How to remove vibration on Xiaomi? How to set up vibration on Android Disable fly vibration

Android keyboards have an interesting feature - vibration response. When you press a key, a slight vibration appears at a certain point on the screen, which allows you to physically feel the key being pressed. This feature is supported not only by standard pre-installed keyboards, but also by third-party applications downloaded from the Google Play Market. The function can be adjusted at your discretion: you can make the vibration response stronger or weaker; determine exactly when vibration should turn on and when not. Vibration can also be turned off. Let's look at how you can configure the vibration response on Android.

To turn vibration feedback back on, you need to open the settings, then the “Language, time, keyboards” tab. Then open the parameters of the desired keyboard and slide the “Vibration” switch to the On position.

Video: how to remove vibration response on a smartphone

What should I do if the vibration function does not work or has disappeared?

There are several reasons why the vibration feedback function may not work.

Feature not enabled

Check if vibration feedback is enabled in your keyboard settings. As for the vibration response for notifications (messages, calls), their parameters are located in “Settings -> Sound and vibration”. It is possible that vibration of the device as a whole is turned off. You can check this not only through the settings, but also through the notification panel. We swipe from top to bottom, lowering the “curtain” of the panel. It has quick access to vibration settings, where you can also see whether vibration is turned on or not.

Energy saving mode enabled

Vibration eats up a lot of energy, so the energy-saving mode disables the vibration response function. If you want to return vibration, turn off the power saving mode or configure it so that it does not turn off the keyboard vibration.

The keyboard does not support vibration feedback

If you are using a third-party keyboard from the Google Play Market, then perhaps the developers did not provide for it to interact with the vibration motor of your mobile device. The problem can only be solved by installing another keyboard.

Random bug

It is also possible that the system has somehow become “dull.” Program code is not perfect, so this could very well happen. Rebooting the device should help.

Vibration motor is faulty

If none of the above helps, then there may be a hardware problem. Vibration feedback will not work if the mobile device's vibration motor is physically damaged. Take the device to a service center to have it replaced.

How to increase vibration response on Android?

If the keyboard (such as Google Keyboard) is provided by the developers for adjusting the vibration strength, then just go to the application settings and find the slider responsible for the vibration strength. If the function is not provided (as, for example, in a standard keyboard), then third-party applications cannot do anything. But you can change and customize the vibration response of notifications. Programs from the Google Play Market will come to the rescue.

Customize Vibrancy

Customize Vibrancy allows you to increase or decrease the vibration strength of both the keyboard vibration response and vibration alerts, notifications, etc. The program can also set different vibration signals for different actions.

Description of the program on the Play Market.

This app allows you to customize your phone's vibration. You can choose one of the standard vibrations or create your own and set it to:

  1. incoming call;
  2. picking up the phone;
  3. end call;
  4. every minute of the call after the specified interval has expired;
  5. incoming SMS;
  6. The Internet becomes unavailable;
  7. The Internet becomes available via Wifi;
  8. The Internet becomes available via 3G/GMS.

Instructions for use

The program window consists of a list of actions that you can set vibration to.

The functionality of the program is simpler and smaller than in Customize Vibrancy, however, according to Google Play users, it works much more stable. Vibration Notifier allows you to set up a vibration that will notify you of missed calls and unread messages by vibrating in a specific way every N minutes.


The main menu has a list of events that need to be notified to the user. You set the vibration signal, vibration strength and signal repetition period in minutes.

How to turn on/off vibration signal?

When calling

For notifications

To enable/disable vibration for all notifications, open the notification panel (swipe from top to bottom of the screen). Find the Vibrate button and turn it on or off.

Vibration for individual app notifications can be turned off in the app settings. For example, let's turn off the vibration of notifications on VKontakte.


Without the help of third-party programs, you cannot enable or disable vibration for SMS at your discretion. Just turn off notification vibration completely.

But you can use the Customize Vibrancy program (see above). In the main menu, press the “To incoming SMS” item, the vibration response settings for SMS will open. You can set it to your liking from the list of vibration alerts or turn it off by selecting the “Do not vibrate” option.

For all touches

On Android, vibration feedback is used in keyboards and system buttons. You need to disable/enable them separately.

Setting vibration through the engineering menu

All Android devices have a special settings menu - engineering. It is intended for checking and debugging the hardware of the device. Since the menu contains settings that can break the device, it is hidden from users. In order to enter it, you need to open the standard calling application and enter the engineering menu code into the dialer. Each manufacturer has its own code.

Table: codes for entering the engineering menu

There are no vibration settings in the engineering menu. The fact is that the strength of vibration is regulated by software, and the engineering menu is intended for testing and debugging the hardware of the device. But using the engineering menu you can check the operation of the vibration motor. To do this, you need to find the “Vibrator” item. The path will be different depending on the device (for example, “Device -> MISC -> Vibrator -> Vibrator On”). Clicking on Vibrator On (possibly Vibrator Test) will start the vibration motor. If your phone or tablet does not respond, it means the vibration motor is damaged.

Android gives the user the opportunity to configure the vibration response function in a way that is convenient for him. You can leave or remove vibration for notifications, SMS, calls, or typing on the keyboard. It is possible to disable vibration only for a specific application or a specific event. And if some feature is missing, it can always be implemented using third-party applications and utilities from the Google Play Market.

Vibration (vibration response) is one of the ways of interaction between the user and a mobile device, thanks to which you can perceive responses from the smartphone without playing sounds. For the most part, this function is very useful, but at various events, studies or during work hours it can be very distracting to strangers. How to remove vibration on Xiaomi, thereby making the smartphone completely silent?

The most common events that lead to smartphone vibration:

  • vibration when pressing touch keys;
  • vibration when pressing the virtual keyboard;
  • Vibrate alert.

Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

It is very easy to disable the vibration response of touch keys. To do this, you just need to go to the settings of your smartphone and in the “Personalization” subsection, select “Sound & vibration”.

In the window that opens, click on “Vibration response” and select “Disabled” from the available options.

After this, pressing the touch keys you will not feel any feedback. The only place where vibration will remain in this case is on the fingerprint scanner, which can be installed either as a separate element or as a whole with the central “Home” key (for example, in a smartphone).

The second most important vibration problem is the constant feedback when typing. This can be very distracting for both strangers and the user himself.

To fix this problem, you need to go to “Settings” and find the “Advanced” item.

Different keyboards have vibration settings in completely different places.

For example, to disable it on the Gboard keyboard, you need to go to its “Settings” section and change the position of the “Vibrate when pressing keys” switch.


As for the SwiftKey keyboard, here you will have to go to the “Input” section and deactivate the switch in the “Sound and Vibration” subsection.

How to turn off vibration for an incoming call?

If you need to turn off the vibration of an incoming call, then, as in the first case, go to the “Sound & vibration” item and there set the “Vibration on call” switch to the inactive position.

All this will allow you to make working with your smartphone less noticeable to others.

Smartphones running the Android operating system use three main ways to notify the owner about an event (a call has been received, an SMS message has been received, or an action has simply occurred in an active application): visual, sound and vibration. Each of them can be customized for individual perception. Let's take a closer look at how to turn off vibration on Android.

There are two types of actions in which the smartphone emits a vibration signal:

  • the already mentioned external event notification;
  • confirmation of a key press in text input mode (vibration feedback).

It is important to know

The operating system provides the ability to make configuration changes to turn off both types of vibration alerts.

Disable vibration when receiving calls and messages

Changing any system parameter is usually done in the smartphone settings. For different versions of the OS and brand of a particular mobile device, step-by-step instructions on how to turn off vibration on Android may be slightly different, since the necessary options will be located in different sections of the menu. For clarity, we will describe the process of turning off vibration alerts on devices from two popular manufacturers: Samsung and Lenovo.
Removing vibration on Lenovo:

To carry out similar actions on Samsung:

Disable keyboard vibration response

The vibration that accompanies touching a key when entering text irritates many users. Besides, Constantly turning on the motor significantly reduces the battery life without recharging. To disable the vibration response on Lenovo, do the following:

  • go to “Settings” -> “All settings” and activate the “Language and input” item;
  • in the menu that appears, select “Google Keyboard” and tap on the icon located to the right of it (usually a gear or an equalizer);
  • in the list that opens, activate “Settings”;
  • uncheck the “Vibration when pressing keys” item (in some versions – “Vibration response of keys”).

Users of Samsung smartphones need to take the following steps:

  • in “Settings” tap on “Options”;
  • select “Language and input” in the menu that appears, then click on “Samsung Keyboard”;
  • Uncheck the “Vibration” option.

Cancel vibration when app alerts

Many popular applications use the vibration system of a smartphone. Social networks, various instant messengers, mobile banking and online alarm systems are not a complete list of useful programs that regularly issue alerts.


A signal about an event in the application may be accompanied by vibration even if this function is disabled in the settings of the device itself.

To opt out of vibration alerts, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the configuration of the application itself. Each program has its own interface, but the general technology is generally standard:

  • go to settings (parameters, configuration or something similar);
  • find the section or tab responsible for managing alerts (notifications, signals, feedback);
  • disable the vibration function (uncheck the box, select the “Off” menu item, or simply move the switch).

Using special utilities

The above describes shutdown procedures using system capabilities. Let's find out how to turn off vibration on Android using third-party software. Such a need may arise if for some reason it is not possible to change the corresponding system parameters, or if you simply do not want to tinker with the settings.

The most popular vibration control software is Customize Vibrancy. Its main function is to control the frequency and duration of the vibration signal, so that you can program an individual “ring” for each action. However, this utility also provides complete disabling of the mode.

To use Customize Vibrancy, download it from the standard Google Play store and run it. In the menu that appears, hold down the required line (for example, “For incoming call”) and select the “Do not vibrate” option.

With the basic settings installed on new Xiaomi smartphones, vibration response is always activated. It doesn't bother some people, but it annoys others terribly. For this reason, many users immediately after the purchase try to find that treasured lever that will save them from the annoying “buzzing”. It is for such users that we have prepared today’s article. In it we will talk in detail about how to turn off vibration on Xiaomi in just a few seconds.

When does the phone vibrate?

The smartphone can “shake” in three cases:

  1. When the user uses the touch buttons (located below the screen).
  2. When typing on the keyboard.
  3. When calling when the call is set to silent.

We will talk in detail about each of these cases.

Silent operation of touch keys

How to disable key vibration? Pretty easy. Go to the “Settings” menu, and then to the “Personalization” section. In it we find the column “Sound & vibration”. This is exactly what we need.

In this dialog box there will be a line “Vibration response”. We tap on it and a window appears with possible options for its operation. To turn it off completely, activate the slider opposite the “No” position.

Afterwards, when you press the menu keys, you will not feel any extraneous “buzzing”. But at the same time, of all the buttons, one will still “tremble”. On Xiaomi Redmi 4x, 5, 5A and others, this is a fingerprint scanner located on the back of the device. In the Mi 5 model, this is a mechanical Home key installed on the front part under the display. Unfortunately, it is not possible to turn off vibration on Xiaomi for these buttons.

Silent keyboard operation

In the basic configuration, even if you set the Xiaomi phone to silent mode, typing will still not be silent.

Before turning off vibration on the keyboard, go to the smartphone options and look for the “Advanced” column. It contains the “Language and Input” menu. In the dialog box that opens, select the keyboard that is set as the main one and tap on it.


GBoard is the most installed keyboard on Android (aka QWERTY). To disable the “buzzing” sound when entering text on the GBoard, you need to go to its settings menu and in the “Vibration when pressing keys” window, move the slider to the left.


Another popular type of keyboard on Android is SwiftKey.

You can turn off the vibration response of the keys on SwiftKey in the “Input” menu – “Sounds and vibration”. In the last window you just need to deactivate the slider.

Silent incoming call

To disable it when there is an incoming call, you need to open the “Settings” menu – “Sound & vibration” and in the “Vibrate on call” dialog box, deactivate the slider. After this, any incoming calls will be completely silent.

“Buzzing” again

It happens that you set everything up, used your phone normally for several days/days/months, but suddenly the “buzzing” of keys or incoming calls returned. This can be caused by a number of reasons, but first of all, there is no need to panic:

  1. The main reason is a glitch after updating the system/s or keyboard. This problem occurs very often. To make your phone silent again, follow the steps described above.
  2. Another reason is a system glitch. This happens without updating it, but then, for example, when you reboot the device or completely reset your smartphone.

We hope we explained as simply as possible how to turn off vibration on Xiaomi phones.

You can adjust the volume level on your phone, as well as change the ringtone, vibration settings, and notification sounds.

Attention! Some of these steps can only be performed on devices running Android 10 and later.

How to turn the volume down or up

If you press the volume buttons when nothing is playing on your device, the media volume will change. To change the volume for other sounds, such as ringtones, follow these steps:

Volume buttons increase or decrease the audio volume for the current audio source. For example, if you are watching a movie, the media volume changes.

Note. If your phone is connected via Bluetooth to multiple devices, you can choose which one you use to listen to music, watch videos, and play games. In the "Music, Videos, Games" section, click Where to play.

How to turn vibration on or turn off sound

To set vibrations for calls and notifications or turn off all signals, follow these steps:

Advice. To turn off the sound when your phone rings, press the volume button.

How to manage ringtones

How to change sound and vibration settings for other alarms

How to enable vibration for notifications

If an app supports this feature, you can do so in its settings, when you receive a notification, or in your phone settings.