Cloud technologies. Benefits from modern cloud technologies Features of cloud technologies

What is hidden behind similar abbreviations like XaaS?

When browsing cloud technology news, readers are faced with different definitions and designations, the meaning of which may not be immediately clear. Not to mention the same type of abbreviations for cloud services, in which even specialists working in the IT field sometimes get confused. Therefore, we decided to collect in one place basic definitions, knowledge of which will help you read materials on the topic of cloud technologies and understand them, without being distracted by search engines or Wikipedia.

For convenience, we have divided the terms into several categories, briefly describing the most important in each of them. Of course, our article does not contain all the definitions, but even this list is enough to navigate the world of cloud technologies relatively freely.

Clouds. General terms

Cloud computing In simple terms, it is a scenario in which a user is given access to computing resources such as servers, networks, storage systems, applications and services over a network, most often the Internet.

Public cloud an infrastructure that provides the ability to use cloud computing to a wide range of users. Typically owned by a commercial organization.

Private cloud as the name suggests, it is an infrastructure owned by one organization and allowing the use of cloud computing exclusively for its purposes.

Hybrid cloud combines the features of a private and public cloud. With this approach, part of the infrastructure is owned by the client, and part is rented. Communication between the two structures is ensured using data transfer technologies.


Data processing center (DPC) a specialized free-standing building for housing various server and network equipment, accessed via the Internet. In addition to providing redundant power and communication channels, such a building must have qualified personnel to ensure constant monitoring and maintenance of all systems.

Server a specialized computer used to run applications and services that support the IT infrastructure.

Cluster several servers connected by communication channels and presented to the user as one hardware resource.

Data storage systems (DSS) a software and hardware solution that allows you to consolidate all disk space within one system. In addition to general fault tolerance and constant monitoring of its own state, storage systems support many useful functions, such as data replication at the array level.

Replication the process of copying data for the purpose of synchronizing it to one or more objects. Allows you to protect information from loss in the event of equipment failure.

Network switch ( Switch) a device that allows you to connect several nodes of a computer network. Operates at the L2 level of the OSI model.

Network router ( router) a device that has several network interfaces and allows data to be transferred between different network segments. The rules on the basis of which packets will be transmitted are configured by the administrator. Operates at L3 level, OSI model.


Virtualization a technology that allows you to provide computing resources abstracted from the hardware and at the same time logically isolated from each other. That is, on one physical server you can create many virtual ones that will work independently.

Hypervisor a program that allows you to implement virtualization technology. Using the hypervisor, virtual machines, as well as networks, soft switches and routers are managed and configured.

Virtual machine an analogue of a physical computer implemented in a virtual environment. The concepts of “virtual machine” and “virtual server” differ only in their final purpose, but are essentially the same thing.

Cloud Services

It is worthwhile to separately describe the main services provided on the basis of virtual technologies. A large group of such services are united under the acronym XaaS, which stands for “anything as a service.” All these services are based on three main ones: PaaS, SaaS, IaaS.

PaaS ( Platform as a Service - platform as a service) This type of cloud computing is provided to the customer in the form of a ready-made software platform that includes various tools and allows them to be customized. Essentially, this platform can be anything: a testing environment, a database management system, or automation of management processes. Moreover, such a platform is managed and maintained by a service provider.

SaaS ( Software as a Service - software as a service) This is probably the most common type of service based on cloud technologies. It consists of providing the customer with the use of any programs that are located in the service provider’s cloud. A striking example is the Google email account or, for example, the Microsoft Office 365 package.

IaaS (InfrastructureasaService - infrastructure as a service) a type of cloud service that involves the customer renting a pool of computing resources from a service provider as a virtual infrastructure. These can be virtual servers, data storage systems, various network elements, as well as any combination of these components.

But besides the basic ones, there are many other cloud services. Let's take a closer look at them:

DRaaS (DisasterRecoveryasaService - disaster recovery as a service) a service to provide the customer with the ability to restore the functionality of their own virtual structure in the service provider’s cloud in the event of an accident or disaster. Services of this type help eliminate the impact of serious disruptions on the business, which means they are most in demand by companies for which the operation of applications and services is a critical parameter.

BaaS (BackupasaService - backup as a service) a service to provide the customer with a platform and tools for organizing the procedure for backing up data to the cloud. The implementation of this service depends on many factors, such as the amount of data being backed up, the bandwidth of communication channels, as well as the backup scheme and depth of the archive. This is convenient for companies that have a large amount of critical data, but organizing their own reliable backup system is unprofitable.

BaaS (BackendasaService - backend as a service)— a set of ready-made server functionality that allows you to simplify and speed up application development. In other words, this is a full-fledged development environment hosted in the cloud, which means it allows you to take advantage of all the advantages of the technology, such as, for example, unlimited scalability.

MaaS ( Monitoring as a Service - monitoring as a service) a relatively new type of cloud service, which consists of organizing monitoring of one’s own infrastructure using software hosted in the service provider’s cloud. As in many other cases, this solution allows you to use the most advanced software tools without purchasing them or organizing administration.

DBaaS ( Data Base as a Service - database as a service) a service that allows clients to connect to a database located in the cloud. In this case, the cost of the solution is calculated based on the volume of the database and the number of client connections. The main advantages of such a solution, of course, will be scaling and the absence of the need to ensure data security.

HaaS ( Hardware as a Service - equipment as a service) — a service for providing computing power from the cloud. In fact, instead of buying an iron server, the client can rent it, and it will be located on the service provider’s site, which will ensure power backup and timely service.

NaaS ( Network as a Service - network as a service) — a service for providing network infrastructure as an alternative to your own network. NaaS capabilities allow you to use routing tools, as well as increase or decrease channel capacity.

STaaS ( Storage as a Service - storage as a service) This is a service for providing disk space in the cloud. For the user, this solution looks like an additional logical drive or just a network folder. The advantage of STaaS is the presence of reservation as a prerequisite for any service provider.

DaaS (DesktopasaService - desktop as a service)- a service that consists of providing the user with a remote desktop. Unlike local, remote desktop can have really powerful technical characteristics, this allows you to use applications of various levels without being tied to the capabilities of your desktop PC.

CaaS ( Communications as a Service - communication as a service) — a service for providing communication tools in the cloud. In other words, this service allows you to organize telephony, instant messaging, or, for example, the ability to conduct video conferences by the service provider.

CaaS ( Container as a Service - container as a service) - a type of service that has become increasingly popular recently. It consists of providing the client with the ability to organize, start or stop a container using a web interface or API tools.


In this article, we looked at the basic concepts that allow you to better navigate the world of cloud technologies, and also examined most of the services provided on their basis. We hope that this information will be helpful.

Examples of "cloud technologies"

A great contribution to the development of cloud technologies was made by the OnLive service, opened on July 17 in the United States, which provides the opportunity to play modern games even on the simplest equipment. Technically, it looks like this: the game itself is located on a remote server and graphics are processed there, which are delivered to the end user’s computer in a “ready” form. Simply put, the calculations that are performed by the video card and processor during a normal game on a computer are already performed on the server, and your computer is used only as a monitor. You can even use a regular TV, you just have to buy a miniature OnLiveMicroConsole set-top box for it, which will be the link between the user, the service and the display device.

The cloud is nothing more than a large data center (or a network of interconnected servers). In the case of OnLive, it is in this data center that files (in this case, games) are stored, and it is there that all computing operations are performed. What does it mean? This means that all problems with computer performance and the amount of free space on the hard drive are automatically removed. In addition, there is no need to pay quite a lot of money up front for a product that you don’t necessarily like. It's no secret that you don't want to play through most games again, so it turns out that the cost of several hours (or even several days) of pleasure is unreasonably high. A much more convenient option would be one in which you pay only for the time you play. Or (if this option is psychologically inconvenient for you) - you would pay some small fixed amount monthly, which would allow you to play any of the available games without restrictions. That's exactly what OnLive offers.

Another gaming service that also provides rich Internet functionality and is related to cloud technologies is XboxLive (it will be launched in Russia on November 10). The essence of the service is that owners of Xbox 360 consoles and PDAs based on WindowsPhone 7 can play computer games with each other and communicate, as well as buy new games, add-ons and various multimedia content in the online store. Thus, XboxLive creates a kind of virtual universe for gamers, the components of which are located not on end-user consoles, but in the cloud. However, unlike OnLive, XboxLive does not (at least not yet) involve audiovisual content processing that eliminates the need to purchase a console/PDA.

But the main thing is that both services offer us games as a service. That is, you pay not for the product as such (roughly speaking, for a box with a disc), but for the specific functions/opportunities that this product provides you. (SaaS model).

According to the SaaS concept, you do not pay a lump sum when purchasing a product, but, as it were, rent it. Moreover, you use exactly those functions that you need (and, accordingly, pay for them). For example, once a year you need a certain program. And you are not going to use it more often. So why buy a product that will sit idle? And why waste space on it (in an apartment, if it’s a box with a disk, on a hard drive, if it’s a file)? Here, of course, one could argue that programs that we use occasionally are usually small in size and price, and are easier to buy once and then not think about it again. What if the online service (providing the full functionality of this program) is free? You can already think about it! This is exactly the path followed by two competitors - Microsoft and Google. Both companies have released sets of services that allow you to work with documents. Google has GoogleDocs, Microsoft has OfficeWebApps.

At the same time, both services are closely interconnected with mail (Gmail in the first case and Hotmail in the second) and file storage. Thus, the user is, as it were, transferred from his usual offline environment to online. It is important that both Google and Microsoft integrate support for their online services into all software environments - both desktop and mobile (remember that Google created the Android OS, and Microsoft created WindowsPhone 7).

A similar concept (but with slightly different accents) is being promoted by the main competitor of both companies, Apple. We are talking about a very interesting service called MobileMe. The service includes an email client, calendar, address book, file storage, photo album and a tool for locating a lost iPhone. For the opportunity to use all this, Apple charges approximately 65 euros (or $100) per year. At first glance, what are you paying money for? Online email services exist and have existed before. But the main thing here is something else. Apple provides such a level of interaction between its set of Internet services and applications on a computer (running Mac OS X), phone, player and iPad (all running iOS) that the need to use a browser disappears. You use familiar programs on your Mac, iPhone and iPad, however, all data is stored not on them, but in the cloud, which allows you to forget about the need for synchronization, as well as about accessibility (surely many PDA owners are familiar with the situation when you have entered a new contact into the address book on the computer, and then they forgot to transfer it to the PDA, and as a result, the contact was not at hand at the right time). At the same time, let’s make a reservation that you don’t have to use the applications exactly - you can simply log into your account through a browser from any computer.

If Apple integrates web services into familiar operating system applications, Google comes from the opposite direction: the Chrome OS operating system developed by the Internet giant is, in fact, one browser through which the user interacts with an extensive network of web services. The OS is designed for a netbook, with very low system requirements and no need to install programs yourself (since all programs run directly on the web). That is, Google brings the benefits of the cloud concept, usually promoted when working with corporate clients, to ordinary users. At the same time, it is obvious that it is impossible to use such netbooks in countries with insufficient broadband Internet penetration. Because without the Internet, a netbook based on Chrome OS will be completely useless.

Microsoft is still a little more cautious in this area. Microsoft's main products for private clients - Windows and Office - still retain their usual operating scheme and are distributed according to the traditional model. However, Microsoft is quite actively beginning to offer its corporate products using the Softwareas a Service cloud model. Well, at the center of the entire Microsoft cloud infrastructure is the WindowsAzure operating system. WindowsAzure creates a unified environment that includes cloud analogues of Microsoft server products (relational database SQL Azure, which is an analogue of SQL Server, as well as ExchangeOnline, SharePointOnline and MicrosoftDynamics CRM Online) and development tools (.NET Framework and VisualStudio, equipped in the 2010 version with a set of WindowsAzureTools ). So, for example, a programmer creating a website in VisualStudio 2010 can host his website in WindowsAzure without leaving the application.

Imagine that you wanted to open your own business and create some kind of website. We bought a server, hired an IT employee, and launched our website. At first there are few visitors, and the server can cope with the load, but then the site is advertised by a famous blogger, the number of visitors increases sharply, and you have to urgently buy new servers. And therefore - buy software, hire employees, look for additional premises, and so on. In general, costs skyrocket. But the number of visitors stabilizes, and it turns out that the servers are operating at an average of 10-15 percent of their capacity. Only rarely does the number of visitors increase enough to load the servers sufficiently. And sometimes it even happens that the servers are overloaded - and then your visitors begin to experience difficulties communicating with the site. How to solve this problem? Take advantage of the capabilities of cloud technologies. You can host your website in the cloud, and you will only have to pay for the capacity that will actually be used, the traffic that will actually be created. This will save you from the need to purchase additional equipment in case of peak loads and at the same time eliminate the problems of day-to-day maintenance of numerous servers. How is this different from regular hosting? The fact that in addition to the physical hosting and support of your site, you are also provided with the necessary software (which is also located in the cloud), scalability and endless possibilities for expansion.

Let's give another example. Let's say you are the owner of a design studio. As a rule, several people work in it. But one day a large order arrives that must be completed in a short time. You have to hire outside employees while working on the project. However, they must be provided with expensive professional software so that they can work! What to do? Buy additional licenses, although you know that they will not be used later? Let's say. But you still have to spend time and effort installing and configuring this application on each computer. And then - for service. That is, in addition to new designers, you will have to hire a new IT employee.

In general, not the best option. It is much more convenient to use the online version of the necessary software, paying only for the time that employees used this software.

Moreover, you automatically avoid problems with setting up, administering and supporting the program. By the way, not only users benefit from this, but also software producers themselves. Why? The answer is simple: because it completely eliminates the problem of piracy.

As a matter of fact, we have given only a couple of specific examples. Speaking globally, all cloud technology options imply a subscription payment model. Moreover, not only in relation to software, but also in terms of hardware resources. And this is conventionally called Payasyougo. Well, those who do not need hardware resources can simply rent the required applications (and here we return to the concept of Software as a Service).

Research stages

    Set a work goal.

    Find a source of information.

    Process information.

    Give definitions, reveal concepts.

    Analyze the results.

    Draw conclusions.

Objectives of the study

    Study basic information about Cloud technologies, the types and areas of application of these technologies.

    Consider “cloud” technologies, in particular in education, and more about MICROSOFT technologies.

General provisions

The term " cloud computing"(English - cloud computing) is applicable to any services that are provided via the Internet. The essence of cloud technologies is to provide users with remote access to services, computing resources and applications (including operating systems and infrastructure) via the Internet. The development of this area of ​​hosting (Hosting service for placing the client’s equipment on the provider’s premises, ensuring its connection to high-bandwidth communication channels) was due to the emerging need for software and digital services that could be managed internally, but which would be this makes them more economical and efficient. These Internet services, also known as "cloud services", can be divided into three main categories:

    infrastructure as a service

    platform as a service

    software as a service

Compared to the traditional approach, cloud services allow you to manage larger infrastructures, serve different groups of users within the same cloud, and also mean complete dependence on the cloud service provider. When providing a cloud service, the pay-per-use payment type is used. Typically, the unit of work time is a minute or an hour of resource use. When assessing data volumes, the unit of measurement is the Megabyte of stored information. In this case, the user pays exactly the amount of resources that he actually used for a certain time. In addition, the cloud infrastructure provides the user with the opportunity, if necessary, to “raise” or “lower” the maximum limits of allocated resources, thereby taking advantage of the elasticity of the service provided. The user of cloud services does not need to worry about the infrastructure that ensures the functionality of the services provided to him. All tasks for configuration, troubleshooting, infrastructure expansion, etc. are taken over by the service provider.

Cloud types

Clouds can be public or private.

    A private cloud is an infrastructure intended for use by one organization that includes several consumers (for example, divisions of one organization). A private cloud may be owned, operated and operated by the organization itself or by a third party (or some combination thereof), and may physically exist within or outside the owner's jurisdiction.

    Public cloud is an infrastructure designed for free use by the general public. A public cloud can be owned, operated, and operated by commercial, academic, and government organizations (or some combination thereof). The public cloud physically exists in the jurisdiction of the owner - the service provider.

    A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more different cloud infrastructures (private, public), which remain unique objects, but are interconnected by standardized or private technologies for data transfer and applications (for example, short-term use of public cloud resources for balancing loads between clouds).

    Community cloud is a type of infrastructure intended for use by a specific community of consumers from organizations with common goals. A community cloud may be cooperatively owned, managed and operated by one or more community organizations or a third party (or some combination thereof), and may physically exist within or outside the owner's jurisdiction

    In practice, the boundaries between all these types of calculations are blurred.

Three tiers of cloud services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure for rent. The user is provided with a “clean” instance of a virtual server with a unique IP address or set of addresses and part of the data storage system. To manage the parameters, start, stop of this instance, the provider provides the user with a program interface (API).

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS can be thought of as a turnkey virtual platform consisting of one or more virtual servers with installed operating systems and specialized applications. Most cloud providers offer the user a choice of a variety of ready-to-use cloud environments.

Software as a service (SaaS)

The SaaS concept provides the ability to use software as a service and do it remotely via the Internet. This approach allows you not to buy a software product, but simply use it temporarily when the need arises.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

    The user pays for the service only when he needs it, and most importantly, he pays only for what he uses.

    Cloud technologies allow you to save on the purchase, support, and upgrade of software and equipment.

    Scalability, fault tolerance and security - automatic allocation and release of the necessary resources depending on the needs of the application. Maintenance and software updates are carried out by the service provider.

    Remote access to data in the cloud - you can work from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

    The user does not own and does not have access to the internal cloud infrastructure. The safety of user data greatly depends on the provider company.

    A disadvantage that is relevant for Russian users: to receive quality services, the user must have reliable and fast access to the Internet.

    Not all data can be entrusted to the Internet provider, not only for storage, but even for processing

    There is a risk that the online service provider will one day fail to back up your data and it will be lost in a server crash.

    By entrusting your data to an online service, you lose control over it and limit your freedom (The user will not be able to change any part of his information; it will be stored in conditions beyond his control).

Application of cloud technologies

As an example of the use of cloud technologies in education, one can name electronic diaries and magazines, personal accounts for students and teachers, an interactive reception area, and more. These are thematic forums where students can exchange information. This includes searching for information, where students can solve certain educational problems even in the absence of a teacher or under his guidance. For this you can use:

    computer programs

    electronic textbooks


    diagnostic, test and training systems

    application and instrumental software

    laboratory complexes

    systems based on multimedia technology

    telecommunications systems (e.g. email, teleconferencing

    electronic libraries and more.

Microsoft cloud technologies for educational institutions

Microsoft cloud technologies: Office 365, Azure for educational institutions

Microsoft Office 365 for educational institutions allows you to use all the capabilities of cloud services, helping to save time and money, and also improves the performance of students and employees. Basic functionality, including cloud versions of Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Office Web Apps, as well as Lync Online with video conferencing capabilities, will be provided free of charge. For more information on the new pricing and plans, please visit: Live@edu. Office 365 for Education combines the capabilities of familiar Office desktop applications with web-based versions of Microsoft's next generation of communication and collaboration services. Office 365 is easy to use and manage, with the robust security and reliability expected of a leading global service provider.

More detailed information can be found at the link:

With the help of the Windows Azure in education offering, teachers have the opportunity to incorporate one of the most innovative and rapidly developing technologies into their educational process, both in its theoretical and practical parts. It’s no secret that in a few years the demand on the labor market for specialists in the field of cloud computing will increase significantly; with the help of Windows Azure in education, universities have the opportunity to train such specialists.

Cloud technologies involve running applications or storing data on servers located in distributed data centers accessible via the Internet. To develop and run such applications, a special cloud platform is required. Such a platform is Windows Azure, a “cloud” analogue of the Windows Server operating system. However, if Windows Server is software that you purchased and deployed on servers in your local data center, then the Windows Azure platform is hosted in Microsoft data centers and is available to you remotely as an environment for developing and running applications. You do not need to purchase and install software, you only pay for the rental of computing resources and capacity of the Microsoft data center platform.

How does Windows Azure work?

Windows Azure works by running a virtual machine for each application instance. The developer determines the required amount of data storage and the required computing power (number of virtual machines), after which the platform provides the appropriate resources. When initial resource requirements change, the platform allocates additional or reduces unused data center resources for the application in accordance with the new customer request.

A feature of the PaaS model (“platform-as-a-service”) is the separation of the application and infrastructure: the developer only needs to determine the amount of resources required for the application to operate, and all actions to provide the requested resources, manage them, dynamic distribution, monitoring, scaling, etc. are performed provider.

For students who want to learn cloud technologies on their own, or who are working on cloud computing projects, Microsoft also provides free access to Windows Azure, allowing them to immerse themselves in the learning process without any restrictions.

For teachers:

    5 months access

    2 small compute nodes

    3GB storage

    2 service bus connections

    2 SQL Asure Web Edition (1GB)

For students:

Work completed.

The concept of cloud computing (computing) or cloud (dispersed) processing was first proposed in the 1970s. The idea was officially published and scientifically substantiated in 2006, when the company Amazon presented its web services infrastructure (Web Services), providing not only hosting, but also providing the client with remote computing power. Similar services following Amazon presented Google, Sun And IBM And Microsoft. Moreover Microsoft introduced not just a service, but a full-fledged cloud operating system Windows Azure.

Cloud computing(English, cloud computing)- a distributed data processing technology in which computer resources and power are provided to the user as an Internet service. As a rule, the term “cloud computing” used today is applicable to any services that are provided via the Internet. The term “cloud” itself comes from the accepted graphic designation of the Internet, which is depicted in the form of clouds. Thus, cloud computing is a new paradigm that involves distributed and remote processing and storage of data.

Today, a cloud service includes three main characteristics that distinguish it from a regular service:

  • mode of “resources on demand”;
  • elasticity;
  • independence from infrastructure management elements.

As a simple example reflecting the differences between cloud systems and conventional ones, we can cite resource issuance services on web servers. In the case of a conventional system, the provider charges for the provided capacity and resources, regardless of their use. As for cloud structures, fees are charged only for the capacity and resources used, thereby saving the user money.

Cloud services can be divided into five categories:

  • 1) software as a service;
  • 2) platform as a service;
  • 3) infrastructure as a service;
  • 4) data as a service;
  • 5) workplace as a service.

Software as a service (Software-as-a-Service - SaaS) - a model in which the consumer is given the opportunity to use the provider's application software running in the cloud infrastructure and accessible from various client devices or through a thin client, for example, from a browser (for example, webmail) or a program interface. Control and management of the underlying physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities (except for a limited set of user-defined application configuration settings), is carried out by the cloud provider.

Platform as a service (Platform-as-a-Service - PaaS) - a model when the consumer is given the opportunity to use the cloud infrastructure to host basic software for subsequent placement of new or existing applications on it (own, custom-developed or purchased replicated applications). Such platforms include tools for creating, testing and executing application software - database management systems, middleware, programming language execution environments - provided by the cloud provider.

Control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, operating systems, storage, is carried out by the cloud provider, with the exception of developed or installed applications, as well as, if possible, configuration parameters of the environment (platform).

Infrastructure as a service (Infrastructure-as-a-Service - laaS) is provided as the ability to use cloud infrastructure to independently manage processing, storage, networking and other fundamental computing resources, for example, a consumer can install and run arbitrary software, which may include operating systems, platform and application software. The consumer can control operating systems, virtual storage systems and installed applications, as well as the set of available services. Control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, types of operating systems used, and storage systems, is carried out by the cloud provider.

From an infrastructure point of view, the following deployment models are distinguished:

  • private cloud;
  • public cloud;
  • hybrid cloud;
  • public cloud.

Private Cloud(English, private cloud) - infrastructure intended for use by one organization, including several consumers (for example, divisions of one organization), possibly also clients and contractors of this organization. A private cloud may be owned, operated and operated by the organization itself or by a third party (or some combination thereof), and may physically exist within or outside the owner's jurisdiction.

Public cloud (public cloud) - infrastructure intended for free use by the general public. A public cloud can be owned, operated, and operated by commercial, academic, and government organizations (or some combination thereof). The public cloud physically exists in the jurisdiction of the owner - the service provider.

Hybrid cloud (hybrid cloud) is a combination of two or more different cloud infrastructures (private, public or public) that remain unique entities, but are interconnected by standardized or proprietary data and application technologies (for example, short-term use of public cloud resources to balance load between clouds).

Public Cloud (community cloud) is a type of infrastructure intended for use by a specific community of customers from organizations that have common goals (for example, mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance with various requirements). A community cloud may be cooperatively owned, managed and operated by one or more community organizations or a third party (or some combination thereof), and may physically exist within or outside the jurisdiction of the owner.

Along with obvious advantages, the concept of cloud technology is not without its disadvantages. The main complaints relate to security and the need for reliable broadband Internet access.

Let's look at examples of implementation of cloud technologies (besides webmail).

For example, a cloud service was launched in the USA OnLive, providing the opportunity to play modern games even on the simplest equipment. Technically, it looks like this: the game itself is located on a remote server and graphics are processed there, which are delivered to the end user’s computer in a “ready” form. In other words, the calculations meant to be done on your computer's graphics card and processor are done on the server, and your computer is used only as a monitor.

Also Apple is developing cloud technology in the form of a service called MobileMe. The service includes an email client, calendar, address book, file storage, photo album and a tool for locating lost items iPhone. This service is paid, but the main thing here is different. Apple provides this level of interaction of its set of Internet services and applications on a computer, phone, player and iPad, that the need to use a browser disappears. You use familiar programs on your Mac, iPhone And iPad, however, all data is not stored on them, but in the cloud, which allows you to forget about the need for synchronization, as well as accessibility. At the same time, let’s make a reservation that you don’t have to use the applications specifically - you can simply log into your account through a browser from any computer.

Under development Google operating system Chrome OS is actually one browser through which the user interacts with an extensive network of web services. The OS is aimed at netbooks, with very low system requirements and no need to install programs yourself. In other words, Google provides the benefits of the cloud concept to ordinary users. The truth is that the disadvantage of this approach is that without the Internet, a netbook based Chrome OS will be completely useless.

Let us note the advantages and disadvantages of cloud technologies.

Advantages cloud computing:

  • reducing the requirements for the computing power of the user's computer (any computer that can open a browser window receives the enormous potential of a real workstation);
  • cost savings on purchasing, supporting, upgrading software and equipment;
  • scalability, fault tolerance and security; automatic allocation and release of the necessary resources depending on the needs of the application. Maintenance and software updates are carried out by the service provider;
  • remote access to data in the cloud - you can work from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet;
  • high data processing speed;
  • payment for services as needed and only for what is used;
  • saving disk space Submissions and programs are stored on remote servers).

Flaws cloud computing:

  • dependence of the integrity of user data on the companies providing the service;
  • the need for reliable and fast access to the Internet;
  • lack of generally accepted standards in the area of ​​security of cloud technologies;
  • the possibility of the emergence of cloud monopolists;
  • the danger of hacker attacks on the server (when storing data on a computer, you can disconnect from the Internet at any time and clean the system using an antivirus).

Despite all the criticism, cloud technologies have a good future. The simplest proof of this is that no matter how the three main giants competed and contradicted each other ( Microsoft, Apple And Google), they all almost simultaneously rushed into this new technology and have no intention of leaving. Moreover, all three companies connect their future with cloud technologies. Two years ago the concept cloud computing seemed just a beautiful idea, a “bait”, a strange experiment. Today, the benefits of cloud technologies can be felt even by those people who are not involved in software development, web technologies and other highly specialized things ( Xbox Live, Windows Live, MobileMe, OnLive, Google Docs- vivid examples of this).

Below is a brief description of several open source cloud technology projects.

Chef is a relatively new project, only a year old, but it is actively being developed, as can be seen from the frequency of code registrations. This is a build framework for configuration management of all types of /G infrastructure, in particular among cloud developments. First, source code is written that describes how the infrastructure will be built, and then these descriptions are applied to the servers. The result is a fully automated infrastructure. Chef professionally supported and sponsored by the company Opscode.

Eucalyptus- this is infrastructure Open Source software for implementing cloud technologies on clusters. Current interface Eucalyptus interface compatible Amazon's EU 2,

S3 and EBS, however, the infrastructure is designed to support multiple client interfaces. Eucalyptus implemented using generally available tools Linux and basic web service technologies, which facilitates installation and support of the system. Eucalyptus Systems provide counseling, training and support services.

First of all, the cloud is of interest to end users of information systems. The simplest case: there is a web service that serves requests from users. The service is implemented in the cloud. As the number of requests grows and the service can no longer cope with the load, new nodes can be added to the system (dynamically or on demand) and the load redistributed between them

Secondly, Eucalyptus useful in the actual development of software systems. In the cloud, you can combine hardware resources of all stripes and shades that meet the requirements Eucalyptus.

OpenNebula- this is perhaps the most interesting and most significant project in the list of “cloud” technologies, advertising itself as Open Source tools for cloud computing. OpenNebula is a tool that can be used for any type of cloud implementation and for managing virtual infrastructure in a data center or cluster, or for combining local infrastructure with public cloud-based infrastructure. OpenNebula also supports public clouds, allowing cloud interfaces to expose their functionality to virtual machine, memory and network management.

Zenoss- has the ability to track Amazon Web Services and all types of other cloud and virtual infrastructure.

Enomaly's Elastic Computing Platform(Further - ECP) - programmable virtual “cloud” infrastructure for all types of enterprises. ESR Helps develop, manage and implement virtual applications in the cloud and significantly reduce administrative and system workload. The web-based dashboard enables 77 employees to simplify and effectively plan implementations, automate scaling and load balancing of virtual machines, analyze, configure and optimize the cloud capabilities of easy-to-use utility programs. ESR the platform was designed to work with the virtual data center, providing added value and reduced costs.

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud includes Ubuntu Server Edition and integrates several Open Source projects, including Eucalyptus. UEC provides users with turnkey packages for implementing a private cloud.

The cloud technology market is growing steadily and gaining new users every day. Leading business structures and government services are increasingly coming to understand the convenience of using cloud computing, and by the end of 2014, Russian business took 34th place in the world in the introduction and use of cloud computing, an indicator that increased by 35% compared to the previous year. The bulk of consumers come from fast-growing small and medium-sized businesses

Is everything so cloudy?

Like any other technology, this one has its pros and cons.

Padvantages of cloud technologies:

    All information is available from any device, be it a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. – connected to the Internet. The advantage here is that the user is not tied to a specific workplace.

    Reducing the cost of purchasing expensive powerful computers and servers; there is no need to pay for the work of an IT specialist to maintain a local data center.

    The necessary tools for work are provided automatically by the web service.

    The high level of technologically advanced computing power provided to the user makes it possible to store, analyze and process data.

    Services are paid only as needed for their use, and payment is made only for the required package of services.

    Modern cloud computing can provide the highest reliability; moreover, only a small number of organizations can afford to maintain a full-fledged data center.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies:

    To work with the cloud, a constant Internet connection is required.

    The user cannot always customize the software used to suit his personal needs.

    Creating your own “cloud” will require very large costs, which is not practical for new businesses.

    The “cloud” is a data repository that can be accessed by attackers using system vulnerabilities.

Leading IT companies and engineers have been arguing for a long time about the pros and cons use cloud technologies. There have also been cases of predicting problems and losses of confidential data in the clouds due to widespread demand and influx of users. But still, experts note that the benefits and ease of use of cloud computing outweigh the possible risks.

"Cloud" prospects

The problems with the development of cloud technologies in Russia are quite simple. First of all, this is the imperfection of the legal field. The second reason is the insufficient distribution of broadband Internet access, both in the regions and in the central part.

IDC, Russia Vertical Markets 2013-2018 IT Spending Forecast, 2014

The disadvantages of cloud technologies include and some subjective reasons why a large number of enterprises are not ready to use cloud services. There is a lack of trust in service providers, a fear of using several services at once, and a lack of standards that regulate this area.

Despite cons of cloud technologies and existing problems, they are already being used in Russia, and the prospects for their successful development are favorable.

Sky-high results

Advanced information technologies today often play a major role in the success of an enterprise - the speed with which a business responds to changes in the market must be the highest and surpass its competitors. Its profitability and success directly depend on this. That's why problems of cloud technologies are widely discussed and decided today. Experts say that there are a number of tools and capabilities that will allow you to use cloud technologies to their full potential, despite their shortcomings. This is a lot of work, and it doesn't only concern developers. The concept of cloud technologies is really important, as it can become a turning point in doing business and take it to a completely new level, which means generating income not only for management, but also for the state.