How to make a spawner in Minecraft - useful tips. Spawners in MineCraft. Where to find and how to make them? What command to give yourself a spawner

Every gamer has at least a vague idea of ​​how mobs and opponents work in computer games. They are found almost everywhere, differ in appearance and characteristics, but always have the same goal. They confront the player. In Minecraft, everything is similar, with the exception of one case, which concerns a special item. Next you will learn about mobs, their generation, and also how to make a spawner in Minecraft.

Mobs in Minecraft

A statement that is unlikely to be argued with is that there are mobs in every game. These are creatures that fill the game world, they can also be partially aggressive. And before you figure out how to make a spawner in Minecraft, you need to understand on what principle mobs appear in the game world, and in particular in this game.

So, Minecraft offers you a random generation of the playing area every time you start the game. But not everything is as random as it might seem. In fact, many factors are determined by biomes, that is, types of locations. For example, you cannot find an ocelot in the desert, and you can only get clay in water. The same applies to mobs - they, of course, are generated randomly, but still belong to their biomes. Moreover, they are constantly restored in order to maintain game balance, and this does not happen by chance, but in a specific spawn location, which was determined randomly when creating the map. This very concept will be key if you want to learn how to make a spawner in Minecraft.

Spawner - what is it?

All players who are interested in multiplayer projects should be familiar with the concepts of spawn and respawn. Usually these are the points where a player or mob appears after its death and when it just begins its journey. This is important to know in order to understand how to make a spawner in Minecraft. After all, this device is based precisely on this principle. Externally, it looks like a small cage with blue bars, inside of which a model of a particular mob rotates. And if the player gets too close to this object, then he risks running into trouble. The principle of operation of the device is not very complicated, but requires a more detailed consideration, especially if you want to learn how to make a mob spawner in Minecraft, which may be useful to you later.

Operating principle

This device functions quite simply - it has a certain type of mobs that it spawns. These can be spiders, zombies, skeletons and other creatures, but they will not appear until a specific moment. Those mobs that roam the world have nothing to do with the spawner. This device is usually installed to protect a particular object. And only when the character gets too close to the spawner does the mob model inside begin to rotate.

The faster it spins, the sooner mobs will appear and immediately begin to attack you. At the same time, you should not think that the creature will be alone, as shown inside the cage. The spawner produces one to four mobs at a time, so it can be extremely dangerous. That is why many strive to break it as soon as possible. But it’s better not to approach it than to spoil such an item, because it can bring you a lot of benefit.

Where can I find spawners?

Many players ask about zombies without mods. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create this device in this version, so you will have to look for them. Again, it’s worth remembering that you shouldn’t look for spawners to destroy them - they can become excellent sources of materials for you if you feel fairly confident against a particular type of mob. For example, in the Nether you can find a device that produces efreet, and from them an efreet rod falls out - a material that cannot be found anywhere else. Thus, having found such a spawner, you will forever save yourself from the headache of searching for such rods.

Keep in mind that any treasury will have such a device installed, so don't expect to loot it without resistance. Moreover, this is where you can find a zombie spawner in every second case. You are half as likely to find a cage that produces spiders or skeletons. Now everyone should understand that the question of how to make a zombie spawner in Minecraft is illiterate - at least when it comes to playing by the rules.

Using Mods

You cannot create a spawner if you play a pure version of Minecraft that does not have any add-ons installed. But if you really want to get this device, then you will have to download special mods that add this feature. In this case, there are various options - for example, the most popular WorldEdit plugin gives the server administrator the right to install spawners of any mobs. But if you are not an administrator or generally play in single player mode, then you need other modifications that give you the opportunity to either install ready-made spawners using commands, or the chance to craft this device for a particular mob.

Honest spawner

However, the answer to the question of how to make a spawner in Minecraft without mods still exists - there is only one spawner in the game, which can be made using the command line in a clean client. But don't get too excited too soon, because it is designed exclusively for generating pigs.

In this article we will learn what a mob spawner is in the online game Minecraft. A mob spawner is a blue cell in which a certain number of monsters appear in the Minecraft game world. Such spawners are most often found in mines, for more difficult extraction of various resources. This monster breeder produces from one to four mobs of the same type. Monsters in these cells appear in approximately 15 to 30 seconds. This monster maker begins to work actively when the distance between it and the player is less than 18 blocks.

Previously, any spawner could be obtained using a pickaxe, which must be enchanted with Silk Touch. Later, this option was removed, but a mod was created that made it possible to create a spawner for all types of monsters. You can also make spawners in the “Creative” mode. This mode can be enabled in the menu using the game console, which opens by pressing the “T” key. After turning on the console, write gamemode creative in this line. In addition to the fact that in this mod you can make spawners, you can also use any blocks here, and you can also fly.

Let's make a spider spawner, for example. To do this, we will need the following materials: 80 mossy cobblestones, 80 iron ingots and one thread. Mossy cobblestones and iron ingots must be divided into 20 pieces and arranged in a certain way along with the thread (see the recipe picture).

To make a working spawner, it will take a lot of time, and in order to teach you this, it is advisable to watch the video:

(spider spammer).

Here is another very useful video on how to make a zombie spammer:

But you won’t be able to make such a spawner while playing Survival.

Helpful information

If you find an efreeti spammer, you should not break it, since only in them we can find fire rods. Beginning players (newbies) often take spawners as a threat, and often break all spammers. Some spawners are sources of very rare resources. I do not recommend making spawners of giants and dragons of the region, because the spawner will not produce these monsters due to its size.

Mobs in Minecraft are sources of various resources. Fighting them is extreme. But often searching for monsters is a troublesome task that takes up valuable time. These facts lead to the idea that it would be nice to receive mobs with all their benefits without bothering yourself with secondary movements. Is there an artificial way to harvest creatures? Like almost everything a crafter craves, this desire is entirely possible. Minecraft, which you can play online via this link or on our server, is full of a variety of surprises. Often the solutions to problems in Minecraft are very beautiful. This problem was also solved elegantly. No, you can’t download animals, you can’t craft them either, but... To make the extraction of mobs continuous, you just need to build a spawner!

How to get a spawner

Spawn, or spawn for Minecraft, is the appearance of monsters in the game. This usually happens naturally. A spawner is a kind of structure that automates the appearance of mobs. It is a lattice transparent block. Inside the cage there is a flame and a mini-model of the mob whose spawn is required. The monster model rotates. The higher the rotation speed, the sooner the creature will appear in Minecraft. In one approach, the spawner makes it possible to spawn 1-4 monsters. Any spawner spawns only one type of creature.

In addition to the fact that with the help of mobs you can get the desired resources in Minecraft, you can also use them to complicate or, conversely, make it easier for yourself to access those resources that are located in treasuries and similar places. Based on the device that you will soon be able to make, you can build mobile farms. The spawn structure cannot be moved, so it must be built in place.

Of course, the cell itself will not give you anything. In order for spawning to occur in Minecraft, you either need to use the console, or you will have to download the necessary mod. If you choose the command line, then, for example, the following command will provide you with the extraction of cows:

X, Y, and Z specify the required coordinates for spawning creatures.

If we talk about Minecraft modifications, then it’s worth listing those that wouldn’t hurt to download.

  • TooManyItems, for example, will help you create a spawner for almost any entity. She can even spawn spheres of experience.
  • WorldEdit, a server plugin, allows you to set the type of mob you need in Minecraft.
  • PowerCraft, Craftable Spawners are also mods that make crafting spawners accessible. They are also worth downloading.

From 1.2.5 to 12w27a in Creativity you can get a “mobo farm” by using the “Select block” button. True, in this case only the generation of pigs is possible. This button is definitely suitable for lard lovers. You can also come across “maternity hospital” monsters in treasuries. In a quarter of cases, spider spawners are located there, in a quarter - skeletons, in the rest - zombies.

Characteristics of “maternity hospitals”

Mobs spawn only when the distance between the spawner and the crafter in Minecraft is less than seventeen blocks. A large distance will force the mob to “freeze”. Spawn takes place in an 8x3x8 area (remember letter coordinates?) centered on the corner of the device, which has the smallest X, Z coordinates. Enemies spawn anywhere (within the area), even in the air in light levels of 7 or less. Friendly monsters accept any lighting, but are born only on grass. Spawn will not occur if there are more than six creatures of the same type in a 17x9x17 area at the same time.

There is a random time interval between spawn attempts - 200-799 Minecraft ticks, equivalent to 10-39.95 seconds. After the interval expires, the spawner tries to “give birth” 4 times. The freer the spawn zone in Minecraft, the higher the likelihood of creating all four monsters at once.

Peaceful difficulty prevents the spawning of hostile individuals, however, if you stand near the skeleton spawner, you can run into an arrow. It will not cause damage to the crafter, but the armor will be damaged.

A couple of nuances

  • There is no need to damage the ifrit “maternity hospital” in Minecraft. Spawning them means getting valuable fire rods.
  • Spawners of Dragons and Giants can be made, but there is little point in this. The size of these mobs violates one of the rules for summoning them by the spawner.

In general, you realized that it is better to download the mod and enjoy all its benefits.

Hi all! Today I decided to diversify the Minecraft game a little in terms of the number of characters that surround us. And therefore, further we will talk about the mob spawner in Minecraft.

Let's first figure out what it is, maybe someone doesn't know. So, a mob spawner is a block that periodically generates mobs. Which ones exactly depends on the type of spawner. There are several spawner rules -

1) The spawner generates only one type of mob.

2) The spawner can create from 1 to 4 mobs.

As a rule, the mob spawner is represented by a blue grid, in which a flame is burning with a rotating miniature mob. And it generates the mob that rotates there.

Where can I find a mob spawner in MineCraft?

Mob spawners can be found in the treasury, in an abandoned mine, in the Hellish Fortress of the Nether and other mysterious places. And now about the probabilities.

In treasuries, the variety of spawner varies in the following proportions:

  • Spider Spawner – 25%
  • Skeleton spawner - 25%
  • Zombie spawner – 50%

Spider spawners can be found in the mines, and ifrits can be found in the Nether.

How to make your own mob spawner in Minecraft?

In order not to describe this whole complex matter, I decided to find a video in which a guy talks about how to make a mob spawner, namely spiders and skeletons. Look and the questions should disappear.

Everyone's favorite game Minecraft, when you enter the game, offers the ability to generate a playground. However, nothing happens by chance, since most factors are determined by different biomes and types of locations. For example, if you want to get clay, you can only do it in water, but find an ocelot in the desert. Mobs are no exception; they also belong to certain locations. In addition, they are constantly restored to support the process of playing Minecraft. But this does not happen by chance, but in a certain spawn location. The spawn was pre-determined during the map creation process.

Respawn and spawn

Players who are fans and ardent participants in all kinds of multiplayer projects must know about such concepts as respawn and spawn. In simple terms, these are certain points where a mob or a player goes after death, as well as when the journey begins. You need to know about this in order to understand how to make a spawner in minecraft.

Respawn is the place where the player is reborn after death. If there are a lot of points such as respawn, then there is a process of teleportation between them. A spawner is a block with a blue lattice, transparent, and mobs also appear from it. Inside is a small mob model and a flame. The rotation frequency shows the time the mob appears; the faster it is, the sooner it will appear. One spawner can make up to four mobs in minecraft.

The structure and method of operation of the presented device is simple, but still it is necessary to approach it with responsibility and be extremely careful. This is necessary to learn how to properly make a mob spawner in Minecraft. What is the purpose of the mob spawner? In order to complicate the gameplay, as well as to protect certain resources located in mines and fortresses.

Operating principle

What is the operating principle of such a device in Minecraft? Everything is extremely simple - he has a certain type of mobs that he spawns, namely: zombies, spiders, skeletons and many other creatures. Such a device serves to protect a specific and important object, so when a character approaches it closely, a small model of the mob begins to spin. And the faster it spins, the sooner these creatures will be born, after which they will instantly begin to attack and attack the character.

Where and how can you find spawners in the world of Minecraft? Many participants are interested in how to make a spawner without certain modifiers. But this is impossible, without mods they can only be found. When you find them, do not rush to destroy them as quickly as possible because they can serve as an excellent storehouse of all kinds of materials. For example, if you try, you can find a device that is located in the lower world and produces efreet, and a rod falls out of them - you will not find such material anywhere. Thus, you will become richer and will be able to use such raw materials for your own purposes.

The variety of spawners in minecraft treasures is presented as follows:

  • Zombies – 50%.
  • Skeletons – 25%.
  • Spiders – 25%.