Where are the emoticons in contact? How to put emoticons in the status and on the VKontakte wall? Emoticons for Contact with various modes of transport

Emoticons have become an integral part of almost any correspondence. Many people no longer describe their emotions; they convey them directly through small images.

By the way, they have become so popular that they are constantly developing and receiving updates in the form of new symbols. Social networks also keep up with new trends and offer to insert smiles (aka emoji) into posts, on walls and in comments. Well, those who want to stand out from the rest can add a small picture directly to their status.

Previously, to perform such an action it was necessary to know a special image code. But time passes and everything becomes much simpler.

Emoticons on VKontakte

How to insert emoticons on VKontakte

It all starts with emojis in private messages. It is worth noting that this method is applicable to all moments when you need to express your emotions through just a few images.

Emoticons in messages

So, when you find yourself in private messages, you should pay attention to the emoticon image. It will be located on the right side of the message entry line. Here, in addition to the standard images of the “yellow face”, there will be other pictures. To see them, just scroll down the list. Along with the usual emoji, there are stickers here that can also be used to maintain a conversation or embellish the moment after receiving great (or not so great) news.

Having decided on the most suitable emoticons, you need to select them. Click the left mouse button (touchpad) on the icon and watch it appear in text form. Having typed the message to the end, all that remains is to press the “Send” button or the “Enter” key located on the keyboard.

Emoji for comments

Emojis in comments open in the same way. Here they can be used for their intended purpose or sent to one of those who managed to comment on the post. After opening the required tab, first of all you will see the symbols that you used last time. This greatly simplifies the search for your favorite emotions, since they are brought to the fore. At the same time, less interesting options remain somewhere overboard.

Smileys for entries

It is impossible to ignore posts for general viewing. You can’t do without stormy reactions, beautiful words and a large number of hashtags. Of course, the post would be incomplete without adding a few themed emoticons. Before you post your finished version for viewing, be sure to look at all the available emoji options. The overwhelming number of people simply do not want to scroll below, looking for the most suitable option. But in vain, with the help of emoticons you can tell a full-fledged story that can be awarded thousands of likes.

Before publishing, pay attention to the images of the smiling circle. You should click on it again to see the entire list of available symbols. Don’t forget that their quantity is strictly limited, but there will be more than enough for a full-fledged post with history.

Funny status symbols

Well, the last thing in line is the emoticon in the status. As was already said at the beginning of the article, previously the social network did not have the ability to freely add images to the status. This feature appeared relatively recently along with a change in the site interface.

Go to your page and go to status. If you have not installed it yet, it will say “Change status”. Click on it. So an input line will appear in front of you. On the right will be a face with a smile.

Click on it again and select symbols suitable for the status. It is worth noting the limitations imposed by the system. The status can consist of only 100 characters. This applies to both letters and numbers, and emoticons. Therefore, try to correctly distribute the free space.

The only information space where emoticons have not yet found their way into is articles. This function is a recent innovation on the part of the social network and, according to the developers, only exceptional materials should be collected there, where there is no place for additional characters. But no matter how ironic it may sound, they are all available in the form of codes that can be found on the World Wide Web. However, if you are going to release a serious work, we advise you to avoid emoticons, because all the desire to appear serious will sink into oblivion.

Put several spaces in a row

We all understand perfectly well that creativity cannot be hidden, even using emoticons alone. For example, among emoji there are a large number of different pictures that combine well with each other, but for this you need to put several spaces.

The problem is that if you use the standard solution and just click on the space bar several times, the system will automatically remove them. And then the resulting result will be completely broken - the emoticons will appear at the beginning of the input line.

The standard solution to the problem using the “Alt+255” combination no longer works and in the input window it is displayed as a standard space bar. Advanced users use the code:  .

Please note that while you type it will appear as normal characters, but once sent it will immediately convert to a space. You can enter sequentially one after another without adding spaces. This way we get infinite spaces that will be visible to all users. This will allow you to create real masterpieces using only the characters from the existing emoticons.

Among the interesting features, there is a system for replacing a word or emoticon with a sticker corresponding to the user’s emotions. It works like this: at the beginning of entering a message, if a word or emoji has a direct interpretation to one of the stickers, its image appears slightly higher. This always allows you to stay on trend, communicating more meaningfully with minimal time investment.

But unlike text messages, stickers take up one message. That is, when sending them, they cannot be supplemented with information, which is slightly inconvenient, because then you have to prepare in advance an additional speech about a similar character and the user with whom the dialogue is taking place.


As it became clear from the article, emoticons on VKontakte play a leading role in communicating or expressing one’s emotions without aids. It is becoming easier to use them, and sooner or later there will be support for them when writing opinion articles. Even though they can already be displayed there by entering a special code, this is much more inconvenient than an informative list completed in a certain order.

As for their development in the future, they will confidently remain in their positions, from time to time supplemented by new images based on a particular event. For example, some services add several emoji to choose from. In particular, this applies to labels with people, because the issue of skin color is now more acute than ever.

However, the most important thing is that now you can attach emoticons to any post or message. And also it will not do without the original status.

Sending emoticons has long become commonplace in all communication services, including VK. They convey emotions well to their interlocutor, can emphasize a certain thought or reaction, or replace words.

Emoji are included in the Unicode font set, as are numbers and letters. Standardized Unicode emoticons are called Emoji. But different systems may also have their own sets of emoticons.

To send an emoticon on VKontakte, in most cases it is enough to do a couple of simple steps:

This way the smiley will be added to the text along with the message. You can not only send them via PM, but also add them to comments and wall posts. for this you need:

  1. Start writing a comment so that the input line opens.
  2. Click on the kolobok icon in the upper right corner of the dial bar
  3. Select the appropriate emoticon and left-click on it.
  4. After adding it to the comment, click the Send button.

If you are writing a post on the wall or commenting on something, then regular emoticons can be placed along with the text, but stickers (larger images in sets) are sent only separately and will be sent immediately after you click on them with the left mouse button.

The set of emoticons and stickers in the mobile version of the VK website and in applications for mobile phones based on Android and iPhone does not differ from those in the web version of the site for a personal computer.

You cannot update emoticons or remove any instances from the standard set. It is also impossible to flip or otherwise edit the emoticons in the list. You can only purchase new sets of stickers or update the entire application, after which changes will occur in the list.

Frequently used ones are shown first in the list of all emoticons, for the convenience of the user.

An alternative way to insert an emoticon

If you have problems with the VK interface:

  • you can’t find the picture you need in the set;
  • I’m used to typing quickly, and I don’t want to look away from the mouse,

You can write a smiley code in the message. You can do it like this:

You can transfer the ones you like most to a notepad on your desktop, so that next time you can open it and quickly paste it or memorize it by heart, inserting emotions into the text without looking up from the keyboard.

Today, most people communicate on social networks. However, communication only in the form of text cannot convey emotions or intonation to the interlocutor. Therefore, social networks have developed a set of special images - these are emoticons or emoji, as they are called throughout the world. Users can use emoticons for status, on the wall, in comments. The VKontakte network is no exception. This material will help you figure out how to put an emoticon in VK status or place a colored symbol on the wall.

There are hidden VK emoticons. To add this type of emoji, you need to enter the codes from the table below, although it is easier to copy them. If the user enters the codes for a specific emoticon, they will receive cool and unique icons and faces. These hidden icons can be added to comments and to VKontakte status, in addition to the standard set that is provided when sending messages.

The most popular emoticons on the Internet are presented below:

VkOpt extension

To get a built-in list of emoticons, you need to install the Vkopt plugin. Here you can not only download audio and video, but also a cool icon or face. Go to http://vkopt.net/download/ and download the version for your browser.

After installing the script, a huge set of emoticons will appear in VK when writing messages:

Trollbar plugin

Another plugin specializing in famous memes and trollfaces can be installed on the website http://trollbar.net. After installing it, you will have access to such memes as “WTF?!”, “F*CK YEAH”, “Me Gusta” and many others. The advantage of this plugin is that it works in all social networks at once. networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Moy Mir and Twitter.

The plugin allows you to view and use images from Skype or blue pictures. Users are offered a choice of 250 faces. The plugin developers also added the ability to use audio images. They contain various funny sounds, phrases, and excerpts from dialogues of cartoons and films.

VKontakte Stickers

To diversify your correspondence, in addition to emoticons, you can use stickers. They are presented to the user as pictures, funny faces, animals. Found in the menu with emoticons. However, this service is paid; only the fruit section is available for free. The user decides how to make the payment independently (by bank card, WebMoney). There are pictures here that highlight almost any emotion.

But there is also a free way to access VKontakte stickers - the “EmojiPlus” extension for Google Chrome. You can download it from the official store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/…

Click Install, update the browser F5 and use the new set of emoji.

How to put emoticons in VKontakte status

Everyone who uses the VKontakte social network knows how statuses change. When changing, you can put emoticons in the status. They can be found in the table above. Paste the emoticon codes into the line where the VKontakte status is located. In the picture below you can see what it will look like:

For example, how to add a face with glasses to your status? Copy the smiley code - 😎 and paste it at the end of the status. At the beginning we put - &, and at the end - ; (semicolon), otherwise a simple set of numbers will appear on the screen.

After this action, you need to refresh the page and a new status with the desired emoticon will appear on the screen.

Similarly, you can copy emoticons from Unicode not only to the status, but also to the VKontakte wall in messages. After the code has been copied and pasted, you need to click on the “Submit” button and put h The icon on the wall is transformed into the desired picture.

Now you know how to use custom emoticons and stickers for social networks. We hope you found the article useful. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

In contact with

If you have an account on the VKontakte social network and you visit your page at least occasionally, then you have probably come across inscriptions that contain emoticons. However, not all users know how to add smiling people to the VK wall.

Many people are genuinely surprised by this. If you want to know how you can add smiling faces to your wall, we suggest you read this article to the end.

You can, of course, try to figure this issue out on your own, but it may take you some time. The information below will help you clarify this issue. If you pay attention to the wall on the social network VKontakte, you may notice that in the comments there is no longer a translucent button with which emoticons were previously installed. And here many people have a question: what now needs to be done to add emoticons?


If you need to add these elements to your wall, you will have to do a little work. If you use the method below, you will be able to achieve a positive effect. You can add emoticons not only to your own, but also to someone else’s wall. First of all, you will need to go to a special Internet resource where you can find not only emoticons, but also their codes.

When writing a new comment, you must immediately decide where you will install the icon. Then you will need to paste the emoticon code into the selected location. When copying, pay attention to what emotions this emoticon expresses. Now you know how to easily and quickly insert an emoticon on the VKontakte social network. But there is one subtle point here: you need to select only those elements that are in the database of this social network.


I would like to note that emoticons can be used not only when writing comments, but also when adding publications. For example, they can be used in photo captions or in new articles. The question of adding emoticons to the wall on the VK social network is quite interesting. But it is still not entirely clear for what purpose the site administration did not develop the ability to add these elements through the site’s functions.

Final part

We hope this review helped you understand how you can add emoticons to a wall on the VKontakte social network. First of all, you will need to choose a suitable drawing for recording. After that, you have to copy the code of the element you selected and add it to the desired place on your page. You can set the image to the beginning, end or middle of the post. Here everything will depend only on the situation and your preferences. Let's look at some fairly simple examples.

If you want the diamond icon to appear in the message you type, insert the code “_128142” into it. If you need to decorate your message with a picture of a panda, use the combination "_128060". If you enjoy listening to music and want to add sheet music to your playlist, try typing "_127814" for multiple items, or "🎵" for one. For those who like to cook, a picture with an image of an eggplant is suitable. You can insert it using the combination “_127814”. Now you know how to add emoticons and more to your page on the VKontakte social network.

Greetings, friends. Today's post will be not only useful, but also fun - we will talk about emoticons for the VKontakte social network. Funny faces and funny pictures have already become an integral part of any communication on the Internet, and everyone wants to diversify their texts with new and original ones.

The legs of all emojis grow out of text symbols, when it was first invented to indicate emotions using symbols. For me, the first emoticon was the smile symbol, presented in the form of a closing bracket “)”, the expanded version of the smile symbol additionally has a colon “:)” - this spelling is familiar to everyone, almost all online services automatically transform this code into a cheerful smiling face, but it turns out This is not according to the Feng Shui GOST Unicode standard.

Unicode is a standard where all letters, numbers, icons and other printable elements are represented as a unique digital code. This code is understood by any device and displays any symbol correctly. With Unicode, you can include any icon in your text, even if it's not on your keyboard. For example, if you want to write the hieroglyph “乔”, enter its code “𠁒” and you’re done.

The widespread use of emoticons has led to many of their codes being included in Unicode, along with other symbols and signs.

Of course, social networks have become active consumers of emoticons on an industrial scale, VKontakte is no exception. For the convenience of users, so that people do not have to remember and manually write codes to display certain pictures, Contact uses a tooltip - a special drop-down list where you can visually select the desired emoticon and insert it into a message or post on the wall. But this list does not contain all the emoticon codes supported by VK, only the most popular ones (otherwise the list would be too cumbersome).

The rest of the emoticons are, as it were, hidden, but they can be easily used if you know the designation code in Unicode. In addition to dialogues and walls, hidden emoticon codes can also be used in statuses; we will discuss how to make statuses in VK using emoticons below.

I would like to cover the topic of emoji in as much detail as possible, but if this description tires you and you yourself know how to insert everything and you just need to get the necessary codes, go straight to. And for the curious, we will delve a little deeper into history and other interesting points.

What emoticons work in VK and what is special about Emoji

I briefly mentioned the main reason for the appearance of emoticons at the beginning of the post - the need to convey emotions that are difficult or take a long time to describe in words. As soon as the Internet ceased to be a purely business tool and moved into the category of entertainment, the need to express smiles, sadness and much more began to go off scale. It is very difficult to convey what makes communication lively and humane (facial expressions, gestures) through text; not every writer copes with this task perfectly, let alone ordinary people flirting through ICQ.

For example, I can’t imagine how you can convey to your interlocutor by text that I’m winking at him or sticking out my tongue - it will look stupid and won’t produce the desired effect, but a round yellow face with a closed eye or sticking out tongue is just what the doctor ordered.

The peak of the spread of emoticons coincided with the peak of the development of various communication tools - first it was ICQ and Skype, then millions of users of Contact, Odnoklassniki and Facebook were drawn into their networks, now every smartphone owner hangs out on Viber or WhatsApp every day.

Emoticons were not always the usual pictures for us now, but now VK automatically converts the code “:)” into a cheerful face, initially the entire designation was through symbols, the sender of the message wrote a set of squiggles, the recipient received them in the same form, understanding to the best of their knowledge, what is meant. At the initial stage, there were few emoticons; almost all of them were intuitive or easy to remember. If you look closely, all the main emoticons look like a face turned to one side.

  • Smile - ":)"
  • Laughter – “:D”
  • Sadness - ":("
  • Wink – “;)”
  • Indifference – “:-|”
  • Cry – “:"(“
  • Puzzled – “:-\”
  • Amazement – ​​“:-o”
  • Surprise – “=-o”
  • Language – “:P”
  • Kiss – “:-*”
  • Constriction – “:-[“
  • Profanity, swearing – “:-X”
  • Anger – “:-||”
  • Nausea - ":-!"

You probably noticed that the described codes are displayed on VKontakte not as symbols, but as beautiful pictures. This is because the social network is programmed that the combination of symbols corresponds to the desired emoticon, and in each network the image itself will be slightly different in appearance. The reason for the differences is that such emoticons are not standardized characters from Unicode and there is no standard for their display. On the one hand, this allows each service to create creative images with any level of beauty, on the other hand, devices and services that do not support the unofficial encoding of emoticons into pictures will not turn them into pictures at all.

But with Unicode characters the situation is different; emoticons written in this code will be supported everywhere and always. Knowing the emoji codes in the Unicode standard, you can insert absolutely any of the almost 1000 emoticons anywhere in VK, be it in a status or on a wall.


The Laughter emoticon is informally designated as “:D”; this input format will not be converted into an image everywhere. The standardized Unicode code for this emoji is “😄” and will appear as a 😄 icon on all devices.

But Unicode characters have one peculiarity - they are all simple and black and white. And to make them beautiful and colorful, emoji were invented. Each emoji icon corresponds to a different Unicode character. Essentially these are the same Unicode characters, only displayed differently on devices that support emoji. If there is no emoji support, then emoticons will still be shown, only with simple icons. I probably confused you, it’s better to give an example:

Emoji are emoticons written according to the Unicode standard, but displayed with brighter and more colorful pictures from a special library, if this library is connected to the site or service.

The VKontakte Emoji library is included, so all the emoticons on the social network are colorful and beautiful.

How to put an emoticon in VK status?

The above educational program about emoticons and emojis was carried out for a reason, after it it should become clear to you why writing it in the form of a colon with a bracket does not lead to the appearance of a smile emoticon, but remains in the form of a code - this is not the standard.

Is this a familiar picture?

For the desired emoticon to appear, you need to write not “:)”, but “😄”.

Now step by step.

Step 1. Open the status editor

In order to put an emoticon in the VK status, go to your page (the top item of the panel on the left is “My Page”) and under the name, click the “change status” link:

Step 2. Copy the desired emoticon

An edit field will appear in which you can write any text and add any emoticon. Recently, VKontakte status has introduced support for a tooltip with a standard set of emoticons - if among them there is what you need, select it; if not, and the desired emoticon belongs to the hidden category, then there are two ways:

Step 3. Insert an emoticon into the status text

Both inserting the emoticon code and its Unicode character will work. Just note that the smiley code must begin with an ampersand and a hash and end with a semicolon, otherwise VK will not convert it into an image.

  • Correct: “😄”
  • Incorrect: “128516”

Step 4. Save

How to insert hidden emoticons into messages, discussions and on the VK wall

I will not open America on this issue. Anyone who has used Contact at least once knows that when you place the mouse cursor in the field for writing text on a wall or in the field for discussing a post, an icon appears on the right that reveals a huge list of emoticons - you can choose any one from it.

For personal messages, this list is even longer, as it includes several bookmarks - individual emoticons for VK (some of them are paid, but for reasonable money, although I don’t see the point in paying, especially since you can get any emoticon you need from the Unicode table ).

But, all these lists do not include all emoji characters supported by Unicode. In total, VK shows about 500 different emoticons, the rest (almost the same number) are left out as hidden ones. That is, it’s not that they are hidden, it’s just that the social network considers these emoticons not important and not popular, and therefore does not display them in the gallery, and their work is supported in the same way as in the status line. And the algorithm for inserting hidden emoticons is similar:

All you need to use hidden emoticons is to have their standard codes on hand. Below I will provide a table of codes, so add a link to this article to your bookmarks so that in the future you don’t have to search for codes for the desired pictures for a long time.

Table of emoticon codes for VK

When inserting emoticon codes on VKontakte, it is mandatory to use opening and closing characters - the emoticon begins with () and ends with (;). In other places you can find codes in their pure form, without these symbols, the codes themselves are correct, but they will not work in VK if you do not add the indicated symbols.

Some emoticons look like squares when inserted, but don’t be alarmed, after saving and updating the page, VK will convert them into beautiful pictures.

For comfort when searching for the desired picture, all emoticons are grouped into semantic sections, to immediately go to the desired section, click on the name of the required category from the list:

Codes of yellow emoticons with emotions

😊 😊 - Smile with laughing eyes
☺ ☺ - Stupid smile
😉 😉 - Winking face
😋 😋 - Playful smile with tongue out
😀 😀 - Face with a grin
😄 😄 - Happy smile
😌 😌 - Light, pleasant smile
😅 😅 - Joy in a cold sweat
😃 😃 - Admiration, joy
😂 😂 - Tears of joy
😆 😆 - Mocking
😝 😝 - Teasing and laughing a lot
😜 😜 - Teasing
😛 😛 - Sticks out tongue
😇 😇 - Saint, emoji with a halo
😒 😒 - Joyless face
😐 😐 - Neutral face
😕 😕 - Confused face
😏 😏 - Smirk
😑 😑 - Expressive face
😍 😍 - In love, hearts in the eyes
😘 😘 - Air kiss
😚 😚 - Kiss
😗 😗 - Kissing face
😙 😙 - Kissing face with smiling eyes
😳 😳 - Surprised face
😁 😁 - Smiling face with smiling eyes
😬 😬 - Guilty, unpleasant
😓 😓 - Sadness in a cold sweat
😔 😔 - Thoughtful face
😞 😞 - Disappointment
😥 😥 - Disappointed, but takes it in stride
😩 😩 - Tired face
😫 😫 - Very tired
😣 😣 - Perseverance
😖 😖 - Confused face
😢 😢 - Tears rolled down
😭 😭 - Sobbing face
😪 😪 - Sleepy
😴 😴 - Sleeping face
😷 😷 - Sick, medical mask on face
😎 😎 - Cool, smiley face with black glasses
😰 😰 - Cold sweat
😨 😨 - Scared face
😱 😱 - Screams in fear
😦 😦 - Gloomy face
😠 😠 - Evil face
😡 😡 - Very angry, to the point of redness
😤 😤 - Waiting for triumph, victory, success
😵 😵 - Dizziness
😲 😲 - Surprise
😟 😟 - Concerned face
😧 😧 - Suffering face
😮 😮 ​​- Perplexed face
😯 😯 - Complete bewilderment
😶 😶 - Mouth shut
😈 😈 - Good little devil
👿 👿 - Evil little devil
😺 😺 - Smiling cat
😸 😸 - Happy cat
😿 😿 - The cat is crying
😾 😾 - The cat is angry
😹 😹 - Cat with tears of joy
😻 😻 - The cat is in love
😽 😽 - Cat kiss
😼 😼 - The cat grins
🙀 🙀 - Scared cat

Emoticons depicting people

🎅 🎅 - Santa Claus
👶 👶 - Small child
👧 👧 - Girl
👦 👦 - Boy
👨 👨 - Man
👩 👩 - Woman
👴 👴 - Old Man
👵 👵 - Old lady
👮 👮 - Policeman in a cap
👷 👷 - Builder
👱 👱 - Man with blond hair
👰 👰 - Bride with a bouquet
👲 👲 - Man in a skullcap
👳 👳 - Man in a turban
👸 👸 - Princess
💂 💂 - Guardsman
💁 💁 - Information desk employee
💆 💆 - Head massage
💇 💇 - Hairdresser
🙅 🙅 - Not a good sign
🙆 🙆 - Good sign
🙋 🙋 - Happy man raised one hand
🙎 🙎 - Man with a chubby face
🙍 🙍 - Man with a gloomy face
🙇 🙇 - Bows
👼 👼 - Child angel
💏 💏 - Kiss
💑 💑 - A couple of lovers
👫 👫 - Couple holding hands
👪 👪 - Family
👬 👬 - Two men holding hands
👭 👭 - Two women holding hands
👯 👯 - Women with bunny ears
💃 💃 - Dancing woman
🚶 🚶 - Walking man
🏃 🏃 - Running man
👤 👤 - Bust silhouette
👥 👥 - Bust silhouettes

Emoticon codes with gestures and body parts

👂 👂 – Ear
👃 👃 – Nose
👀 👀 - Eyes
👅 👅 - Language
👄 👄 - Mouth
👍 👍 - Like, thumbs up
👎 👎 - Dislike, thumbs down
👌 👌 - Ok, okay
👊 👊 – Fist
✊ ✊ - Sign of support
✌ ✌ - Victory sign
👐 👐 - Open hands
👋 👋 - Waving hand
✋ ✋ - Welcome sign
👆 👆 - Index finger up
👇 👇 - Index finger down
👉 👉 - Index finger to the right
👈 👈 - Index finger to the left
🙌 🙌 - Raised his hands above himself
🙏 🙏 - Put your palms together
☝ ☝ - Pointer finger up
👏 👏 - Hand clapping
💪 💪 - Demonstration of biceps, strength
💋 💋 - Red lips

Heart emoticons

💛 💛 - Yellow heart
💙 💙 - Blue Heart
💜 💜 - Purple Heart
💚 💚 - Green heart
❤ ❤ - Red Heart
🖤 ​​🖤 – Black heart emoticon for VK
💔 💔 - Broken heart
💗 💗 - Growing heart
💓 💓 - Beating Heart
💕 💕 - Two hearts
💖 💖 - Sparkling Heart
💞 💞 - Rotating hearts
💘 💘 - Heart pierced by an arrow
💌 💌 - Love letter
💟 💟 - White heart on a dark background
💝 💝 - Heart with bow-ribbon

Holiday emoticons

🎁 🎁 - Gift box
🎀 🎀 - Red ribbon bow
🎈 🎈 - Balloon
🎉 🎉 - Party with confetti
🎊 🎊 - Confetti Ball
🎭 🎭 - Happy and sad mask
🎃 🎃 - Jack-O-Lantern (pumpkin)

Playing card suits

♠ ♠ - Spades (card suit)
- Hearts
♣ ♣ - Clubs
♦ ♦ - Diamonds

Emoticons of numbers on a blue background

0⃣ 0⃣ - Zero
1⃣ 1⃣ - One
2⃣ 2⃣ - Two
3⃣ 3⃣ - Three
4⃣ 4⃣ - Four
5⃣ 5⃣ - Five
6⃣ 6⃣ - Six
7⃣ 7⃣ - Seven
8⃣ 8⃣ - Eight
9⃣ 9⃣ - Nine
🔟 🔟 - Ten

Smileys with clothes and shoes

👑 👑 - Crown
🎩 🎩 - Cylinder hat
🎓 🎓 - Graduation cap
👒 👒 - Women's hat
🎽 🎽 - Shirt with belt
👔 👔 - Tie
👕 👕 - T-shirt
👗 👗 - Summer dress
👚 👚 - Women's clothing
👖 👖 - Jeans
👙 👙 - Open swimsuit
👘 👘 - Kimono
👟 👟 - Sneakers
👞 👞 - Men's shoes
👠 👠 - Women's high heel shoes
👡 👡 - Women's sandals
👢 👢 - Women's boots
👣 👣 - Human traces
👛 👛 - Wallet
👜 👜 - Handbag
👝 👝 - Bag
💼 💼 - Briefcase
🎒 🎒 - School bag
👓 👓 - Glasses


✂ ✂ - Scissors
📌 📌 - Pushpin
📍 📍 - Round pushpin
📎 📎 - Paper clip
✏ ✏ - Pencil
✒ ✒ - Feather
📏 📏 - Ruler
📐 📐 - Square ruler
📕 📕 - Red Book
📘 📘 - Blue book
📗 📗 - Green Book
📙 📙 - Orange Book
📖 📖 - Open book
📚 📚 - Stack of books
📔 📔 - Yellow notebook
📓 📓 - Gray notebook
📒 📒 - Notepad
📝 📝 - Note
📁 📁 - Folder
📂 📂 - Open folder
📆 📆 - Tear-off calendar
📅 📅 - Calendar
📋 📋 - Tablet

Smiley codes “zodiac signs”

♈ ♈ - Aries
♉ ♉ - Taurus
♊ ♊ - Gemini
♋ ♋ - Cancer
♌ ♌ - Leo
♍ ♍ - Virgo
♎ ♎ - Libra
♏ ♏ - Scorpio
♐ ♐ - Sagittarius
♑ ♑ - Capricorn
♒ ♒ - Aquarius
♓ ♓ - Pisces

Religious symbols

⛎ ⛎ - Ophiuchus
✡ ✡ - Six-pointed star (Star of David)
✝ ✝ - Cross
☦ ☦ - Cross with crosshairs
☪ ☪ - Islamic (Muslim) crescent
☮ ☮ - Symbol of peace
☯ ☯ - Yin and Yang

Sports emoticons

⚽ ⚽ - Soccer ball
⚾ ⚾ - Baseball
🏈 🏈 - American football ball
🏉 🏉 - Rugby ball
🎾 🎾 - Tennis ball
🏀 🏀 - Basketball
🎱 🎱 - Billiard ball
🎮 🎮 - Video game
🎯 🎯 - Darts
🎲 🎲 - Dice
🎳 🎳 - Bowling
🏂 🏂 - Snowboarder
🏆 🏆 - Cup
🏇 🏇 - Horse racing
🏄 🏄 - Surfer
🏊 🏊 - Swimmer
🚴 🚴 - Cyclist
🚵 🚵 - Mountain biker
🎿 🎿 - Skis

Musical emoticons for VK

🎹 🎹 - Music Keyboard
🎸 🎸 - Guitar
🎻 🎻 - Violin
🎺 🎺 - Trumpet
🎷 🎷 - Saxophone
📯 📯 - Postal horn
🎼 🎼 - Note row
🎵 🎵 - Note
🎶 🎶 - Several musical notes

City and natural landscapes

⛲ ⛲ - Fountain
🌅 🌅 - Sunrise over the ocean
🌄 🌄 - Sunrise over the mountains
🌃 🌃 - Night city with starry sky
🌆 🌆 - Cityscape at dusk
🌇 🌇 - Sunset over the city
🌁 🌁 - Bridge in the fog
🌉 🌉 - Bridge at night with stars and moon
🌊 🌊 - Sea wave
🌈 🌈 - Rainbow
🌋 🌋 - Vulcan
🌌 🌌 - Milky Way
🌠 🌠 - Shooting Star
🎆 🎆 - Sparkler fireworks
🎇 🎇 - Fireworks
🎢 🎢 - Roller coaster
🎡 🎡 - Ferris wheel
🎠 🎠 - Carousel horse
🗻 🗻 - Mount Fuji
🗽 🗽 - Statue of Liberty
🗾 🗾 - Silhouette of the Japanese Islands
🗼 🗼 - Tokyo Tower
🎑 🎑 - Moonlight Ceremony
🎏 🎏 - Carp streamer
🎐 🎐 - ​​Wind chime

Weather emoticons for VKontakte

☀ ☀ - Sunny
☁ ☁ - Cloudy
⛅ ⛅ - Partly cloudy
☔ ☔ - Rain
❄ ❄ - Snowflake emoticon
⛄ ⛄ - Snowman

Earth, sun and moon phases

🌎 🌎 - Earth globe overlooking America
🌍 🌍 - Earth globe overlooking Africa
🌏 🌏 - Earth globe overlooking Asia-Australia
🌐 🌐 - Globe with meridians
🌞 🌞 - Sun with a face
🌝 🌝 - Full moon with face
🌚 🌚 - New Moon with a face
🌑 🌑 - New Moon
🌒 🌒 - Waxing moon
🌓 🌓 - Moon in the first quarter
🌔 🌔 - Waxing moon
🌕 🌕 - Full moon
🌖 🌖 - Waning moon
🌗 🌗 - Last quarter of the moon
🌘 🌘 - Waning moon
🌙 🌙 - Crescent
🌛 🌛 - First quarter moon with face
🌜 🌜 - Last quarter moon with face

Fauna (fish, birds, animals, insects)

🐋 🐋 - Keith
🐙 🐙 - Octopus
🐚 🐚 - Spiral shell
🐟 🐟 - Fish
🎣 🎣 - Fish on a hook
🐠 🐠 - Tropical fish
🐡 🐡 - Pufferfish
🐢 🐢 - Turtle
🐬 🐬 - Dolphin
🐳 🐳 - Whale releasing a fountain
🐸 🐸 - Frog face
🐊 🐊 - Crocodile
🐲 🐲 - Dragon head
🐉 🐉 - Dragon
🐔 🐔 - Chicken head
🐓 🐓 - Chicken
🐤 🐤 - Chicken head
🐥 🐥 - Chicken
🐣 🐣 - Hatched chicken
🐦 🐦 - Bird's head
🐧 🐧 - Penguin head
🐂 🐂 - Bull
🐄 🐄 - Cow
🐃 🐃 - Ram
🐮 🐮 - Cow head
🐆 🐆 - Leopard
🐇 🐇 - Rabbit
🐰 🐰 - Rabbit head
🐈 🐈 - Cat
🐎 🐎 - Horse
🐏 🐏 - Ram
🐐 🐐 - Goat
🐑 🐑 - Sheep
🐕 🐕 - Dog
🐖 🐖 - Pig
🐱 🐱 - Cat's head
🐷 🐷 - Pig head
🐽 🐽 - Piglet
🐶 🐶 - Dog head
🐴 🐴 - Horse head
🐀 🐀 - Rat
🐭 🐭 - Mouse head
🐁 🐁 - Mouse
🐅 🐅 - Tiger
🐍 🐍 - Snake
🐒 🐒 - Monkey
🐗 🐗 - Boar's head
🐘 🐘 - Elephant
🐨 🐨 - Koala
🐪 🐪 - Camel
🐫 🐫 - Bactrian camel
🐯 🐯 - Tiger head
🐵 🐵 - Monkey head
🙈 🙈 - The monkey closed his eyes, “I don’t see”
🙊 🙊 - The monkey closed his mouth, “I’m not saying”
🙉 🙉 - The monkey covered his ears “I can’t hear”
🐹 🐹 - Hamster head
🐻 🐻 - Bear head
🐼 🐼 - Panda head
🐺 🐺 - Fox head
🐾 🐾 - Paw prints
🐩 🐩 - Dog
🐝 🐝 - Honey bee
🐜 🐜 - Ant
🐞 🐞 - Ladybug
🐛 🐛 - Caterpillar
🐌 🐌 - Snail

Emoticons for VK with images of flowers

💐 💐 - Bouquet of flowers
🌸 🌸 - Cherry blossom
🌷 🌷 - Tulip
🌹 🌹 - Rose flower
🌻 🌻 - Sunflower
🌼 🌼 - Chamomile Flower
💮 💮 - White flower
🌺 🌺 - Hibiscus flower

Plant emoticons for VKontakte

🍀 🍀 - Four-leaf clover
🍁 🍁 - Maple leaf
🍃 🍃 - Leaf fluttering in the wind
🍂 🍂 - Fallen leaves
🌿 🌿 - Greens
🌾 🌾 - Spikelets of rice
🌵 🌵 - Cactus
🌱 🌱 - Sapling
🌴 🌴 - Palm tree
🌳 🌳 - Deciduous tree
🎍 🎍 - Pine decorations
🌲 🌲 - Pine
🎄 🎄 - New Year tree
🎋 🎋 - Tanabata Tree
🍄 🍄 - Mushroom

Pictures of vegetables and fruits

🌽 🌽 - Corn
🍅 🍅 - Tomato
🍆 🍆 - Eggplant
🍇 🍇 - Grapes
🍈 🍈 - Melon
🍉 🍉 - Watermelon
🍊 🍊 - Mandarin
🍋 🍋 - Lemon
🍌 🍌 - Banana
🍍 🍍 - Pineapple
🍏 🍏 - Green apple
🍎 🍎 - Red Apple
🍑 🍑 - Peach
🍓 🍓 - Strawberry
🍒 🍒 - Cherry
🍐 🍐 - Pear
🌰 🌰 - Chestnut

Emoticons for Contact with various modes of transport

🚁 🚁 - Helicopter
🚀 🚀 - Rocket
✈ ✈ - Airplane emoticon
🚂 🚂 - Steam locomotive
🚄 🚄 - High Speed ​​Train
🚅 🚅 - High-speed train with round nose
🚈 🚈 - Light rail
🚃 🚃 - Railway carriage
🚟 🚟 - Suspended railway
🚋 🚋 - Tram car
🚇 🚇 - Underground metro
🚉 🚉 - Railway station
🚆 🚆 - Approaching train
🚊 🚊 - Approaching train
🚝 🚝 - Monorail
🚞 🚞 - Mountain railway
🚌 🚌 - Bus
🚏 🚏 - Bus stop
🚎 🚎 - Trolleybus
🚍 🚍 - Approaching bus
🚐 🚐 - Minibus
🚒 🚒 - Fire truck
🚑 🚑 - Ambulance
🚓 🚓 - Police car
🚔 🚔 - Approaching police car
🚨 🚨 - Flashing beacon
🚖 🚖 - Approaching taxi
🚕 🚕 - Taxi
🚗 🚗 - Passenger car
⛽ ⛽ - gas station
🚚 🚚 - Truck
🚘 🚘 - Approaching car
🚙 🚙 - Jeep
🚜 🚜 - Tractor
🚛 🚛 - Road train
🚥 🚥 - Horizontal traffic light
🚦 🚦 - Vertical traffic light
🚠 🚠 - Mountain rope crossing
🚡 🚡 - Air tram
🚲 🚲 - Bicycle
⛵ ⛵ - Sailboat
🚢 🚢 - Ship
🚣 🚣 - Rowing boat
🚤 🚤 - Boat
🛥 🛥 - Motor boat
🛳 🛳 - Passenger liner
⛴ ⛴ - Ferry