Increase the speed of loading pages in the browser. Five ways to speed up page loading times. Editing the launch shortcut

Almost every user has noticed how, after some time after installing various applications, including browsers, they begin to work slower. The point here is not an erroneous subjective assessment of the performance of a browser or PC, but an increase in the volume of processed information and the presence of outdated data. To speed up the browser, in particular Yandex, to the maximum and make it even faster than at first, you need to clear everything unnecessary and activate functions that are responsible for increasing the speed of the browser. One of the useful features is hardware acceleration, which by connecting additional resources reduces the time for data processing.

Speeding up the Yandex browser is a general concept. The first step is to determine which area needs to be improved or whether they all need restoration. Users may complain in several main areas:

  • Low application launch speed. Sometimes it takes a minute or more from clicking on the shortcut to loading;
  • Slow page loading. This should definitely be changed, since loading websites is the main task of the browser;
  • Slow speed of downloading files from the Internet. If the network slows down a lot when downloading files, the first step is to study the speed declared by the provider. This is probably the maximum speed, otherwise there is an opportunity to improve the state of this area;
  • Low Internet stability, which means constant disconnection with the server and the appearance of various errors.

The penultimate two points are similar in nature, and the methods for solving such problems are also the same. Having decided on the problem area of ​​the browser, we can begin to make it more active.

Speed ​​up browser launch

When the browser loads, the initial processing of previously opened pages, installed extensions, temporary files and the kernel itself occurs. By reducing the amount of information processed, we automatically increase the launch speed.

How to speed up the loading of Yandex browser:

  • Change start page settings. If you set to launch previously opened pages, loading will take longer in proportion to the number of tabs. There are 2 ways out of the situation: close the tabs before ending the session or set the operating mode - open the display when starting. To set a new parameter, go to the “Settings” section in Yandex Browser and in the “Open at startup” column, select “Tableboard with favorite sites”;
  • Clean up resource-intensive and unnecessary extensions. We recommend periodically removing plugins that are rarely used or have become useless. On the “Add-ons” page in the browser, scroll down the list and disable extensions one by one. We pay the most attention to the “From Other Sources” section. We remind you that simultaneous installation of two add-ons of the same type may negatively affect the loading speed of the browser. It is better to leave one, the best extension of its kind;
  • Remove temporary files. A simple way to speed up the launch of Yandex Browser is to clear all temporary files using the CCleaner application. Just download it from the link. In the “Cleaning” section on the “Applications” tab, select all items related to Google Chrome, then click on the “Analyze” button. After completing the analysis procedure, you must click on the “Cleaning” button;
  • Scan the system for viruses. The method will help increase the performance of the system as a whole and will have a positive effect on the speed of the browser while loading pages. An antivirus scanner like Dr. will help you remove viruses. Web or a full-fledged antivirus like ESET NOD32 or Kaspersky Internet Security;
  • Free up computer resources. If the PC is heavily loaded, system performance in browsing will drop significantly. You need to stop unnecessary processes or wait until important tasks are completed. Another way to increase the speed of your computer is to remove all unnecessary programs from startup. We can do this on the “Startup” tab in the “Task Manager”.

If system methods do not help, the likely cause is poor PC performance. To increase the loading speed of all applications, including the Yandex browser, we recommend installing an SSD drive and adding more RAM.

Increasing work speed and page loading

Browser performance is affected by more than just the power of your computer. Even on high-performance PCs, websites may experience significant loading delays. Regardless of your PC's power, you can use the following methods to improve your browser's performance.

How to speed up Yandex browser and its secrets:

  • Yandex Browser speeds up when you clear out unnecessary extensions. The method is described in the previous section;
  • An additional browser function will help increase the speed of opening and loading pages - preliminary execution of a request to the page. Preloading can significantly speed up the browser's performance. How to enable the feature:

  • Enabling support for images with transparent backgrounds, which results in a slight increase in operating speed. The function allows you to make the Yandex browser faster by several percent, but in combination with other methods the increase is noticeable. To enable the feature, just go to the experimental features page and enable the flag called #disable-accelerated-2d-canvas , setting it to the “Enabled” state;
  • Terminate other processes that consume a large amount of traffic. Downloading files, active torrents, mining, watching movies and some other tasks take up a lot of traffic. The listed actions and comfortable, fast surfing are mutually exclusive concepts. It is easy to speed up the loading of pages in the Yandex browser by turning off the download or waiting for it to complete. To check the network load, we can go to the “Task Manager” and select sorting by the “Network” tab;
  • Increasing the maximum available memory footprint. In Windows 7, you often have to directly set the load tolerance from the browser. The higher the number allocated for Yandex browser initialization, the sooner the page will load. To speed up the Yandex browser for Windows 7, you should specify a larger allocated memory size. True, the load on the computer will increase somewhat (slightly). To increase the browser speed, activate the #max-tiles-for-interest-area flag on the page. In the latest version of the browser for Windows 10, the function is switched to automatic mode, there is no need to enable it, and it is missing from the flags section;
  • Enable more active raster streams. Helps process images on pages faster, and images on most sites account for 80% of the weight of a page. We recommend setting the #num-raster-threads flag to the maximum value available in the drop-down list. This will not create a noticeable load on the computer, but will increase the speed of the Yandex browser;
  • Activation of the "Turbo" mode. Allows you to save traffic by compressing all content. To reduce the size of the content, all traffic is redirected to Yandex servers, where it is compressed. Compression is performed on images and videos. We can enable the mode on the “Add-ons” page in the “Convenient tools” section. If you set the operation type to “Auto”, it will turn on when the speed decreases to 128 kbit/sec and turn off after increasing it to 512 kbit/sec. For high-speed Internet there is no need for “Turbo” mode;
  • Disable VPN, proxy extensions or applications. They inevitably entail a decrease in Internet speed. The method will help significantly speed up opening pages in the Yandex browser. How to disable proxy:

Speeding up the Yandex browser will not happen if the reason for slow page loading is poor Internet connection speed.

How to speed up loading in Yandex browser to the maximum?

There are not many ways to increase the download speed in the Yandex browser, because it largely depends on the quality of the Internet. But there are still several methods that allow you to save a file faster:

  • A trivial way to speed up the Internet in general and in the Yandex browser is to order the best service package from a provider;
  • Disable all intermediate servers: proxies and VPN. Moreover, we recommend checking not only in the browser, but also among desktop applications. To speed up downloading in the Yandex browser, it is better to disable the proxy altogether or add the browser to exceptions (Proxy example: Browsec; Hola; friGate; ZenMate);
  • Change Internet security and firewall rules. It’s easy to go to the firewall settings by entering the word “firewall” into the Windows search (Win+S). Next, go to the “Rules for incoming connections” group. We find the item “Yandex.Browser (incoming mDNS traffic)” and check that its status is “Enabled” and that the UDP port is used. If this is not the case, you should create a rule and specify port 5353. Also in the antivirus there is a section “Exceptions” or “White List”, you need to add the Yandex browser to it (Screenshot 1 - Windows Firewall; Screenshot 2 - ESET NOD32);
  • Disabling the firewall will help speed up downloading files in the Yandex browser when using a corporate network. The system administrator can disable it for certain domains. Such permission can be obtained quite rarely;
  • Choose the right download server. The speed from some servers is low due to special settings on the hosting side; this often happens when the user chooses a free download method. Also, if the speed and stability of the Internet is better when downloading a file from other servers, the problem is in a specific resource.

There is often a desire to increase the Internet speed in the Yandex browser when downloading files from resources that are officially blocked in the country. To use them you have to turn on the VPN. The only way to make downloads faster is to replace the proxy or VPN service with a better/paid one (example: ExpressVPN).

Hardware acceleration in Yandex browser

Hardware acceleration deserves a separate section, as it can significantly speed up the performance of video content. Additionally, the function allows you to improve the smoothness of the video and increase its quality, if your computer performance and Internet speed allow it.

How to enable hardware acceleration?

There are 2 simple ways to initialize hardware acceleration.

First way:

Second method:

How to turn off hardware acceleration?

Disabling is done in exactly the same way; we can use one of the following methods:

Important! To activate or deactivate the function, you must restart the browser.

All of these methods help increase the speed of loading pages and files; they are usually used together to speed up the work of the Yandex browser as much as possible. When used together, it is often possible to achieve a significant increase in performance, although some methods independently increase performance by 50-200%.

“We distributed some of the content (images, jQuery) to subdomains, and some to a CDN ( to reduce the distance between the server and the user.” It’s bad for the site - the images will be linked not to the site, but to the CDN. In Yandex statistics you will see “pictures in the index - 0”.© info from Yandex.

That is, you have enabled all the checkboxes in the website optimization settings on your hosting. They ripped off a couple of hundred bucks from the customer. At the same time, they killed such a parameter in the header as lastmodified, because when these options are enabled, it is not transmitted - such is its specificity. It feels like there is no website, they just came up with an article and rewrote the name of the checkboxes from the hosting, thinking that it would make a lasting impression.
Bravo, I’ve never read a more primitive article, a case for the Darwin Award!

Alexander Porechnikov

Java is not even close to Java Script

Alexander Porechnikov

So you write, Gennady, that you have enabled http2 and at the same time for some reason combine resources into one file, are you contradicting yourself? Or you just don’t know how http2 works. And judging by the checklist, have you measured the loading speed after simply turning on gunzip, everything else is such subtleties and jungle that they get into when you need to make 400ms from 500ms or the server freezes due to the load (504 errors slip through). And throw Apache out of the Apache + Nzhinix combination (unless, of course, you use specific Apache plugins) + advice, keep all the static data on SDN, it’s very inexpensive, and the benefits of this are huge, at least in reducing the load on the processor

Alexander Porechnikov

and what are mirrors created for - merge the SDN with the main domain and that’s it

Alexander Porechnikov

I agree about the quality of the article, but I don’t agree about the concept itself - we tested all the points ourselves, but left less than half of them, the rest either doesn’t work or the meager increase in speed doesn’t justify the effort

Configured OpCashe, change to OPcache

Alexander, undoubtedly, these options of the pagespeed module speed up the site, but when you select at least one of them on the hosting, last-modified is not transmitted, the server’s 304 response to the if-modified-since request is not returned, cache conrol -> max-age becomes 0.
This is not what outraged me in the article, I was outraged by the fact that the author writes such abstruse things as they drew up a plan, how they implemented mega SEO technologies and how they spent 60 man hours on it, 60 KARL! That is, the customer was charged at least 500 bucks for checking the boxes on the hosting. No worries, good health! Well, let me tell you and keep quiet, but don’t go on normal sites with your pseudo-knowledge and don’t take away people’s time! Why am I sure that they steered the hosting - here is a screenshot of a Ukrainian advanced hoster, where the order of these checkboxes is almost 100% identical to the brilliant plan of the author and co. to speed up the site.

Alexander Porechnikov

On this hosting we even have one of the old semi-static projects running, excellent hosting. I know what you spoke about, but many do not understand that in fact there are only a few ways to really reduce loading time, and not “saving on matches” - this is:
0) enable compression on the web server (gzip),
1) setting the correct headers on the site
2) using not shared hosting, but even a minimal VPSK
3) use of a more or less fast engine (preferably not WordPress, but a framework)
4) minification of static files (what rarely changes - styles, pictures, scripts, fonts)
5) page/static caching

Everything else gives very little or no gain, and some advice only gets in the way. Well, the most important thing is to make a mobile version, because... Typically, site loading speed problems occur on mobile devices.

I agree with you 100%, thank you for your laconicism and accuracy!

Lyapushkin Nikita

That very moment when you can feel the memorized phrases of a salesman who has never seen what he is talking about.
If the article is for general development, then it is suitable, but not for a checklist or manual for use.
Just pull the names of technologies and smoke the topic yourself, I recommend even skipping the statements given in the article.


what kind of hosting?)


Alexey Tyazhelnikov

What does "Extended cache time for JavaScript and CSS" mean?

We turned on the last and penultimate checkbox on the hosting (post with screenshot above))))

Gennady Fedorov

Yes, that's what they did!
Sorry, you are not competent in this matter.

Gennady Fedorov

Thank you!
The complex of work produces results.

Gennady Fedorov

This was the task, to give an impetus to action, and not to describe how to do it

Gennady Fedorov

Thanks for the comment!
I admit, everything was combined before the transition to https/http2))
Yes, we measured the speed after gzip, but the result was not the same (you won’t please everyone)...

Gennady Fedorov

Here you are, as experts, judging... look at it from the user’s side))

Gennady Fedorov

Your comment is completely unclear

Alexander Porechnikov

users usually do not set up a server, do not program or create products, then the fact that a person without knowledge can create a “blog/site” on WordPress is undoubtedly good, but if such a person has questions, he will still have to deal with PHP, JavaScript , Nginx, Apache and other previously unfamiliar words, and Google usually helps with this, so “slight illiteracy” in terms will lead to the fact that a person will look for something similar to “slider in Java” and be surprised that some kind of JavaScript is being slipped to him in the results. Therefore, it is not worth appealing to the user’s side

Alexander Porechnikov

often the problem is not that the speed increases due to all manipulations (even if by 0.1%), but that we do not see other optimization ways (CDN, nginx) and do not understand how it works (http2) and in As a result, we optimize what makes no sense to optimize and forget about what should be optimized or how to achieve the maximum result with our optimization.

Good day! Surely everyone comes to a point when it is necessary to increase the loading speed of website pages for the reason that the site takes too long to load and users leave the site without waiting for it to fully load. In today's post, I'll go into more detail about the tools you need to use to optimize your site's page loading speed and what key points may be preventing your pages from loading. In addition, you will also learn which services can be used to measure the loading speed of website pages.

Services for measuring site page loading speed

Of the many services that I used to check the loading speed of site pages, I liked the service:, which clearly demonstrates every detail of the site and the loading speed of the required page, for example, for the main page of a blog site, when you select “Amsterdam, Netherlands” in the settings ", the site loading speed will be 1.08 seconds, which is not too bad.
Below is all the necessary information that is provided by the service on the speed of connection, waiting and response of both third-party servers, the data from which is requested, and the internal server.

From the data provided, you can determine the slowest moments and improve the loading speed of site pages by influencing these places. A wonderful tool developed by Google will help with this - Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.

We optimize the loading speed of website pages using Google PageSpeed

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems at first glance, but I want to note the point that when using Google PageSpeed ​​Insights you cannot see all the points that can worsen the loading speed of site pages, but it is quite suitable, having completed all the points at the request of the service, you can significantly improve speed. For a more detailed analysis of the factors affecting site loading speed, you need to use the Mozilla Firefox browser with the Firebug add-on and the PageSpeed ​​plugin for Firefox.

Why Firefox? For Firefox, this plugin looks more convenient, even the content that is displayed after the plugin analyzes site pages is more compact, so I recommend analyzing pages using Firefox.

So, after installing the plugin and firebug add-on, a button with an image of a beetle will appear in the upper right corner.

Go to the site for which you want to perform analysis, click on the button with the bug. A window will open in front of you, the last tab of which will be called Page Speed. After clicking on the tab, a window will appear with a button Analyze Performance, you need to click on the button and wait until the page is analyzed. Next, you will see a list of all the recommendations that you need to follow to improve the loading speed of your site pages. After a short manipulation of the content of the blog pages, I achieved a result in PageSpeed ​​= 94 out of 100 possible points, which is quite good, of course you can improve the result, but for now this is not critical, the main thing is that I eliminated all the main interfering points.

But the green ticks seem to say that everything is in order, in fact, you can improve the indicator and reach a value of more than 94.

So, let's now look at the basic recommendations that need to be followed to optimize the loading speed of website pages:

Enable compression - to configure compression of xml, css, js and html into gzip format, you need to add the following code to the .htaccess file on the site's ftp server:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css application/x-javascript BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0 no-gzip BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html mod_gzip_on Yes mod_gzip_item_include file \.js$ mod_gzip_item_include file \.css$

Provide images with proper aspect ratios – CSS files should set fixed aspect ratios for images instead of changing them using CSS.

Use browser cache, here you specify the cache validator and execute the Specify Cache validator item - you must use caching on the browser side, i.e. client, you need to add the following lines of code to .htaccess:

Header set Cache-control: private FileETag MTime Size ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 day" BrowserMatch "MSIE" force-no-vary BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.(2)" force-no-vary

This part of the code implements caching for 7 days; do not forget that it is not always necessary to comply with the requirements of search engines; if elements of your site are updated frequently, you need to configure caching for each individually.

Optimize images - in order to reduce the size of pages and accordingly increase loading speed, you will need to use the principle of copying all site images from an ftp server and batch uploading for further processing into the service, the procedure is quite long if There are thousands of images on your website. Errors may occur that gif files will be compressed into jpg or png, and the file name will change; this point must be taken into account; if there are gif images, it is better to upload them separately and then edit them manually. Recommendations:

  • After each download of the package, refresh the page, otherwise the images will be added to the current list.
  • All optimized files are downloaded in an archive from this service, so before uploading to the server they need to be extracted from the archive.

Delay parsing java script - you can run a script that takes some time to load the document using the code:

function onLoadScript () ( var scri = document.createElement("script"); scri.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(scri); ) window.onload = function () (setTimeout(onLoadScript, ))

function onLoadScript () ( var scri = document.createElement("script"); scri.src = "jq.js"; document.body.appendChild(scri); ) window.onload = function () (setTimeout(onLoadScript, 2000 ))

To shorten JS scripts and CSS styles - you need to use the service:, which removes extra spaces in the code, thereby saving file space.

Shorten HTML - To shorten the HTML page, you can remove extra spaces and supporting quotes, which can be omitted in specific situations

Specify the image sizes - all images must have their sizes specified; there is no need to omit setting the image sizes, otherwise either the images will be scaled crookedly, or the CMS will resort to independently specifying CSS styles for the images, thereby increasing their size.

Specify the Vary: Accept-Encoding header – all files opened for caching must return the header, just add the code to .htaccess on the ftp server:

Header set Cache-control: private Header append Vary Accept-Encoding Header set Cache-control: public

P.S.: To reduce the number of requests to files, it is necessary to reduce the number of CSS styles and combine them into 1 file; ideally, js scripts should also be combined into 1 file.


The provided list of recommendations will significantly help improve the loading speed of site pages, but do not forget that in some cases the load on the server may increase, for example, when using gzip compression using server tools and using caching on the browser (client) side, here you will need to approach the optimization stages with on the other hand, prepare gzip files yourself, and configure the correct processing in .htaccess, and depending on the browser, provide users with compressed or uncompressed files.

Don't forget also that improving page loading speed has a positive effect on a site's SEO, and all other things being equal, if your site wins in speed, it will be higher than its competitors.

Good luck to you in optimizing site page speed!

In order to speed up your computer, you don’t need any special knowledge, because a significant increase in system performance, faster loading of Windows and an increase in the performance of programs, games and applications can be achieved with just a couple of simple manipulations and changing some system settings.

I know from myself how annoying it is to wait for a computer to boot, and its periodic freezes and slowdowns when you turn on several necessary programs at once completely infuriate you. Particularly poor performance is noticeable in games that begin to slow down, making them impossible to play.

A decrease in performance is observed not only in old laptops or computers with ancient operating systems and weak hardware, but also in fairly modern machines with installed Windows 7. By the way, the “seven” is no faster Windows XP, and even slower, because it is more complex and a whole bunch of additional and not always necessary processes have been added to it, running in the background and reducing the speed of the programs we need.

This method of speeding up a computer, which I’ll tell you about now, is suitable for any computer with any operating system, the only thing that may differ is the names of the menu items.

How to speed up your computer

We can speed up work, increase the performance and speed of the computer in a very simple way: by disabling all services and processes that we do not use, that start at system startup and constantly consume its resources and memory. So let's start working on speeding up your computer:

A way to speed up your computer and its performance
  • Let's go to control Panel computer, which is located on the menu tab START(in the lower left corner of the monitor window).
  • In the window that opens, find the item administration(to make it easier to find, you can change the display type of this folder from large icons to small ones, table or list) and open it.
  • Next we go even deeper, find the application system configuration and launch it.
  • After launching this application, its window with many tabs will open; in order to speed up the system, go to the tab services, in which you will see a list of all running services, both running and in standby mode (eating up our nerves and resources on the computer).

Before you start disabling those that have a check mark, but the status says that they are stopped, in order not to make a mistake and not disable any important program used by one of your programs, we need to run all frequently used programs on the computer (for example: your Internet browser, icq, winamp, the one in which you watch movies and your favorite computer game).

By unchecking stopped services, you disable them and thus increase the performance of your computer, since they will no longer consume its memory, which means the performance of other programs and applications running on the computer increases.

How to speed up windows loading

After you have disabled all unnecessary services, apply (button apply) new settings and go to the tab where you will see all the program applications that automatically launch when windows boots. In this tab, you can speed up the loading of windows by safely unchecking absolutely all the checkboxes (then each of these applications will launch only when you start its program).

After you have unchecked all the boxes, apply the new settings and click on the button OK, after which a window will appear asking you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

How to increase computer speed using utilities and third-party programs

How long has it been since you serviced your computer? But it is another means to increase system performance; it is performed using standard Windows utilities:

  • Defragment your hard drive (at least once every 2-3 months)
  • Cleaning the system registry, where a whole bunch of unnecessary data remains from long-deleted programs constantly accumulates (for this it is better to use one of the many special free programs designed for this, for example: RegCleaner or Wise Registry Cleaner Free)
  • Running the Disk Cleanup utility will remove accumulated files in temporary folders, and will also increase the speed of your computer
The latest way to speed up your computer and improve system performance

If all previous actions to improve performance and speed up your computer have not brought the result you expected, you will have to resort to extreme measures: disabling all the bells and whistles of Windows design and lowering the quality of graphics, and in addition, we can increase the size of the paging file, which is used when there is insufficient RAM.

  • To do this, we go again to control Panel select an item system in the window that appears on the tab visual effects put a tick on the item ensure the best performance and click “apply”.
  • Next, go to the tab additionally and to increase the size of the paging file, click on the button change select an item indicate size and for normal operation we set the size of the available physical RAM multiplied by 1.5, and for games we multiply it by 2-2.5 (it is recommended to make the minimum and maximum sizes the same).

In these simple ways, we not only increased the loading speed when you turn on your PC and its performance, but also reduced the load on the hardware, as a result of which its lifespan will significantly increase.

Read also: computers optimization programs Comments on the article

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Page loading speed is an important parameter for website performance. If a resource is overloaded with text, images or scripts that slow down its work, its code is not optimized, and it takes time for the content to display normally on the project, then this will negatively affect promotion.

Why do you need site speed optimization?

The longer site pages take to load, the worse the behavioral factors: more failures, fewer pages viewed.

The brakes will be especially noticeable when the Internet connection is slow or when using outdated networks (3G). And if the site does not have a mobile version or adaptive design, then mobile traffic will also drop significantly. To avoid this, site speed optimization is required. Ideally, the page should load no longer than 2 seconds. If it takes more than 4 seconds, this is already a reason to think about it and start correcting the situation, because, according to research, this leads to the loss of almost 60% of traffic.

The following factors may prevent pages from loading quickly:

  • Unstructured html code;
  • Large and heavy images;
  • Scripts that block the operation of the site;
  • Using styles in html templates;
  • Slow server operation, problems on the hosting side, exceeding tariff limits;
  • Viruses and other malicious code on the site.

The fast speed of the project has a positive effect on conversion and positions in search engines. People stay on the resource longer, take more actions, and are in no hurry to leave the site.

Where to start optimizing site loading speed

First of all, it is worth measuring how long it takes for site pages to load. You need to check not only the main URL, but also all significant ones: blog sections, long posts, categories in an online store, product cards that are interesting for business, information pages. For the test, you can use any online services, for example, Here you can get information about the total loading time, file size and page generation time.

The service indicates problems, for example:

  • Page compression is disabled;
  • Slow content generation;
  • The size of files with scripts and styles is too large;
  • Caching is disabled on the hosting.

You can find out Google search engine recommendations for optimizing site loading speed using the Google Page Speed ​​service. It analyzes the content of the page when viewed from mobile devices and desktop computers, evaluates it in a point system and shows recommendations. Basically, they come down to compressing style and script files, html code, and images connected to the template.

How to optimize site speed?

Work should be carried out in several directions. Firstly, the server must work like a clock, so you should refuse hosting, which has constant problems and sites crash quite often. To check the availability of a resource, you can use the Yandex.Metrica counter: if the site is unavailable, a message will be sent by email or SMS, and this service is free.
To optimize site loading speed, you need to do the following:

  • Reduce page size. Break long articles into several parts, use sprites for layout, enable http data compression (can be done through the hosting support service);
  • Reduce the size and weight of graphic files. Do not publish too heavy pictures, compress photos, use “light” formats, for example, jpeg, clear from the file all unnecessary data that weighs it down (information about the photo, author, comments, etc.);
  • Compress js and css files. You can use gzip technologies, use less, connect compressed files;
  • Enable static content caching. This technology can be connected on the site or server side. Cached pages do not need to be loaded every time and do not require additional resources. But you need to use the cache wisely to optimize site speed so that it does not block dynamic data;
  • Optimizing server performance. The closer the server is geographically located to site visitors, the faster the content will load. Speed ​​up Windows 7 boot

    For heavy projects, content delivery networks and CDNs are used. They host graphic files, scripts, styles and load faster from a server located closer to the user.

Projects created using different management systems may have their own problems with optimizing site loading speed. This is especially true for resources made on ready-made design themes and using a large number of different plugins and modules. In this case, the problems often relate to the html code: scripts and style files are loaded directly onto the page at the hook locations, sometimes blocking other content.

In addition, ready-made design themes have many settings that can make the site heavier. Owners of projects created using template solutions should pay more attention to optimizing site speed than others. They need to remove unused sections of code, move js and css into separate files and thereby “lighten” their resource.

Website speed and methods to increase it

Andrey Baturin,

Andrey Baturin

The Internet requires the operational operation of web portals. Even search engines consider page loading speed as one of the key ranking factors. This issue is important for business, since the success of promotion largely depends on the technical development of the site.

Each developer will offer you his own methods to help improve the efficiency of the resource, and he will be right. In the article we will list the main ways that will allow you to check this indicator and improve it.

How to check performance

First of all, it is important to conduct a simple audit and find out what the speed of the web page is at the moment. To improve it, many options are included directly on the hosting. There are also third-party free programs that will check the speed in no time.

The leading positions are occupied by the following services:

  • To perform the test, just copy the URL into the appropriate line, and you will receive data on the download rate and some tips on how to improve the current situation.

    How to increase site loading speed

    This parameter depends on many factors.

    Let's list the most popular methods that webmasters use to solve speed problems:

    Removing unnecessary scripts

    Often, HTML code contains scripts that slow down performance. For the website to function dynamically, there should be no more than 6 scripts. Feel free to remove excess javascript, such as advertising elements, unused buttons and social media widgets, unnecessary services that drag the site down. Objectively evaluate the functionality and get rid of junk.

    CSS Optimization

    The HTML code of web pages should not contain styles. Create a separate file connected to the main document where all identifiers and classes will be indicated. You can optimize CSS yourself manually or using various programs. Manual setup will take a lot of time, and there is a risk of missing some inaccuracies.

    Services such as:

    • CSS Optimizer,
    • CSS Compressor
    • Autooptimize plugin.
    Cleaning up dead code

    During the use of the platform, a large amount of various “garbage” is generated in the html code. This happens, for example, when the design and functionality change. Your task is to find and remove sections of code that do not perform any tasks.

    To do this, carefully analyze the performance of the portal so that you don’t accidentally get rid of important things. Be sure to save a backup copy before performing the cleanup. Provide a comment for each deleted section so that, in extreme cases, you can quickly restore the desired object.

    Reducing Images

    Even the smallest image can significantly reduce the loading speed. Carefully select images for publications on the site. Their quantity should be strictly determined by necessity; it is better to remove all excess. Replace pictures with CSS styles if possible.

    When using illustrations, learn to optimize their size.

    How to reduce Windows boot time by 2+ times

    You can place a small copy of the picture, and when you click on it, a link to the full version appears. You can use Photoshop: the service helps optimize any graphics specifically for the web, reducing the weight of images while maintaining quality.


    This option helps speed up the performance of Internet pages. Take a close look at your site's content management system and look for a caching implementation.

    • Images,
    • Style files and scripts,
    • Analysis of the functioning of individual modules,
    • Saving information about updates and changes to minor parameters.
    Removing "broken links"

    Addresses to nowhere are ballast that you definitely need to get rid of. Broken links not only slow down your work, but also act as a negative factor when search engines evaluate web pages. The presence of a large number of such links (both within the site and leading to external resources) leads to slower loading of Internet pages.

    The Xenu program will help you check your site for broken URLs. After which they should be immediately removed or corrected.

    Validation check

    Validation checking is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of effort and time from the web developer. With this type of assessment, errors are analyzed on each of the pages of the resource, from “Home” to “News”.

    Validators check HTML and CSS codes to ensure they meet the requirements. The goal is to completely free the website from errors. It is achievable with the right approach and consistent cleaning.

    Optimizing non-working pages

    The free Screaming Frog SEO Spider program will help you find broken pages that do not give a 200 response code. After identifying such pages, your task is to fix them or delete them completely.

    Set up a “redirect” (redirection) from pages containing errors. If the tab does not respond with code 200, the user will be redirected to the previous one.

    Don't forget to monitor your download speed, use these methods to increase it. Keep in mind that the problem may be deeper. Then all these simple techniques will be powerless, you will have to turn to professionals.

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    Need a professional Logo? Let's do it!

    Look how many of the strongest competitors have. This is the number you are aiming for.

    ProOne 04/18/2014 11:04

    I agree, but how can I see this data is shown in the Gula Webmaster!???? at least here. Or in the analysis of pr-cy sites there is loading speed there. At least look there and compare. If you do it faster, you’re handsome, but if there’s not a big difference, well, to hell with it. Although if you fulfill all the requirements in Google’s webmaster, then good loading speed is guaranteed)

    ProOne 04/18/2014 11:06

    Just wondering, what is everyone's score?

    How to speed up loading programs?

    My site averages 181 milliseconds... "Time taken to load page"

    Obviously, the slower the page loading speed, the better.

    The less the better, you need to strive for the minimum =)

    Google webmaster page loading time

    ProOne 04/18/2014 09:54 1,217

    “Time taken to load page (in milliseconds)” How much should the average be?

    Please disable AdBlock! The site does not work correctly with AdBlock.

    In its recommendations, Google indicates that site speed is one of the factors its algorithm uses to rank pages. And the study found that Google can specifically measure the time until the last byte is loaded on a page view. Additionally, slow page speed means search engines can crawl fewer pages using their allotted crawl time, which can negatively impact your indexing.

    Page speed is also important for users. Increasing loading speed significantly increases conversion and sales. According to a study conducted by Amazon, a difference of just 100 milliseconds, a unit of time that a person can't even comprehend, would be enough to cut their sales by 1 percent. Other large online stores received similar results.

    If this tiny unit of time has such an immediate impact on sales, then what impact will a change in a second have?

    Measuring how optimized page loading speed is

    It is worth understanding that different pages will have different loading standards. A static page with text and no styles is one thing, and a beautiful website with lots of pictures, videos and complex styles is quite another.

    It is for this reason that measuring download speed in absolute terms is not entirely correct. It is correct to measure how much you have used possible tools to speed up the site.

    This is exactly how Google PageSpeed ​​Insights and alternative services like Pingdom work. These services will show you how optimized your site is based on criteria such as:

    • Availability of redirects;
    • Using browser cache;
    • Quality CSS, HTML and JS;
    • Image optimization;
    • etc.
    How can I increase page loading speed? Reducing HTTP Requests

    Each file that a web page needs to display and function, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and fonts, requires a separate HTTP request. The more requests are made, the slower this page will load.

    Here's where it all starts:

    Most themes load one or more CSS files and a few JavaScript files. Some, like JQuery or FontAwesome, are usually loaded remotely from another server, which significantly increases page load time.

    This becomes even more problematic if you look at the additional CSS and JavaScript files added by plugins.

    How to speed up Windows boot

    It's easy to make half a dozen or more HTTP requests from just CSS and JavaScript files.

    When you consider all the images on a page, each requiring a separate HTTP request, it quickly gets out of control.

    Here's what you can do to increase your download speed:

    • Combine JavaScript files into one file.
    • Combine the CSS files into one file.
    • Reduce or eliminate plugins that load their own JavaScript and/or CSS files.
    • Use a font like FontAwesome or Ionic Icons instead of image files because you only need to upload one file.
    Enable trailing slash

    Here's how it works:

    When you visit a URL without a trailing slash, the web server will look for a file with that name. If it doesn't find a file with that name, it will treat it as a directory and look for a default file in that directory.

    In other words, by omitting the trailing slash, you force the server to perform an unnecessary 301 redirect. Although it may seem immediate to you, it will take a little longer. Remember that every millisecond counts.

    Correct link building

    (this is also wrong)
    (this is also correct)

    Enable file compression

    Enabling GZIP compression can significantly reduce the time it takes to download HTML, CSS, JavaScript files. Don't worry—your visitors won't have to do anything because all modern browsers support GZIP and automatically handle it for all HTTP requests.

    Enable browser caching.

    With browser caching enabled, web page elements are stored in visitors' browser so the next time they visit your site, or when they visit another page, their browser can load the page without having to make additional HTTP requests to the server.

    After loading the first page and its elements in the user's cache, only new elements need to be loaded on subsequent pages. This can significantly reduce the number of files that need to be downloaded during a typical session.

    Resource minimization

    Minifying your CSS and JavaScript files removes unnecessary white space and comments to reduce file size and, as a result, the time it takes to load them.

    Luckily, this doesn't have to be a manual process because there are several tools available online to convert the file into a smaller version. There are several plugins available for WordPress that will replace your website header links for your regular CSS and JavaScript files with a mini version of them without changing your original files, including popular caching plugins such as:

    • W3 Shared Cache
    • WP Super Cache
    • WP Rocket

    It's worth keeping in mind that it may take some effort to get the settings right the first time because minification can often break CSS and JavaScript, so once you've minified elements, be sure to test your site thoroughly.

    Optimizing multimedia files

    Since mobile devices with high-quality cameras are common, and modern content management systems like WordPress allow you to upload images, many people simply take a photo and upload it, not realizing that the image is often at least four times larger than necessary. This slows down your site significantly, especially for mobile users.

    Optimizing the media on your website can greatly improve your page speed, and it's relatively easy to do, so it's a good investment of your time.

    Choose the perfect format. JPG is ideal for photographic images, while GIF or PNG are best for images with large areas of solid color. 8-bit PNG files are for images with a transparent background.
    Make sure the images are the correct size. If the image is displayed at 800 pixels on your website, there is no benefit to using an image that is 1600 pixels wide.

    Image file compression. In addition to reducing resolution, there are many tools to compress an image, thereby reducing its weight.

    Video optimization. Choose the perfect format. MP4 is best in most cases because it is the smallest format. Ensure the optimal size is based on your visitors' screen size - you've noticed that the resolution on YouTube changes depending on your device. Eliminate the audio track if video is used in the background as a design element. Reduce video length. Consider uploading videos to YouTube or Vimeo instead of storing them yourself.

    And these are just flowers! To truly optimize media files on your website, you need to display images at the appropriate size based on screen size, rather than simply resizing them. There are two ways to handle this based on the image implementation.

  • Images in your site's HTML can be used using the src set, which allows the browser to select, load, and display the appropriate image based on the screen size of the device the visitor is using.
  • Images placed via CSS - usually as background images - can be used using media queries to select an appropriate image based on the screen size of the device the user is using.
  • Use caching and CDN

    Caching allows your web server to store a static copy of your web pages so that they can be delivered to the visitor's browser faster, while a CDN allows those copies to be distributed to servers around the world so that the visitor's browser can fetch them from the server closest to their location. This significantly increases page speed.

    If you are serious about increasing page loading speed, this will yield positive results not only for SEO, but will allow you to improve the user experience and increase site conversion.


    Managing partner, digital marketing expert

    Nobody likes a slow website - neither users nor search engines. With the current Internet speed, people are no longer willing to wait a long time for a page to load. This is not a dial-up connection, where waiting was inevitable. And search engines, fighting for the quality of search results, do not want to give users bad (in this case, slow) sites. Therefore, all other things being equal, a slow site will rank lower in search results than its faster competitors.

    What download speed is considered normal?

    The faster the better. But on average, 2-3 seconds to load the main part of the page content is quite normal.

    What does download speed depend on?

    There are two parties involved in loading a site - the user’s browser and the server where the site’s files are physically located. Data exchange occurs between these parties.

    Problems on each side and in between can slow down site loading.

    • Slow server: there may simply not be enough RAM or processor cores, like a regular computer.
    • Slow website engine (CMS): if the code was written by inexperienced programmers without taking into account its speed.
    • The server is far from the user: for example, the server with the site files is physically located in Moscow, and the user accesses the site from Vladivostok.
    • Lots of files: To display a page, the browser needs to download a lot of images, files, styles, scripts and fonts.
    • Heavy files: Plus these files weigh a lot.

    All steps to optimize site speed are aimed at eliminating these problems.

    How to check site speed

    Of the many online services for checking website speed, the most popular is perhaps the Google PageSpeed ​​tool. It’s easy to work with - just enter the website address and click the “Analyze” button.

    As a result, we will see the following indicators (separately for computers and mobile):

    • After what time does the browser receive a response from the server and begin drawing the page content (FCP - First Contentful Paint).
    • After what time does the user see the main content in the browser (DCL - DOM Content Loaded).
    • How optimized the site is in terms of loading speed.
    • Specific recommendations for optimization. By clicking on the “How to fix” links, we see the addresses of problematic images and files that need to be done something (mainly, compressed).

    It is advisable to get into the green zone - both in the “Site Speed” block and in the “Optimization” block.

    Another good service for checking download speed, albeit in English, is Pingdom. A distinctive feature is that these beautiful graphs (called waterfall) show which files are loaded, in what order and for how long:

    And now to the point:

    How to speed up your website Step 1. Optimizing images

    Unoptimized images are the “heaviest” part of the site. Therefore, working with pictures can give a significant increase in speed.

    What we are looking at:

      Image size (width and height)

      If you have shot a product and received photos with a width of about 5000 pixels, you can safely reduce the width to 1600, in most cases this will be enough. The exception will be those sites (mainly online stores) where you can view a product with a “magnifying glass”, but even there the enlarged image is not loaded immediately, but only if the person decides to use this tool.

      Image weight (kilobytes)

      Images from a camera can (and should) be compressed in volume before being posted on a website. This is done either in Photoshop (or another image editor) or through online services, for example, TinyPNG or Optimizilla.

      Preview to large pictures

      If you have photos of products (or completed work) and have a page listing them, it would be wise to make small previews (smaller images). Then the list of products, works or photographs will load faster.

    For example, Sportmaster uses product images in three versions:

    Image for the product list (weighs 7 KB)

    Image for the product card (weighs 18 KB)

    Picture for viewing the product with a “magnifying glass” (weighs 942 KB)

    Imagine how long it would take to load the list of products if Sportmaster used only the original images (those with more than 900 kilobytes each).

    When checking site speed through Google PageSpeed, you will receive a ready-made list of images that should be optimized:

    Step 2. Gzip compression

    Gzip is a program for compressing files on a server (analogous to zip archives on a computer). When Gzip is enabled, the server will first archive these files before sending the page code (as well as scripts, styles and other text information) to the browser. The browser will receive the archive and unpack it on the user's computer. Compressed information will be transferred faster between the browser and the server.

    How to enable Gzip compression:

      If you have access to the htaccess file, add the following lines to it (at the end of the file):

      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css application/json
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml application/xml text/x-component
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf application/x-font-opentype image/svg+xml

      If you do not have Apache, but Nginx (who knows, will understand), then you will need the nginx.conf configuration file. Add the code to the http (...) section and restart the server:

      gzip on;
      gzip_static on;
      gzip_comp_level 5;
      gzip_min_length 1024;
      gzip_proxied any;
      gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/javascript;

      If you do not have access to htaccess or server configuration, write to hosting technical support that you need to enable gzip compression.

    If compression works, then in the PageSpeed ​​check results you will see (in the “Implemented optimization techniques” block):

    Step 3: Browser-side caching

    When a browser loads a site, it saves some of the information from it (style files, scripts, pictures) into its own memory (cache). Then, on other pages of this site or when you re-enter the current page, the browser will not request this information again from the server (which takes a long time), but will load it from its own memory (which is faster). Therefore, in the browser settings there are “Clear cache” buttons, and we all know the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F5 (refresh the page with clearing the cache).

    To use the browser's cache, you need to tell it what types of files from your site to save in the cache. How to do it:

      Via the htaccess file (we cache static files for 10 days):

      Expires Active On
      ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType image/svg+xml "access plus 10 days"
      ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 10 days"

      For Nginx, add to the configuration:

      location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|js|txt)$ (
      root /var/www/user/data/www/;
      expires 10d;

      If you don’t have access to the server settings, again write to technical support and ask to configure caching of static files.

    Similar to the list of images, Google PageSpeed ​​displays a list of resources for which caching is not configured, but could be:

    Please note that you can configure caching only for your resources. It is no longer possible to change cache settings, for example, for Yandex.Metrica scripts.

    Step 4. Minimizing css and js files

    Minification is the process of reducing the size of a file by removing spaces, empty lines, comments, using shorter variable names, etc. The browser does not care which file it works with - regular or minimized, and such a file weighs less.

    Example of normal code:

    Speedometer-wrapper (
    position: relative;
    .speedometer-wrapper .list (
    margin-top: 80px;
    margin-left : -20px ;
    padding-bottom : 85px ;

    After minimization:

    Speedometer-wrapper (position :relative).speedometer-wrapper .list (margin-top :80px ;margin-left :-20px ;padding-bottom :85px )

    Popular plugins and libraries (jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.) always have minimized versions of their scripts and styles - connect them to your site. For example, the regular version of the jQuery script weighs 265 KB, and its compressed version weighs 85 KB. Do you feel the difference?

    The only disadvantage of minification is that the readability of the file is lost. If you need to make changes to a compressed file, it will be difficult to do this; it is inconvenient for a person to work with such a file (there is one continuous line). Therefore, to minify your scripts, additional plugins for the CMS are usually used - they automatically compress css and js files before loading them onto the site. And the layout designer can easily work with regular versions of files.

    Here too, PageSpeed ​​carefully shows us a list of files whose size can be reduced by minimizing:

    Step 5. Order of loading css and js files

    Browsers have their own algorithms for loading pages as quickly as possible (no one wants to be known as a “slow” browser). Therefore, having received the page code, the browser tries to figure out which of the included files it needs to start downloading first. Sometimes it happens that the browser has already gotten around to rendering some form on the page, but the file with styles for it has not yet loaded - then rendering will stop.

    In order for the browser to load site files in an optimal way, it is recommended to include all style files (css) and fonts at the beginning of the page code (in the tag), and all script files (js) at the end of the page, before the closing tag.




    Then the browser will load the styles necessary for rendering and begin to show the page to the user, simultaneously loading the necessary scripts (which will then provide interactivity - sliders, tabs, etc.).

    Step 6. Extra plugins or counters

    Sometimes the page code contains links to plugins or modules that are no longer used on the site. For example, at first the layout designer connected one plugin for sliders, and then replaced it with a new one, but did not remove the old one. Or there are codes from counters, the statistics for which you no longer look at. Be sure to remove such “garbage” from the code.

    Try to optimize the use of additional scripts. For example, if you have sliders on three pages of your site, then use the same slider plugin on all pages - you don’t need to connect any special script each time.

    Step 7: Using a CDN

    CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network of many servers distributed geographically throughout the country or around the world. Each of the servers duplicates content from the main server (content is duplicated upon the first request by the user and is stored for some time).

    When a user, for example, from Khabarovsk, wants to download something from a CDN, he receives the content not from the main server (which may be, for example, in Moscow), but from the server closest to the user (which may be in Khabarovsk ). My native country is wide, so the Khabarovsk-Khabarovsk request will be faster than the Khabarovsk-Moscow request. Let it be for milliseconds, but when multiplied by the number of files and their size, this can give a good increase in speed.

    Typically, CDN is used in two cases:

    • Loading third-party scripts. These are the same jQuery, Bootstrap, Web Fonts. For example, you can tell the browser to download them not from your server, but from Google, Bootstrap or other CDN servers.
    • Loading images and scripts from your CDN. Large sites (Ozon, Avito, etc.) set up their own CDNs, using either their own servers or (more often) servers of CDN networks, for example, Google Cloud or StackPath. Some CMS have already included CDN support in their functionality. For example, Bitrix has a free module “Site Acceleration (CDN)”.
    Step 8: Reduce the number of http requests

    In order for the browser to make fewer calls to the server (and these are HTTP requests), you need to reduce the number of files it needs. For example, if you have three separate scripts (for a slider, for modal windows and for tooltips), you can combine them into one file and then minify them (see step 4).

    Since merging files manually is not very convenient (if you need to replace one of the scripts in the future), you usually configure their automatic merging. Most CMS have their own plugins for this (for example, Autoptimize for WordPress).

    Configured browser caching (step 3) and removing unnecessary scripts (step 6) also reduce the number of http requests.

    Step 9: Optimizing Fonts

    Try to use one consistent font throughout the entire site. This will not only add aesthetics to the site, but will also reduce the amount of downloaded files for displaying fonts.

    You can also reduce the number of files by not using outdated formats. Previously, each font was downloaded in eot, ttf, woff, svg formats for correct display in browsers. Now modern browsers allow you to limit yourself to only two formats - woff and woff2.

    Additionally, popular fonts can be downloaded from Google Fonts. Firstly, it will take the load off your server. Secondly, files with fonts will already be optimized, this is transferred from your shoulders to Google (which, you see, is nice).

    Step 10: Shortening the HTML Code

    In addition to compressing style files and scripts (step 4), you can also configure minification for the HTML code of the page itself. I think this is true for long pages - blog articles, large product lists, etc. To configure it, you should look for a suitable plugin for your CMS (for example, Html Minifier for Joomla).

    Step 11. Optimizing server performance

    If you have a dedicated server (your system administrator can manage its settings), you can try upgrading its settings. For example, add RAM or replace the processor. The system administrator can also “clean up” the server itself - remove unused ones and update current modules.

    In the case of shared hosting (without access to server settings), you can look towards switching to more expensive tariffs if they have better server technical characteristics.

    Step 12. Optimizing scripts and databases

    One of the stages of loading a site is the server generating the final HTML code, which it will give to the browser. This code is generated by the site engine (CMS). If the engine is not written correctly, then it can “assemble” a page for a very long time, making unnecessary requests to files and databases, using “slow” programming algorithms, etc.

    Therefore, when choosing a CMS for a website, it is recommended to look towards popular engines (Bitrix, Open Cart, WordPress, MODx, etc.), which have proven their speed and reliability. And since these systems are constantly being improved (including in terms of speed), you should regularly update the CMS on your website.

    No slowpoke

    Make sure your site loads quickly. Remember that there are many competitors in the search results, and the faster your site loads, the fewer other sites a person will have time to open in neighboring tabs.

    If you need help optimizing your site’s loading speed, write to us, we’ll look at your site and tell you if it can be speeded up.