and Secrets.

The Killer Codes function, using a special code, can activate the main rivals of Shao Kahn and Motaro in the form of ordinary Indians. In the Cheats menu lists you can activate special functions that will help you extend the game indefinitely. In the Secrets team lists, you can scroll through all player dossiers and activate auxiliary settings. You can find these menu items in Game Start/Option. And the following combinations in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum will help to summon them:

  • ACBBA↓↓ (for Cheats).
  • BA↓←A↓C→↓ (for Secrets).
  • C→A←AC→A←A (for Killer Codes).
  • А↓А←А→С← (quick press).


1. Allows you to listen to audio tracks present in the game (Sound Test).

2. Activates from 5 to 95 extensions for the game (Continues).

3. You can read the biography of any fighter (Bio Screen).


1. Turns off the counter during the battle (Timer).

2. Reduces (Slow) or adds (Fast) the time allotted for the battle. Or restores factory settings (None).

3. Gives you the opportunity to find out what will happen to each of the fighters after the overthrow of Shao Kahn (Win-Screen).

4. Selects any map for the battle (Kombat Zone).

Killer Codes

1. Sets accelerated finishing modes with just one button (Quick and Off).

2. Activates (Enabled) or deactivates (Disabled) the main opponents. What does it take to imagine Shao Kahn and Motaro as carefree Indians?

3. Gives you the opportunity to play a hidden game. It's kind of like Galaga with a Dendy gaming system.

Hidden code combinations

In this part of the game, the number of warriors, their agility, and the techniques they use have increased. By and large, in this game a couple of dozen excellent fighters of the world are eager to fight valiantly between Good and Evil. By using special Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum techniques, which will be discussed below, you will easily come to victory if you learn to keep the correct distance during the fight.

How to enter cheat codes correctly?

To activate battles, all codes for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega) must be entered when playing with two people and only at the very beginning. Combinations of numbers are carried out by pressing the buttons of the first and second joystick (controller). The initial number, consisting of three digits, is equivalent to buttons A, B, C on the first controller. The next three digits are entered using the same buttons on the second joystick. To list all existing cheats and code combinations, you need to study each one individually. Therefore, we will consider below only the most basic of them!

Throws, sweeps, blocks, uppercuts

So, let's look at the main cheats that help the player during the battle. First of all, it is important to know how to cancel any throws. To do this, just enter a simple combination of six numbers 100-100. It is important to remember that the number 0 does not have a corresponding cell. Therefore, when entering the previous code, both gamers must press only one button A. In this case, such an action is equivalent to pressing the number 1.

In addition to this command, there are cheats in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum that help you avoid both throws and sweeps - just dial 082-771, and for sweeps enter 091-293. If you want to opt out of using any blocks, enter 020-020. In addition to everything, you can listen to the voiceover of the transfers; just enter 010-010. It is also possible to turn off any musical accompaniment - 300-300. To cancel all combinations, dial 999-995.

Special attention should be paid to uppercuts. Speed ​​uppercuts are connected using the code dial 688-688. To quickly return to the starting position after performing an uppercut, dial 788-322. The frequent change of different stages in the uppercut can be activated by dialing 221-557.

For thrill seekers

Thrill-seekers will also not be left without unique recommendations! For example, you can enable the Psycho Kombat function. This is the craziest battle you can imagine! It contains all the possible difficulties that exist in the game. To activate it, enter 985-125. Additionally, it is possible to fight a random opponent when moving from level 8 to level 9. Just dial the number combination 989-898.

In addition, there is the possibility of fighting in pitch darkness - enter 688-422. Or activate the invisible warrior function by dialing 449-449. It is also possible to activate combat in the dark with an additional transformation of a warrior using a simple code 985-125. Or you can simply turn on the transformation function by dialing 444-444. This game also contains two types of super-fast modes. One of them activates normal super speed with the combination 191-191. The second enables the super-fast passage of time using the code 494-494.

It is impossible not to once again express my gratitude to the prudent creators of the game Sega. For example, by introducing the cheat 011-971, an additional possibility of resurrection opens up. As a continuous replenishment of vital energy! If you want to turn off the indicator, enter the combination 987-123. If you want to receive as little damage as possible when defeated, just dial 432-235.

8 lives in Galaxian

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 has two additional mini-games: Galaxian and pinball. They can also be played during the process. To activate Galaxian, you must complete 100 fights using two-player mode. And you can only play the pinball mini-game after 200 matches. The pinball game introduction code is 303-606.

To get 8 lives instead of 3 in the Galaxian mini-game, you need a joystick with 6 buttons! Activating the renewal is quite simple! Combinations for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum can help you with this. There are three ways to enable this feature. Either at the very beginning of the mini-game you need to press and hold the Z button. Or to enter the Galaxian game you will need to activate the Killers Codes function. Then press and hold X, A, Z, C until the game starts. Or enter a simple cheat 642-468.

You can also enjoy an inimitable spectacle - a puppet show! In this case, you will also need a six-button joystick. Select Liu Kang as your warrior and start the fight. At the end of the second level, enter the cheat ↓↓↓.

Variety of Fatality

Finally, the most awaited time for players has come - it's Fatality! The main thing is to remember that all finals occur only after the phrase: Finish her (him)! Quick facts and codes for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega) will help you understand the basic features. Fatality consists directly in the spectacular destruction of an enemy you have already defeated. Fatality 3 occurs in a strictly appropriate order! The first level opens with the Scorpions Leir decoration. The sixth level opens in the background of Subway, and the eleventh - in The Pit-3.

In most cases, Fatality characters in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega) have two options - Babality and Brutality. Babality can turn your opponent into a child! Friendship can be used as an alternative ending. Both friendly combinations are carried out at any distance from the enemy. To activate any of the combinations, during the battle one of the gamers only needs to press the C button.

Animality, where the destruction of the enemy is carried out in the form of some animal, has been replaced by the brutal and bloody Brutality. This killing is carried out close to the enemy. All significant combinations with the enemy are carried out exclusively at close range.

Draw in Fatality

Friendship allows you to end the battle peacefully, without the loser dying! In addition, this function can be called more humorous than destructive! The triumphant plays the organ, and the defeated one flees at that moment. To activate the two most loyal finishes, you need to use simple Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum techniques. Be constantly on the screen during the battle and not use blocks, abandoning the B and Start buttons at levels 2-3.

Which is better - Fatality or Brutality?

Additional time for Fatality in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega) can be activated with one button. Just enter the code 944-944 corresponding to the command and choose a convenient moment! While near the enemy, on a joystick with 6 buttons, press the combination ↓Double. On three-button equipment, hold Start and press any of the buttons: A, B or C. The additional Brutality command is activated when you enter the cheat 012-345.

In addition, you can program permanent defeat with the Fatality or Brutality functions. To begin, connect the second player's joystick to the console. When defeated, in single player mode, hold ↓ on both joysticks at the same time. Then your enemy will end the battle with Fatality or Brutality.

Additional game features

This game provides so-called Free play. To activate it, you need to duplicate the following cheat combination twice: →←↓. Pay special attention to what is shown on the screen at this time. You can enable “free play” only when the screen displays the following positions. Copyright of the game, a list of excellent results, a purple skull or a background screensaver demonstrating the super attacks of “Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum” (Sega). In confirmation, Shao Kahn must say characteristic words, such as: Excellent or Superb.

Prize level activation is also available. To do this, you need to fight with any opponent. Then press Start on the second player’s controller. Subsequently, green lightning will appear from Shao Khan's tower. However, remember that at the bonus level no transitions are possible!

When the text Shao Kahn is no more appears at the end of the game, press Start on your second controller. The mode menu will pop up. If you activate the Mortal Kombat mode with the second joystick using the Start button, playing together, you can fight on a secret background. In another case, when you are playing by yourself, the opportunity to fight Kano will appear.

In this game your fighter has a unique opportunity! After entering the code 282-282, he will completely get rid of fear. And for the unlimited running function, just dial 466-466.

Manipulation of the Lords of Evil

Do you want to fight the main Lords of Evil? Choose a game for two, activate any hero using his code. In a third level battle, you need to bring each other to the Danger state. Now wait for you to transform into a twin brother. After which you will be able to use Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum strikes, which will help you overthrow the enemy.

However, you can play in this image until you are destroyed. After the previous battle, it is enough not to press the Start button and wait until the Career tower appears in the menu. Now the first player can activate any of the monsters and enjoy the game in the chosen image.

It is important to know that the game has such a unique function as vital energy management. For example, before starting a battle with Shao Khan, you will want to reduce his stats by exactly 50%. Press Start on the losing warrior's joystick. Select a fighter and activate cheats for both players: 707-000 (first) and 000-707 (second). Accordingly, if you want to reduce the indicators to 25%, you need to do everything the same, except introducing cheats. In this case, they are completely different: 033-000 (first) and 000-033 (second).

The following are cheat codes for the most powerful warriors. To activate Shao Khan, play the combination 033-564. If you want to play as Motaro, enter 969-141. To turn into Smoke, dial 205-205. To transform into Noob Saibot, enter 769-342.

Skip the move!

What’s nice in itself is that in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 you can skip the battle with a certain enemy and move on to the battle with the next one. At the very beginning of the fight, press Start once on the second controller. Next, feel free to enter the game from the first joystick. There is also a second option! As soon as you start playing in one-person mode, do the previous manipulations with the Start button. Only after the first level, and not at the beginning of the fight.

However, as you know, the games (Sega) “Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum” have nuances unique to them. By choosing the very first opponent in the column, you must defeat him. Because you won't be able to move on to the next one. You need to get to Shao Khan. Thanks to this, you will be able to jump through the battle with him using the methods described above. However, the game even has an involuntary selection function. When selecting an opponent on the screen, first press and hold, and then the Start button.

Set-top box and technological progress

Here, in fact, are all the most interesting and secret techniques, combinations, codes for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimatum (Sega). We hope this guide was useful to you. Now you can defeat both computer and live opponents playing with you. However, most gamers prefer to resort to the help of third-party programs - emulators. It's not strange! Because computer graphics have improved significantly since the first Sega games. We can say that it has become more voluminous and alive!

1. To have 8 lives in GALAXY, you need to hold the Z button on the splash screen in front of GALAXY.
2. So that all three lines are highlighted (CHEATS, SECRETS, KILLER CODES),
just type any one line from MK3 (for example, A, C, UP, B, UP,
B, A, DOWN).
3. How to play Smoke from MK2? When choosing a game between two people, you must do the following:
- Dial code 444444
- In the third round, finish each other off
- As soon as you turn into Smoke, immediately kill your opponent.
- On the joystick of the killed player, do not press START, wait for the choice
columns, choose any one and play Smoke against the computer. You
you will play with it until you are killed.
4. Completing a column in a couple of minutes will result in you being offered a column of 36 players.
5. To move on to fighting the next one without fighting an opponent
enemy, you need to do this: As soon as the fight begins, click on the second
joystick START (once). Then, on the first joystick, enter again
game, and you will skip this fight.
6. Antifatality: As Kabal, defeat your opponent. When
FINISH HIM will appear, press X, and without releasing this button,
press FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, and release X. Kanbal
the head will fall off.

- To play as Human Smoke, first select
Smoke himself. Press and hold LEFT (as Player 1) or RIGHT
(as Player 2) and then press and hold High Punch, Run,
High Kick and Block until the match starts.
- Fighters can supplement their combination with an additional blow if they first jump on their opponent with a punch.
- Almost all fighters have a two-punch combo that deals
enormous damage to the enemy. For example, Kano must first jump
on an opponent with a kick; then, while he is still in
air, make the movement DOWN, DOWN/RIGHT, RIGHT and High Punch (this
his combination is called Blade Swipe).

ENDURANCE MODE: on the START GAME OPTIONS screen, hold A+C and press START
(The numbers indicate the number of times each button is pressed on the first and second controllers according to the ABC-ABC principle)
100-100 - disable throws.
020-020 - disabling blocks.
033-000 - the first player has 50% life.
000-033 - the second player has 50% of life.
707-000 - the first player has 25% of life
000-707 - the second player has 25% of life.
987-123 - disable the energy indicator.
282-282 - no fear.
987-666 - theater of magic.
123-926 - text messages only.
460-460 - transformation of fighters.
688-422 - duel in the dark.
985-125 - psycho-kombat.
466-466 - running energy is not limited.
642-468 - hidden game.
205-205 - the winner fights SMOKE.
769-342 - the winner fights NOOB SAI HERE
969-141 - the winner fights MOTARO.
033-564 - the winner fights SHAO KAHN.
091-293 - tripping switch off
999-995 - disabling connections.
955-955 - 25 sec. to perform Fatality.
911-911 - disable buttons.
667-000 - time off.
303-606 - hidden game.
688-688 - endless uppercuts.
494-494 - fast time.
011-971 - replenishment of life.

Character Movements
- The buttons for the six-button controller are shown in brackets.
- All BRUTALITY are done closely.

Energy Network BACK, BACK, (C).
While holding the bomb close (C), press BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z), release (C).
While holding the bomb far away (C), press FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z), release (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), (A).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), (X), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UP, (Y).
Fatality 2 (any point) DOWN, DOWN, UP, DOWN, (X).
Friendship (any point) (Y), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (at any point) FORWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (Z), (X), (Z), (Z), (X), (Z), (X), (Z), (C), (A).
Stage Fatality (close) (Y), BLOCK, (Y).

Fireball DOWN, BACK + (A).
Throw BACK, DOWN, BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), BACK + (A), (Z), (C).
Combo 3 (Z), (A), (Z), Teleport, Throw, (X), Fireball.
Fatality 1 (close) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), (Y), (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), (A), BLOCK, (Z), (C), BLOCK, (X), (A), (C), (Z).

Throw dagger DOWN, BACK, (X).
Underhand slash DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Hold Cannonball Strike (C).
Vertical ball FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD + (Z).
Grab and shake DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Throw in the air, press BLOCK in the air.
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (within striking range) (A), BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).
Fatality 2 (close) hold (A) and press FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, REP (A).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), (Z).
Babality (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Brutality (X), (A), BLOCK, (A), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (C), BLOCK, (Z), (C).
Stage Fatality (close) UP, UP, BACK, (C).

Rocket BACK, FORWARD + (X).
Hold the ground slam (C).
Roughly grab FORWARD, FORWARD, (A) (press punch multiple times).
Break your back BLOCK while in the air.
Combination 2 (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), BACK + (X).
Combination 3 (Z), (Z), DOWN + (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), BACK + (X).
Fatality 1 (closely) hold BLOCK and press UP, DOWN, FORWARD, UP.
Fatality 2 (from range) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), (Y), (C).
Friendship (from any distance) (C), (Y), (Y), (C).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Brutality (X), (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), (X), (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (Close) DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, (A).

Fireball on top FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Fireball on the bottom FORWARD, FORWARD, (A).
Flying kick FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Hold the bicycle kick (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), BACK + (A).
Combination 2 (C), (C), (Z), (C).
Combination 3 (X), (X), BACK, (C), (C), (Z), (C).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Fatality 2 (anywhere on screen) UP, DOWN, UP, UP, (Y) + BLOCK.
Friendship (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN + (Y).
Babality (anywhere on the screen) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN + (Z).
Brutality (X), (A), (X), BLOCK, (C), (Z), (C), (Z), (A), (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (close) (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (C).

Throw your hat BACK, FORWARD, (A).
Teleportation DOWN, UP.
Push Punch UP, DOWN, (Z).
Rotate FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (Y) (press (Y) several times).
Combination 1 (X), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (A), (X), (A), (C), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), BLOCK, DOWN.
Friendship (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (A), (Y), (C).
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X).
Stage Fatality (close) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).

Square Wave DOWN, BACK, (X).
Fan wave BACK, BACK, BACK, (X).
Fan Throw FORWARD, FORWARD, (X) + (A).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BLOCK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), BACK + (A), FORWARD + (X).
Fatality 1 (close) BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (C).
Babality (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (Z), BLOCK, (C), BLOCK, (A), BLOCK, (X), BLOCK.
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).

Dart BACK, BACK + (A).
Teleport DOWN, BACK + (X).
Air Throw Press BLOCK while in the air.

Fatality (close) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), (Y), (Z).
Babality (any distance) DOWN, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (C), (Z), (X), (Z), (A), (C).

Center star BACK, FORWARD + (A).
Star up BACK, FORWARD + (X).
Star down BACK, FORWARD + (C).
Flickering Sliding Kick DOWN, FORWARD + (C).
Partial invisibility BACK, FORWARD + (Z).
Star with return BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (A).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), DOWN + (A), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (X), (X), DOWN + (A), (C), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) UP, UP, DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), (Y), (Y), BLOCK, (Y).
Friendship (any distance) BACK, DOWN, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Babality (at any distance) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (X), (A), (Z), (Z), (C), BLOCK, BLOCK, (X). (Z).

Rotation BACK, FORWARD + (C).
Spark from the eyes BACK, BACK, (X).
Blade on the ground BACK, BACK, BACK, (Y).
Combination 1 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (X).
Combination 2 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (A), DOWN + (X).
Fatality 1 (at striking distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (Y), (C), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (C).
Brutality (X), BLOCK, (C), (C), (C), (Z), (A), (A), (X), (A).
Stage Fatality (close) BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).

Harpoon BACK, BACK + (A).
Teleport DOWN, BACK + (X).
Throw in the air press BLOCK while jumping.
Combination 1 (X), (X), UP + (A).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (C), (C).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, UP, (Y).
Fatality 2 (from striking distance) DOWN, DOWN, UP, (Z).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (Z), (C), (Z), (X), (X), (A), (X).

Lightning BACK, BACK, (X).
Fireball DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Super BACK + (Z).
Combination 1 (X), (X), (A), BACK + (X).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (C), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (C), (Z), BLOCK, (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A).

Unguided rocket FORWARD, FORWARD, (A).
Homing Missile DOWN, BACK, (X).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), DOWN + (A).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (from range) (A), (Y), (Y), BLOCK.
Friendship (from striking distance) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN.
Babality (from any distance) BACK, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z), (Z), (C), (C), (A), (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (Close) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN.

Hold the sai throw (X).
Teleport with a punch FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), UP + (A), DOWN + (A).
Combination 2 (X), (X), (Z), (Z), UP + (C), UP + (Z).
Fatality 1 (from afar) BACK, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (C).
Fatality 2 (Close) DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Friendship (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (A), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A).

Arrow DOWN, BACK, (A).
Tomahawk slash DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Shadow Shoulder Slam FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Project reflection BACK, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A), (Z).
Combo 3 (C), (X), (X), (A), Tomahawk Down, Down Tomahawk, (Z).
Fatality 1 (close) UP, UP, BACK, FORWARD, BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (within striking range) BACK, BACK, DOWN, (X).
Friendship (within striking distance) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN.
Babality (from any distance) FORWARD, BACKWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (A).
Brutality (X), (X), (Z), (C), (C), BLOCK, BLOCK, (A), (A), (X), (Z).
Stage Fatality (Close) (Y), (Y), BLOCK.

Two Saibots FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Fireball DOWN, FORWARD (A).
Teleportation DOWN, UP.
Combination 1 (Z), (C), (C), (C).
Combination 2 (X), (X), (A), (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (A), BLOCK, (C), (Z), (X), (C), BLOCK, (C), (Z).

Slow energy blast BACK, BACK, (X) + (A).
Quick energy blast FORWARD, FORWARD, (X) + (A).
Spit acid FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Invisibility UP, DOWN, (Z).
Elbow strike BACK, FORWARD, (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), DOWN + (A).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (from striking distance) BACK, FORWARD, DOWN, BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (mid range) FORWARD, FORWARD, UP, UP, (Z).
Babality (at any distance) FORWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, DOWN, (C).
Brutality (X), BLOCK, (Z), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A), (C), (C), BLOCK, (A).


Freeze DOWN, FORWARD + (A).
Freeze the ground DOWN, BACK, (C).
Slide BACK + BLOCK + (C).
Combination 1 (Z), BACK + (Z), FORWARD + (C).
Combination 2 (X), (X), DOWN + (A), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (X), (X), BACK + (C).
Fatality 1 (Close) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (X), BLOCK, (C), (C), (Z), (Z), (A), (X), (A).
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).

SMOKE from MK3
Dart BACK, BACK + (A).
Invisibility FORWARD, FORWARD, (Y).
Air throw BLOCK while in the air.
Combination 1 (X), (X), (A).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (A).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (C), (Z), (A).
Fatality 1 (from afar) UP, UP, FORWARD, DOWN.
Fatality 2 (within striking distance) hold (Y)+BLOCK, press DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UP, then release (Y)+BLOCK.
Friendship (within striking distance) (Y), (Y), (Y), (Z).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, BACK + (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (C), (Z), BLOCK, BLOCK, (A), (A), (X), BLOCK, BLOCK.
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, (C).

Fireball in the air DOWN, FORWARD + (C).
Levitate BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (Z).
Shout GO, GO, GO, (X).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (C), (X), (X), (A), (Z).
Fatality 1 (close) (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (Y) + BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (at range) (Y), (Y), BLOCK, (Y), BLOCK.
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (anywhere on screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), UP.
Brutality (X), BLOCK, (C), BLOCK, (C), (Z), BLOCK, (Z), (C), BLOCK, (A).
Stage Fatality (Close) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, (A).

Energy rings DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Energy waves FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Leg DOWN + (A) + BLOCK.
Bike Kick BACK, BACK, DOWN, (Z).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (X), (X), UP + (A).
Combination 3 (Z), (Z), (X), (X), (A), BACK + (X).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) BACK, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (Y).
Fatality 2 (from afar) press and hold (Y)+BLOCK. Now press UP, UP, BACK, DOWN. Release UP+BLOCK.
Friendship (anywhere on screen) BACK, FORWARD, BACK, DOWN + (Y).
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, (C).
Brutality (X), (C), BLOCK, (X), (C), BLOCK, (X), (A), BLOCK, (Z), (C).
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, (X).

Grenade on top DOWN, BACK + (X).
Grenade at the bottom DOWN, BACK + (A).
Club sweep FORWARD, BACKWARD + (Z).
Throw with a club FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Combination 1 (C), (C), BLOCK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A).
Fatality 1 (from afar) FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Friendship (from any distance) (A), (Y), (Y), (A).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (Z), (C), (X), (A), (C), (Z), (X), (C), (C).
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, UP, UP, (Z).

Freeze DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Ice Shower DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Ice Twin DOWN, BACK + (A).
Slide BACK + BLOCK + (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (A), (C), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (at range) BACK, BACK, DOWN, BACK, (Y).
Fatality 2 (close) BLOCK, BLOCK, (Y), BLOCK, (Y).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (Z), (A), (X), (Z), (Z), (X), (X), (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (Close) BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).

Fire Skull BACK, BACK, (X).
Two fire skulls BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Three fire skulls BACK, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (closely) hold (A) and press DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN. Release (A).
Fatality 2 (close) hold (A), press (Y), BACK, (Y), BACK. Release (A).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), DOWN.
Babality (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), (C).
Brutality (X), BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, (C), (X), (A), (A), BLOCK, BLOCK, (X).
Stage Fatality (close) UP, UP, BACK, (A).

Transformations into other fighters:

Rain (Y), BLOCK, (C).
Reptile (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).
Nightwolf UP, UP, UP.
Sonya DOWN + (Y) + (A) + BLOCK.
Mileena (Y), BLOCK, (Z).
Sub-Zero (MK2) BLOCK, BLOCK, (Y), (Y).
Kung Lao (Y), (Y), BLOCK, (Y).
Skorpion DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD + (A).
Kabal (A), BLOCK, (Z).
Sindel BACK, DOWN, BACK + (C).

Teleport - DOWN, UP
Tail Sweep - BACK + C
Energy Ball - DOWN, BACK + X

Shoulder Strike - FORWARD, FORWARD + A
Knee Strike - FORWARD, FORWARD + X
Hammer Strike - BACK, FORWARD + X
Energy Star - BACK, BACK, FORWARD + A
Laughter - DOWN, DOWN + Z
"Don"t make me laugh" - DOWN, DOWN + C

If you have information about any other secrets and codes for the Sega game - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, then you can tell about them in the comments, and you can also ask questions about Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. On our website you can play

The fourth, final, duel is the bloodiest, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. The number of fighters, their speed, and the number of techniques have increased. In the arsenal of fighters there is now “brutality” - a series of blows inflicted on an already defeated enemy... So, two dozen of the best warriors in the world strive to rid the Earth of Evil. Help them. A six-button joystick is recommended for the game.

Screenshots for the game Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Mortal Kombat 3)

Combinations, techniques, codes and combos for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 fighters

On a three-button controller, A + B is used instead of X, START is used instead of Y, and the combination B + C is used instead of Z.

To use Friendship and Babality, do not place a block during the fight and remain on the screen for the entire time. When you are asked to finish off an enemy, dial the code “friendship” or “babality”.

Unique fighter techniques

Hover your mouse over the picture and the name of the fighter will pop up. To enlarge, click on the picture.

Features of fighters in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Sub Zero

He only has “reconciliation” and one “fatality”. See the picture for the full list of combos.


The Cyrex robot is not maneuverable, but it is powerful.

Keep in mind that all attacks of the cyber LK4D4 (as it is called according to the technical passport) involve a delay after execution, therefore, when preparing to perform a special move, do not let the enemy get too close. Cyrex holds the defense well and finishes well. The most difficult fight for this “cyberninja” is with Kano. Cyrex's attacks are too weak.

He also has one fatal move and "friendship".

Jax, aka US Army Major

Jackson Brighe is capable of terrorizing the enemy by threatening missiles (if the enemy jumps) or an earthquake (if the enemy does not jump). Jax's combos are great: the "Gotcha" grab and mini spine-breaking combo. Jax is forced to immediately go on the defensive because he lacks speed.

Kano is a traveling thief. And his methods are thieves’. Throws knives and cannonballs on a chain at the enemy.

Kung Lao cannot be cornered because he can teleport. Lao's hat throw is rarely blocked. However, throwing a hat momentarily opens you up to an enemy attack, so only use this technique if there is sufficient distance between you and the enemy. If your opponent jumps on you, begin a series of high punches. After throwing the enemy away, perform a low kick. Amazing combos. For Lao, the most difficult fight is with Kano. Weak finishing moves.

Night Wolf (as his name is translated) is an Indian who considers himself the real master of America. His native tribe not only recognized Nightwolf as the best warrior, but also entrusted him with the most important post of supreme shaman.

The only salvation for the “cyberninjas” of the Sector are missiles. The only hope of using a series of blows is to throw up the enemy after teleportation and start pounding him in the air.

Shang Tsung's transformation is a formidable weapon, but it lasts only ten seconds, leaving the fighter alone with his meager arsenal of fiery skulls.

When fighting Sub-Zero or Kabal, transform into Sector, and into Sub-Zero during fights with Kano, Liu Kang, Sonya, and the second Tsung. Turn into Cabal in a duel with Nightwolf or Jax. During the fight with Sindel, Tsung is better off becoming one of the robots. Transformations into Kano are suitable for fights with Kung Lao and Stryker.

The cry of the mistress of the other world is able to stop the enemy. Sindel's fireballs are very slow, although powerful. Therefore, before shooting, make sure to maintain a safe distance. Finishers and combinations deserve the highest praise. The most risky moments for those playing as Sindel are fights with Wulf and robots.

Robot Smoke

Robot Smoke masterfully wields a harpoon. Teleportation with a blow is very useful. Disappearance, on the other hand, is almost never used. If you play as this “cyberninja”, then when using teleportations, beware of the uppercut. Smoke is let down by his insufficient speed.

Curtis Stryker is able to literally “feed” the enemy with grenades. The advantage of the police Striker is the widest cutting zone, but the disadvantage is the lack of a stopping blow. The baton is not very effective. When using it, be careful of the uppercut being thrown at you. The most difficult fight for Stryker is with Kano.

(don't make me laugh) - down+down+S. To activate the selection of Motaro and Shao Kahn fighters, enter the password for the secret option “Killer Codes” (see below) and change the “Disabled” value next to the names of these characters to “Enabled”.


1. In order to complete Friendship or Babality finishing moves, you must stop using block (B and start buttons) in the last round.

2. Stage Fatality finishes in Mortal Kombat 3 are performed only on the scenery: “Pit-3”, “Shao Kahn Tower” and “Subway”.

3. Finishings of Animality are carried out closely (with the exception of some fighters), having previously done “Mercy”.

4. Mercy (mercy) is performed in the third round after the inscription “Finish Him” appears: Hold Y, type down+down+down+down, release.


1. To activate the “wall to wall” mode on the Start\Options screen, press A+B+C+start simultaneously.

2. In order to activate the Smoke fighter, on the splash screen with the Mortal Kombat 3 logo on a black screen, type: A+B+B+A+down+A+B+B+A+down+up+up.

3. To activate the “Killer Codes” secret menu, on the Start\Options screen, type: C+right+A+left+A+up+C+right+ A+left+A+up.

4. To activate the secret menu “Secrets” on the Start\Options screen, type: B+A+down+left+A+down+C+right+up+down.

5. To activate the secret menu “Cheats” on the Start\Options screen, type: A+C+up+B+up+B+A+down.

6. After both players have chosen their characters, a screen with images of the fighters facing each other will appear before the battle begins. At the bottom of this screen are six squares, the first three of which can be changed by pressing the A, B and C buttons on the first controller, and the remaining three by pressing the A, B and C buttons on the second controller. By pressing the appropriate number of times on these buttons, you can set the codes for secret opportunities: fight without throws - 100-100 (that is, the first player presses A 1 time, does not touch the other buttons, and the second player does the same; random change of players along the way battles - 460-460; fight in the dark - 688-422; battle without blocks - 020-020; Psycho Kombat - 985-125; unlimited running - 123-926; winner fights Motaro - 969-141; winner fights Noob- Saibot - 769-342; winner fights Shao Kahn - 033-564; winner fights Smoke - 205-205; energy bar invisible - 987-123; first player's half health - 033-000; second player's half health - 000 -033; quarter of health for the first player - 707-000; quarter of health for the second player - 000-707; time to finish off the opponent increased - 955-955; battle without a timer - 667-000; secret shooting game Galaxian, built into Mortal Kombat 3 - 642-468; energy recovery - 011-971; fight does not linger after an uppercut; meet Mortal Kombat 4 - a new generation fighting game - 303-606; "There is no knowledge that is not power" - 123-926.

Game genius

The code for calling secret menus from the Start\Options screen by pressing just one button is A, B or C: DM2A-JA3Y, fighters do not receive damage - AMZT-GA5E, player 1 receives damage for player 2: C5ZT-GA28, player 2 receives damage per player 1: RHZT-G6T8, in the first duel, player 1 fights Kano - ACXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Sonya: AGXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Jax: ALXT-KA62, in the first in the first duel, player 1 fights Nightwolf: ARXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Sub-Zero: AWXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Stryker: A0XT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Sindel: A4XT- KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Sektor: A8XT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Cyrax: BCXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Kung Lao: BGXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Kabal : BLXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Sheeva: BRXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Shang Tsung: BWXT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Liu Kang: B0XT-KA62, in the first duel, player 1 fights Smoke: B4XT-KA62, in the first duel player 1 fights Motaro: B8XT-KA62, in the first duel player 1 fights Noob-Saibot: CGXT-KA62, always after the first duel fight Kano: HW1T-KAA4 + AC1T -JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Sonya: HW1T-KAA4 + AG1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Jax: HW1T-KAA4 + AL1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Nightwolf: HW1T-KAA4 + AR1T-JAA6 , always fight Sub-Zero after the first fight: HW1T-KAA4 + AW1T-JAA6, always fight Stryker after the first fight: HW1T-KAA4 + A01T-JAA6, always fight Sindel after the first fight: HW1T-KAA4 + A41T-JAA6 , always after the first duel fight with Sektor: HW1T-KAA4 + A81T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Cyrax: HW1T-KAA4 + BC1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Kung Lao: HW1T-KAA4 + BG1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Kabal: HW1T-KAA4 + BL1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Sheeva: HW1T-KAA4 + BR1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Shang Tsung: HW1T-KAA4 + BW1T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Liu Kang: HW1T-KAA4 + B01T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Smoke: HW1T-KAA4 + B41T-JAA6, always after the first duel fight with Motaro: HW1T-KAA4 + B81T-JAA6, always after first fight fight with Noob-Saibot: HW1T-KAA4 + CG1T-JAA6.

The buttons in parentheses are for the six-button controller. You can change them on the joy to any other buttons
- All BRUTALITY are done closely.

Energy Network BACK, BACK, (C).
While holding the bomb close (C), press BLOCK, BLOCK, (), release (C).
While holding the bomb far away (C), press FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z), release (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), (A).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), (X), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UP, (Y).
Fatality 2 (any point) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, (X).
Friendship (any point) (Y), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (at any point) FORWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (Z), (X), (Z), (Z), (X), (Z), (X), (Z), (C), (A).
Stage Fatality (close) (Y), BLOCK, (Y).

Fireball DOWN, BACK + (A).
Throw BACK, DOWN, BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), BACK + (A), (Z), (C).
Combo 3 (Z), (A), (Z), Teleport, Throw, (X), Fireball.
Fatality 1 (close) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), (Y), (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), (A), BLOCK, (Z), (C), BLOCK, (X), (A), (C), (Z).

Center star BACK, FORWARD + (A).
Star up BACK, FORWARD + (X).
Star down BACK, FORWARD + (C).
Flickering Sliding Kick DOWN, FORWARD + (C).
Partial invisibility BACK, FORWARD + (Z).
Star with return BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (A).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (X), DOWN + (A), (C), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) UP, UP, DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), (Y), (Y), BLOCK, (Y).
Friendship (any distance) BACK, DOWN, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Babality (at any distance) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (X), (A), (Z), (Z), (C), BLOCK, BLOCK, (X). (Z).

Rocket BACK, FORWARD + (X).
Hold the ground slam (C).
Roughly grab FORWARD, FORWARD, (A) (press punch multiple times).
Break your back BLOCK while in the air.
Combination 2 (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), BACK + (X).
Combination 3 (Z), (Z), DOWN + (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), BACK + (X).
Fatality 1 (closely) hold BLOCK and press UP, DOWN, FORWARD, UP.
Fatality 2 (from range) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), (Y), (C).
Friendship (from any distance) (C), (Y), (Y), (C).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Brutality (X), (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), (X), (X), (X), BLOCK, (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (Close) DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, (A).

Rotation BACK, FORWARD + (C).
Spark from the eyes BACK, BACK, (X).
Blade on the ground BACK, BACK, BACK, (Y).
Combination 1 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (X).
Combination 2 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (C), (C), (X), (X), DOWN + (A), DOWN + (X).
Fatality 1 (at striking distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (Y), (C), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (C).
Brutality (X), BLOCK, (C), (C), (C), (Z), (A), (A), (X), (A).
Stage Fatality (close) BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).

Throw dagger DOWN, BACK, (X).
Underhand slash DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Hold Cannonball Strike (C).
Vertical ball FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD + (Z).
Grab and shake DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Throw in the air, press BLOCK in the air.
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), DOWN + (A), DOWN + (X).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (within striking range) (A), BLOCK, BLOCK, (Z).
Fatality 2 (close) hold (A), press FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, release (A).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), (Z).
Babality (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Brutality (X), (A), BLOCK, (A), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (C), BLOCK, (Z), (C).
Stage Fatality (close) UP, UP, BACK, (C).

Square Wave DOWN, BACK, (X).
Wave from the wind
Fan Throw FORWARD, FORWARD, (X) + (A).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), (C), BLOCK + (Z).
Combination 2 (X), (X), BACK + (A), FORWARD + (X).
Fatality 1 (close) BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Fatality 2 (close) (Y), (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (C).
Babality (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (Z).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (Z), BLOCK, (C), BLOCK, (A), BLOCK, (X), BLOCK.
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).

The throw went
Teleportation DOWN, UP.
Push Punch UP, DOWN, (Z).
Rotate FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (Y) (press (Y) several times).
Combination 1 (X), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (C), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (A), (X), (A), (C), (C), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) (Y), BLOCK, (Y), BLOCK, DOWN.
Friendship (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (A), (Y), (C).
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X).
Stage Fatality (close) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).

Fireball on top FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Fireball on the bottom FORWARD, FORWARD, (A).
Flying kick FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Hold the bicycle kick (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), BACK + (A).
Combination 2 (C), (C), (Z), (C).
Combination 3 (X), (X), BACK, (C), (C), (Z), (C).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (C).
Fatality 2 (anywhere on screen) UP, DOWN, UP, UP, (Y) + BLOCK.
Friendship (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN + (Y).
Babality (anywhere on the screen) DOWN, DOWN, DOWN + (Z).
Brutality (X), (A), (X), BLOCK, (C), (Z), (C), (Z), (A), (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (close) (Y), BLOCK, BLOCK, (C).

Hold the sai throw (X).
Teleport with a punch FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), UP + (A), DOWN + (A).
Combination 2 (X), (X), (Z), (Z), UP + (C), UP + (Z).
Fatality 1 (from afar) BACK, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (C).
Fatality 2 (Close) DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Friendship (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (A), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (C), (Z), BLOCK, (X), (A).

Arrow DOWN, BACK, (A).
Tomahawk slash DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Shadow Shoulder Slam FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Project reflection BACK, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A), (Z).
Combo 3 (C), (X), (X), (A), Tomahawk Down, Down Tomahawk, (Z).
Fatality 1 (close) UP, UP, BACK, FORWARD, BLOCK.
Fatality 2 (within striking range) BACK, BACK, DOWN, (X).
Friendship (within striking distance) (Y), (Y), (Y), DOWN.
Babality (from any distance) FORWARD, BACKWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (A).
Brutality (X), (X), (Z), (C), (C), BLOCK, BLOCK, (A), (A), (X), (Z).
Stage Fatality (Close) (Y), (Y), BLOCK.

Grenade on top DOWN, BACK + (X).
Grenade at the bottom DOWN, BACK + (A).
Club sweep FORWARD, BACKWARD + (Z).
Throw with a club FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).
Combination 1 (C), (C), BLOCK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A).
Fatality 1 (from afar) FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, (C).
Friendship (from any distance) (A), (Y), (Y), (A).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (A), (Z), (C), (X), (A), (C), (Z), (X), (C), (C).
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, UP, UP, (Z).

SMOKE from MK3

Dart BACK, BACK + (A).
Invisibility FORWARD, FORWARD, (Y).
Air throw BLOCK while in the air.
Combination 1 (X), (X), (A).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (A).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (C), (Z), (A).
Fatality 1 (from afar) UP, UP, FORWARD, DOWN.
Fatality 2 (within striking distance) hold (Y)+BLOCK, press DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UP, then release (Y)+BLOCK.
Friendship (within striking distance) (Y), (Y), (Y), (Z).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, DOWN, BACK, BACK + (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (C), (Z), BLOCK, BLOCK, (A), (A), (X), BLOCK, BLOCK.
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, (C).

Energy rings DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Energy waves FORWARD, BACKWARD, (X).
Leg DOWN + (A) + BLOCK.
Bike Kick BACK, BACK, DOWN, (Z).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (X), (X), UP + (A).
Combination 3 (Z), (Z), (X), (X), (A), BACK + (X).
Fatality 1 (anywhere on screen) BACK, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, (Y).
Fatality 2 (from afar) press and hold (Y)+BLOCK. Now press UP, UP, BACK, DOWN. Release UP+BLOCK.
Friendship (anywhere on screen) BACK, FORWARD, BACK, DOWN + (Y).
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, (C).
Brutality (X), (C), BLOCK, (X), (C), BLOCK, (X), (A), BLOCK, (Z), (C).
Stage Fatality (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, (X).


Freeze DOWN, FORWARD, (A).
Ice Shower DOWN, FORWARD, (X).
Ice Twin DOWN, BACK + (A).
Slide BACK + BLOCK + (C).
Combination 1 (X), (X), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (A), (C), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (at range) BACK, BACK, DOWN, BACK, (Y).
Fatality 2 (close) BLOCK, BLOCK, (Y), BLOCK, (Y).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), UP.
Babality (anywhere on screen) DOWN, BACK, BACK, (Z).
Brutality (X), (C), (Z), (A), (X), (Z), (Z), (X), (X), (A), (X).
Stage Fatality (Close) BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, (Z).

Fire Skull BACK, BACK, (X).
Two fire skulls BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Three fire skulls BACK, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, (X).
Combination 1 (Z), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Combination 2 (C), (X), (X), (A), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (closely) hold (A) and press DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN. Release (A).
Fatality 2 (close) hold (A), press (Y), BACK, (Y), BACK. Release (A).
Friendship (anywhere on screen) (C), (Y), (Y), DOWN.
Babality (anywhere on the screen) (Y), (Y), (Y), (C).
Brutality (X), BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, (C), (X), (A), (A), BLOCK, BLOCK, (X).
Stage Fatality (close) UP, UP, BACK, (A).

Transformations into other fighters:

Harpoon BACK, BACK + (A).
Teleport DOWN, BACK + (X).
Throw in the air press BLOCK while jumping.
Combination 1 (X), (X), UP + (A).
Combination 2 (Z), (Z), (C), (C).
Combination 3 (X), (X), (Z), BACK + (Z).
Fatality 1 (Close) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, UP, (Y).
Fatality 2 (from striking distance) DOWN, DOWN, UP, (Z).
Babality (from any distance) DOWN, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, (X).
Brutality (X), (X), BLOCK, (Z), (Z), (C), (Z), (X), (X), (A), (X).

(Stealed) from the website