How to correctly insert a SIM card into a tablet and how to remove it. Problems with the SIM card on Android Why the SIM card cannot be inserted into a Samsung tablet

In this article we will tell you how to correctly insert a SIM card into your phone yourself. New modern models are coming out with convenient slots into which cards of the required size can be inserted without problems.

And all popular mobile operators produce unique constructors - SIM cards in three popular sizes: nano, micro and standard.

SIM cards are a subscriber identification module of a telecom operator. Several decades have passed since their launch until the start of mass sales, and during this time their shape and size have improved. This process was forced. First, smartphones appeared on the mobile markets, and there was simply not enough space under the back cover for parts. Technologies have improved, user demands have increased, batteries are larger, phones are thinner, and there is less space.

This evolution of cards allowed them to be reduced by almost half, and modern retractable slots significantly freed up space for other parts.

Let's look at what types of sim there are, what their features are, and how to insert a sim:

  • The full-size one (which many people didn’t even know was available) is the largest in the line, with the perimeter like a bank card. It appeared in 1991 with the first wave of popularity of cellular communications among ordinary residents. It is not used in modern phones; sometimes you can find cars with similar “innovations” a la the 90s.
  • Mini-SIM - still used for devices manufactured from the 2000s to the early 2010s, supports 2G and 3G.
  • Micro-SIM - appeared in 2003, but is currently considered the most used generation of communication modules. Supported by all manufacturers of modern gadgets with 3G and LTE.
  • The smallest is the Nano-SIM, which looks like its predecessor, but without the plastic edges. It appeared five years ago and is used in all models of the Apple brand and some other premium segment manufacturers.

All types of SIM cards are inserted the same way - into the designated slots in a smartphone or tablet. It is impossible to say exactly where the stand is located, since manufacturers reserve the right to place them anywhere, according to their design concept. Sometimes new phones have a sticker with step-by-step instructions; it can also be found in the User Guide.

Installing a SIM card

Traditionally, manufacturers place card holders on the right side of the case (if the cover is not removable), or directly under the battery, if it is removable. The following instructions are suitable for owners of the latest type of gadgets:

  1. Check if your phone is turned off.
  2. Detach the back panel.
  3. Locate the small indentation between the case and the battery.
  4. Remove the battery.
  5. There you will see SIM card slots. They come in different types: separate and two-story. The side you want to hold up when inserting will be shown next to the holder. As a rule, it is inserted with the gold contacts facing down.
  6. Carefully insert the battery back. Check that it fits snugly.
  7. Return the lid until you hear a characteristic click. They will mean that the lid is in place.

In the video you can see what to do with modern models whose lids cannot be removed:

Here's another video with a useful life hack:


Modern smartphones and SIM cards do not require manual connection. When you first launch it on a new device, you will receive a package of free settings from your mobile operator for all types of cellular services.

For dual-SIM mobile devices, control can be a little difficult for a beginner. You can choose a SIM for certain actions by default, or choose it yourself for every call and message.

Will a regular SIM card fit into the micro-sim slot?

You can cut a regular size card to micro-sim dimensions if the card is old. However, it is much easier and safer to contact a service center, where they will give you a new SIM in the form of a transformer - all popular sizes.

If the module urgently needs to be replaced with a smaller one, you can cut it manually with ordinary sharp scissors.

What to do with a poorly cut SIM card

However, such experiments do not always end successfully. If the SIM card was cut incorrectly and was damaged in the process, you must contact the customer service points of your mobile operator. Replacing the card with another SIM while maintaining the balance, tariff plan and, directly, the number does not take long.

It is not recommended to insert a SIM that has mechanical damage.

SIM card malfunctions

Users guess about their malfunction when the OS does not see the module and does not indicate it with the corresponding icon. The reasons may be:

  • The SIM has expired and is not intended for further use.
  • It has mechanical damage - scratches, chips and breaks.
  • Failed trimming. We mentioned it above.
  • The phone's firmware is tailored for a specific buyer.
  • Problems with the slot.
  • Failures in the operating system and software.
  • The contacts were damaged during installation.
  • Dirt got on the card holder.

In most cases, the card needs to be replaced, or the phone needs to be sent to a technician for diagnostics, as these can be either hardware or system problems.


Mobile communications and the Internet are available throughout the day thanks to smartphones and small card modules issued by cellular providers. That is why they need to be treated with care, monitored for their condition and serviceability. The more gadgets come out, the easier it becomes to use SIMs - their sizes decrease, and their capabilities increase. We hope you found this article helpful and provided easy-to-understand instructions on how to handle them in different situations.


There are many reasons why an Android device (smartphone or tablet) may not see a SIM card. This problem is not the most common, but very annoying, as it deprives the phone of its main function. What to do if such a problem arises, how to diagnose it and can you fix it yourself?

How to install a SIM card correctly

The SIM card is recognized by the device when it is correctly inserted into a special slot. If you have a new smartphone or tablet, first of all you need to correctly place the SIM card in the appropriate slot.

How to install a SIM card in a smartphone

  • Remove the back cover and take out the battery.
  • Place the SIM card with the metal contacts facing down. In different devices, the required slot may be located in different places; usually they show a hint picture to make it clear how to insert a SIM card.
  • Reassemble the phone and make sure the SIM card is playable.
  • Video: how to insert a SIM card into a smartphone

    How to install a SIM card in a tablet

  • Turn off the power to the device and place it on a flat surface with the screen facing down.
  • The hole for the SIM card is located on the side, in a separate slot. On its cover you can see a special symbol. Open this tray by lightly pressing the lid or use the special tool included in the kit.
  • After pulling out the tray, you need to place the SIM card in it. The metal contacts must face the back cover of the device.
  • Turn on the tablet and make sure there is a connection.
  • If you cannot remove the SIM card yourself (it is stuck), it is better to contact a service center: the card slot is very fragile and you can damage it if you take any measures yourself.

    Video: how to insert a SIM card into a tablet

    Why doesn't the device recognize the SIM card?

    The problem may be with the card or device itself. If you have a new smartphone or tablet, check that the SIM card is installed correctly. If the SIM card is installed correctly, but still does not work, you need to determine the source of the problem: the device or the card.

    Take another SIM card and insert it into the device. If it is recognized, the problem is in the first one. In this case, you need to contact your mobile operator to replace it. If the device does not read the other SIM card, the problem lies with the gadget.

    Troubleshooting your phone

  • Some devices only work with SIM cards from a specific operator. Check if your device is one of these gadgets. Often such problems occur with phones and tablets brought from other countries.
  • The SIM card slot is damaged. If you dropped your phone or got liquid in it, this could cause the slot to malfunction. If you removed the SIM card carelessly and often, the slot could be damaged by these actions, because it is fragile. In this case, repairs performed by professionals will help.
  • Unsuccessful firmware or incorrect software update can also cause the device to not work correctly. In such a phone or tablet, the SIM card stops working.
  • Sometimes the SIM card is not recognized because the phone takes a lot of time to download and activate the necessary services and drivers. Wait a few minutes, and only then try to perform any action on the device.
  • If your smartphone supports two SIM cards, make sure they are active: “Settings” → “SIM cards”.
  • Troubleshooting map problems

  • The SIM card is not recognized because you have not used it for a long time. The operator has blocked it, and you need to contact technical support or the nearest salon.
  • If you yourself decide to reduce the SIM card to mini or macro, you could damage important elements, so the device does not play it.
  • The card simply became unusable over time. SIM cards have a lifespan, and it is significantly reduced if you frequently remove and insert it into the device. The card can also be damaged if it is simply carried in a pocket or purse.
  • What to do if the device does not see or read the SIM card?

  • Restart your phone and wait for all services to load. Check if the SIM card is now recognized.
  • If still nothing has changed, remove the battery and then the SIM card. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the contacts. Check for dirt and dust in the slot itself. After that, insert the card back, turn on the phone and check for errors.
  • Look carefully to see if the SIM card fits tightly to the contacts in the slot. If a small gap is noticeable, place a piece of paper so that the contacts touch. After doing this, check if the problem is still there.
  • If the SIM card is no longer recognized after flashing or updating, reset your smartphone (or tablet) to factory settings: “Settings” → “Recovery and reset”.
  • If, after resetting the settings, the smartphone still does not see the SIM card, then you should contact a service center for professional help.

    How to customize the display of contacts on an Android device

    If your smartphone does not see phone contacts, you need to enable the display of numbers from the SIM card. To check this, do the following.

  • Go to the "Contacts" section.
  • Press the left touch button and select “Contact Filter”.
  • Select your SIM card, if it is inactive, then all contacts will be displayed.
  • In this example, the phone supports two SIM cards, select the option that interests you (the first or second card).

    You can independently diagnose the device or SIM card to identify and fix any problems that may arise. If none of the above methods help you, contact a professional.

    Connecting the Internet to a tablet is probably the first thing every owner of a mobile device thinks about as soon as he picks it up. Today, the Internet is needed not only for communication: for a long time, many programs, in addition to instant messengers and mail, and even some games require constant connection to the Internet.

    You can choose the best Internet for your tablet based on the specific conditions in which you plan to use it. For example, for those who use the device only at home, and for people who are actively on the move and constantly in touch, different connection options will be optimal.

    There are several ways to connect your tablet to the Internet. The choice will depend on your device configuration, the availability of additional equipment, and in some cases, your geographic location.

    Wi-Fi connection

    This is an option for home connection: if wired Internet is installed in your house or apartment, mobile devices can be connected via a Wi-Fi router. To do this you need:

    • enable Wi-Fi in the tablet settings;
    • run a search for networks and find the one you need (usually it is first in the list, as it provides the strongest signal);
    • Enter the security key if the network is encrypted.

    After this, your device will have access to the network, and you can use it both for communication and for watching videos, sharing photos, reading news and many other tasks.

    The same technology can be used in various public spaces: now many cafes, restaurants, educational or entertainment institutions organize free access for users and visitors.

    Connecting a tablet via a computer

    If you do not have a Wi-Fi router, but your computer connects to the World Wide Web directly (via fiber, twisted pair, ADSL or 3G), you can use its Wi-Fi module as a router. To provide mobile devices with an Internet connection via a computer, you need to create an access point on it using standard Windows OS tools (available in version 7 and higher) or using a third-party program.

    In Windows, you will need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center”, select “Set up a wireless computer-to-computer network” and then set the network parameters, following the system prompts.

    The second option will seem simpler to many, since it does not require complex manipulations. All you need to do is download and install the program (for example, “Connectify”), and in its settings, set the encryption type and network security key. After this, you can connect with mobile devices according to the scheme described in the previous paragraph.

    Mobile networks

    3G and LTE technologies are quite widely developed today and can easily compete with wired connections in terms of speed. Mobile Internet is a good way for those who are thinking about how to set up the Internet on a tablet if there is no constant access to Wi-Fi.

    Almost all tablet models are now equipped with radio modules for SIM cards for making calls, sending SMS and, of course, accessing the network. Study the tariffs of your operator and connect the one that suits you, taking into account the planned volume of traffic and/or time of use.

    Settings from the operator usually come automatically after installing the card; all you have to do is enable data transfer in the tablet settings. If this does not happen, contact your operator and find out the access point settings for manual configuration.

    Some users, having a device with two slots for SIM cards, use one of them for calls, and install the second SIM card only for the Internet - if the second operator offers a more favorable tariff than the first.

    But how to connect the Internet to a tablet if it does not allow for the installation of a SIM card? In this case, a 3G modem will help. It allows you to establish an Internet connection on devices that are not equipped with SIM card slots: computers, laptops and tablets without a radio module.

    The 3G modem is connected to the tablet via an OTG cable - a special short cable for communicating with third-party devices via USB. When connected, it will be recognized as a SIM card, that is, your further actions will be similar to the previous point: enable data transfer, and if the settings did not come automatically, then create and configure the connection point manually according to the operator.

    Connection via smartphone

    And the last method, which has something in common with all those described above: an active Wi-Fi access point can be created on a smartphone. When receiving mobile Internet via a 3G network, most smartphones have the function of creating a Wi-Fi point, which is also called a “Hotspot”.

    Many who buy a new tablet face one problem. It lies in the fact that not everyone knows how to correctly and, conversely, get her out of it. At the same time, at first glance, everything seems simple and obvious. However, it is not. An awkward movement and you can even break your tablet computer. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Moreover, we will talk in detail about how the SIM card in the tablet is changed.

    First, let's look at one important point. It concerns which SIM cards can be installed in the tablet. After all, each device has a special slot designed for a specific type of SIM card.

    It turns out that there are devices into which only SIMs of standard sizes are connected. True, there are fewer and fewer of them. Such gadgets include old tablet models from manufacturers such as Prestige, Irbis, Digma and many others. etc.

    At the same time, the slots of many other devices are designed only for micro-sim. This is iPad 2, 3, 4 and most Android tablets - Samsung Galaxy Tab, Asus Phonepad, almost all models from Lenovo and many others. etc.

    Moreover, do not forget that there are also tablets with slots for mini-sim and nano-sim. For example, these are the popular iPad Mini and Air devices all over the world.

    Therefore, before connecting a SIM card, you need to study the characteristics of the tablet. They will definitely indicate which SIM standard the device supports. Also, this information may be contained next to the connector itself into which the SIM card is inserted.

    What to do if the SIM card does not fit into the tablet? If it is slightly larger than necessary, then you can try trimming it. Thus, adjusting it to the required parameters. However, the easiest way is to go to a mobile phone store, where they will change your SIM card and give you one that matches your device.

    How to insert correctlysim card into tablet?

    We figured out that there are different SIM cards. So now let's move on to the next one. Let's talk about how to insert a SIM card into a tablet:

    1. First of all, turn off the device. Then place it on a flat surface with the display facing down. You can lay down a towel or some kind of fabric so as not to scratch the front of the gadget.
    2. Most tablet models have a SIM card slot on the side (sometimes on the back cover). It can be covered with a special flap, which needs to be moved or pulled out by prying it with a finger, nail or other thin object. On some devices, you can only get to the SIM card slot by pressing a paper clip into a special hole. There are also models where you just need to press the lid and release. After which the SIM tray protrudes outward from the connector
    3. If you can’t pull out the tray, you can use a needle or tweezers. Just be careful not to damage the device.
    4. When you get to the tray, you need to install a SIM card into it. This is done quite simply. Moreover, the holder itself has the shape of a SIM card with a beveled corner. You can only confuse the side. Therefore, make sure that the contact part of the SIM card is turned up and directed towards the back panel, and not towards the display. Sometimes there is a hint on the tray itself on how to correctly position the SIM card.
    5. Next, insert the SIM tray into a special slot. Most often, a little pressure is required to ensure that it locks securely. In this case, much effort is not required, otherwise the fasteners or the holder itself may break.
    6. We try to turn on the tablet. If everything was done correctly, the device will recognize the SIM card, and then give the user the ability to make calls and provide him with Internet access.
    7. However, it also happens that the tablet does not see the SIM card. Most often the reason for this is incorrect installation. Pull out the tray again and make sure that the SIM card is securely fixed and that it does not stick out or fall through. Pay attention to whether you placed it on the correct side in the holder.

    How to remove a SIM card from a tablet?

    Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the reverse procedure. What should you know about her? Essentially, if the SIM card was installed correctly, then removing it from the tablet will not be difficult. You just need to repeat all the steps described above in reverse order. But if an error was made during installation of the SIM card into the tablet (for example, it was placed on the wrong side), then problems may arise.

    In addition, sometimes the latches of the tray itself break. Or on some tablets, due to the rather large connector, the SIM card falls deep inside. What to do in this case? Try to carefully pry the SIM card or the part itself holding it with tweezers. If nothing works, then it is best to contact a service center.

    Do not try to force the SIM card out of the tablet. Do not pick with a screwdriver or sharp object. So, you can cause mechanical damage to the device, which will put the gadget out of action for a long time.

    What to do if the tablet does not see the SIM card?

    It also happens that even after the SIM card is installed correctly in the tablet, the device does not react to it in any way. That is, he simply does not see the SIM card. There are many reasons for this problem:

    1. The SIM card itself is blocked. For example, it has not been used for more than six months. In this case, you should contact your operator.
    2. The connector contacts are damaged. This happens both with expensive tablets (from Samsung, Apple) and with budget models (from manufacturers such as Dexp, Prestigio, Alcatel, etc.). Only a service center can help.
    3. Software problems. For example, old firmware on Android often results in the SIM card being inactive. What can be done? Of course, update the OS.
    4. Symbol wear cards. For some reason, many people forget that a SIM card cannot work forever. In addition, with active use, its contacts quickly wear out. This problem can be solved by visiting the telecom operator and replacing the old SIM with a new one.
    5. Inactive network. Some models of Chinese tablets have restrictions that allow you to use only SIM cards from a particular operator. In this case, you will have to seriously tinker with the settings. It may be possible to register the desired telecom operator and activate the network.

    The article describes in detail instructions on how to set up the Internet on a tablet. All the most popular methods of connecting to the Internet are presented.

    How to set up Internet on a tablet via WiFi

    Tablet personal computers are becoming more and more popular with the development of technology. According to statistics, more than fifteen percent of consumers of electronic equipment have Tablet PCs.

    The main advantages of tablets are that they are very lightweight, making them easy to carry. The tablet, having good technical characteristics, performs all the functions of a laptop or desktop PC. Convenient for watching movies and reading books on long trips and travels.

    A large number of modern tablet computers can function as a full-fledged phone, supporting multiple SIM cards. Accordingly, you can set up a full Internet connection on your tablet.

    If you are wondering how to set up the Internet on an Android tablet via a router, follow the instructions below:

    1. First you need to activate the Wi-Fi service in the tablet settings. Then check your router.
    2. The router must be turned on and connected to the Internet cable.
    3. When you go to the Wi-Fi service menu on your tablet, you will see the name of your router in the list of found devices. Select it and enter the password.
    4. It may take several minutes to connect the tablet to the router.
    5. The tablet is successfully connected to the World Wide Web, and now you can use the Internet.

    How to set up Internet on a tablet using a Megafon SIM card

    You can connect to the Internet not only using a router. Tablets that support SIM cards can connect to the network through mobile operators. Connecting to a mobile network will allow you to stay online wherever you are.

    If you want to learn how to set up the Internet on a tablet for MegaFon users, read the instructions below:

    1. First, make sure that a working MegaFon card is inserted into the tablet.
    2. Then you should obtain Internet auto settings for your device model from your mobile operator. To do this, you need to send a free SMS with the number 1 to 5049.
    3. Within a minute you will receive all the necessary settings. They appear in messages. Once you have opened the desired message, the “Install” button will appear. Press it - and within a minute all Internet settings will be saved on your tablet.
    4. After completing the first three steps, you will have access to the Internet, but according to the standard tariff plan. To get acquainted with all the offers of the MegaFon company in more detail, contact the operator by calling 0500.

    Modem "Megafon"

    You can set up access to the network using a standard modem, which is purchased by the user at any communication store. It is mandatory to first discuss the tariffication of megabytes and the established speed of the Internet connection.

    You can learn how to set up the Internet on your tablet via the Megafon modem from the instructions:

    1. To connect to the Internet via a Megafon modem, you will need a SIM card and a pre-purchased modem itself.
    2. Before buying a modem, check its compatibility with your tablet model, otherwise it will be impossible to establish an Internet connection.
    3. Connect the modem to the tablet using a special adapter that comes with the modem.
    4. Install drivers on your tablet by downloading them from the Megafon website.
    5. Launch the modem management program and use it to connect to the Internet.
    6. Restart your Tablet PC.
    7. In the device settings, check the connection type (must be a 3G connection).
    8. Everything is ready, the tablet is now connected to the Internet and ready for further work.

    MTS SIM card

    In this section of the article you will learn about how to set up the Internet on a tablet via an MTS SIM card.

    The mobile operator MTS offers its users a wide range of services and tariff plans for connecting to the Internet. On the company's website you can read detailed information about all available tariff plans in your region. Each user will be able to choose a service that is convenient and suitable for him. To learn how to set up the Internet on your tablet, read the instructions below:

    1. Set up an APN access point on your tablet. It will allow you to connect to the MTS company server and access the Internet according to your tariff plan. To configure the point, go to the tablet settings and in the "Wireless" menu item, create a new APN point.
    2. Call it MTS internet.
    3. GPRS - channel type.
    4. Website - or, depending on your country of residence.
    5. Username and password - enter the text mts in both lines, without quotes.
    6. Done, the access point has been created. Now you can access the Internet using a standard tariff plan. For a more detailed selection of tariffs, contact the operator by calling 111.

    Mobile Internet

    To choose the most suitable type of Internet, you should know all the pros and cons of mobile and 3G connections.

    Mobile Internet has a fairly low cost, and you can use it within the network coverage area. This is a pretty good option for those who regularly view text news or use search engines.

    However, the mobile Internet speed is slow. In order to get a large amount of monthly traffic, you need to connect to a good tariff. The speed of watching videos and listening to music is very slow, so this type of Internet connection is not suitable for those who need to quickly view various types of multimedia files.


    A 3G connection has a fairly high speed, but its price is several times higher (compared to mobile Internet). 3G allows you to watch videos, load pictures quickly and play music perfectly. This wireless connection option is gaining momentum and becoming more and more popular among users.